Newbie here. Gimbal Micromissile Pod seems too strong.
I've looked at it and yeah, i was on something there. Gonna tweak the stats downwards some but not sure exactly how much by though, likely a focus on giving it lower sustained DPS.
Probably also have it have limited ammo? In that case, its DPS wouldn't have to be lowered as much.
For comparison, this one from Stop Gap Measures mod doesn't seem strong. (Seems like it may aid a ship lacking in Kinetic damage that can't afford more flux expenditure...) to a Heavy Needler, its pros and cons (that most stand out) FWIR:
+ Flux-less
+ 1200 range
+ Homing
+ Infinite
+ Kinetic
+ High burst damage
- Can be destroyed (by heavy PD)
- Half DPS of non-missiles
- Somewhat high OP cost (12-13?)

A Heavy Needler:
+ High burst damage
+ Kinetic
- Flux cost
- Partially misses
- High OP cost
Seems that many weapons this mod introduces also similarly stand out...
Any other weapons in specific that you think might be overtuned?
I must've had a short experience with only a couple of them. But the Bramble one, I was finding best in a capital against some missile-heavy capital. It launched multiple "mines", FWIR. May have been better than the Dual Flak--at least against not-high HP missiles, supposing it deals less damage than it.
I think the GMP is mostly fine as-is.
I remember being able to cap the flux of a couple frigates with it (in the simulation), using the Shkiper (which I was finding the fact that it replaces the Shepherd disagreeable). Which wouldn't have been possible with a Heavy Needler, since it requires flux. Feels good, but is OP.
With the Shkiper (a frigate), I might have been able to fend off a couple destroyers with it. Not practically instantly capping their flux, but still preventing them from getting close.