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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.96a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.8.6a  (Read 98745 times)


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[0.96a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.8.6a
« on: March 18, 2022, 12:08:29 AM »

The 'Experimental' in the title is not just for novelty. Please use "Save Copy" before using this mod; in other words, back your save up.
The goal of this mod is providing extreme customization; balance isn't on any priority list. Extreme cases will be adjusted but that's pretty much it.

Experimental Hull Modifications
Requires LunaLib & LazyLib

Just some hull modifications. By some, I mean 40+ or something. However, most are mutually exclusive, so the usable list is rather short actually. On a new game or a load, all hull modifications and slot shunts will be added to player's known list. Any port you visit will have a new submarket where you can grab slot shunts from.

Hull Modifications:
• Experimental Hull Modifications: Provides a base to all other hull modifications in this mod
• Over-Engineered: Provides 20% OP bonus and some slot-points to the ship when built-in
• Logistics Overhaul: Strips the ship of all combat capabilities in favour of logistics
• Auxiliary Generators: Provides some slot-points in exchange for ordnance points
• AI Switch: Turns automated ships into normal, or normal ships into automated ones

Hull Modification Categories:
• Systems: Most vanilla systems are turned into hull modifications
• Retrofits: Alters the weapon slots of a ship all together
• Cosmetics: Fully customizable hull modifications to change shield and engine colours. Customization is done through the mod settings menu
• Activators: Uses slot shunts to provide the ship with various enhancements by altering the slot they're installed on

Slot Shunt Categories: These are utilities that can be equipped on weapon slots. Each require its own activator to do what it's supposed to do
• Adapters: Turns a bigger slot into smaller versions (3 large, 1 medium types)
• Converters: Turns a smaller slot into a bigger one by using slot points (1 medium, 1 small types)
• Diverters: Turns a slot inactive and yield slot points to be used by above (1 small type)
• Capacitors: Enhances the total flux capacity of the ship (1 small type)
• Dissipators: Enhances the total flux dissipation of the ship (1 small type)
• Launch Tubes: Turns a large slot into a fighter hangar (1 large type)

Where to find these Hull Modifications?
All of these hull modifications will be taught to the player on a new game or on a load. There's no hunting or buying them, at least for now! You might need to select the new "Experimental" category and/or the new subcategories if you've installed the mod on an existing game.

Categories (click to enlarge)
Where to find these Slot Shunts?
There is a new ability called "Experimental Engineering". You may need to put the ability on your ability hotbar first. While this ability is turned on, when you enter the refit tab, enough of these will be added automatically, and upon leaving the refit tab, unused ones will be removed. An alternative option adds a submarket for these instead, which will be visible on any port while the ability is turned on. Keep this ability active or toggle it on/off as needed.

The ability (click to enlarge)

The market (click to enlarge)

(Step Down Adapter, Mass Energy Conversion hullmods in action)

(click to open a larger version)

Download here
PS: I'm 99% more active on Discord.
Change Log
Refactored and overhauled most of the stuff under the hood; initial changes begun on the previous version, which are now all completed. Most of the 0.8.x versions didn't offer much in terms of gameplay, but with all these out of the way, parts of the mod that needs attention may get some. Hopefully.

- Fixed phase cloak checks of certain hullmods reporting incorrectly and blocking installation
- Fixed "Logistics Overhaul" not ignoring the hidden modular hull modifications in its checks
- Fixed an issue on base hullmod installation that added fixed built-in dmods back to the ship
- Fixed experimental hull modifications creating ghost categories in mission mode even though they were hidden
- Fixed undo button not getting disabled visually when it was supposed to
- Changed system retrofits so that they will be hidden if the system is not found, instead of crashing the game on install
- Changed engine cosmetic mods to apply the campaign engine changes immediately on install and/or when settings are saved
- Changed ship/module tracking completely, which comes with a few non-gameplay benefits:
   - All of the ships in the fleet will be tracked when the refit tab is open
   - "Play Drill Sounds - All" option will do so when a hullmod is installed on / removed from any ship
   - Modules will not spawn unnecessary trackers or get confused by duplicates and instead use their own
   - Officer and autofit menus will not cause the trackers to detect false-positive changes on the ship
- Combined some logging settings, suppressed most messages for default setting
- Fixed a fatal issue caused by a change in 0.8.4 that lead to slot not found crashes
- Changed "Logistics Overhaul" so that it cannot be installed on module-ships (for now)
- Fixed an issue with ship restoration that lagged the game if the ship had any activated slot shunts
- Fixed launch tube description
- Fixed a rare crash happened on load related to a listener
- Fixed Over-Engineered failing to refresh the ship display for any existing inert converters that it activated
- Fixed an issue that caused "Hull Restoration" skill to be more effective when "Quality Captains" mod was active
- Added OP cost to Over-Engineered (the OP cost matters only if "Progressive S-Mods" mod is installed)
- Added total flux capacity and dissipation bonuses (if any) to Mutable Shunt Activator's tooltip
- Added a new hullmod "Launch Tube Activator"; Mutable Shunt Activator no longer activates launch tubes
- Added a new hullmod "Logistics Overhaul"; strips the ship bare and repurposes it for pure logistics use
- Added "Hide Adapters/Converters" options; if enabled, the slot shunts will be hidden upon activation
- Added "Cosmetics Only" option; only cosmetic hull modifications will be available in the mod picker
- Added a "Debug Settings" section; enable/disable logging for certain items, display extra information on base hullmod's tooltip
- Changed "Play Drill Sounds" option; is now a selection with 'Experimental' (default), 'All' and 'None' options
- Changed how mutually exclusive mods behave; installation is not blocked anymore as the newer mod will remove the older one
- Changed slot retrofits to prevent installation and removal if there are wings or inert slot shunts present on the ship to prevent an issue
- Changed the OP bonus of Over-Engineered (back) to 20% (from 15%)
- Removed all experimental hull modifications from Missions; mission refit panel mod picker will no longer show any of these
- Removed all experimental slot shunt blueprints from known lists as it is redundant due to the ability

If you are using "Quality Captains", make sure it's up-to-date as there was an issue. Author of "Quality Captains" mod Dal has already made a change with "1.5.3" to ensure compatibility between the mods. Thanks Dal!
- Added a new setting for slot shunt availability, both options* rely on the ability
- Added a new setting to control deployment point penalty for the hull modifications
- Unused slot points from hull modifications will no longer increase deployment point cost
- Missile Slot Retrofit suppresses built-in HBI if present
- Adjusted some icons and text colours, fixed a few tooltips
- Fixed a vanilla issue with the weapon groups
- Prevented a potential problem with a listener

* "Always" (new, default) option makes slot shunts available whenever refit tab is opened
* "Submarket" (old) option makes slot shunts available only when docked at a port
A new hull modification which turns automated ships to normal, or normal ships to automated. Its tooltip is dynamic and will tell you about bonuses / penalties. Having the skill "Automated Ships" is required.

Other than that, there are a few "balance" changes, and fixes. First thing that's thrown out of the window with this mod is balance but I'll still try to achieve some semblance of "balance" whenever I can. Even though it's probably impossible!

- Added a new hullmod "AI Switch"; turns automated ships into normal, and normal into automated
- Added energy version of HBI; built-in HBI is replaced with HEI when Mass Energy Retrofit is installed
- Over-Engineered slot point bonus changed to 1/2/3/5* (from 1/2/4/6), OP bonus lowered to 15% (from 20%)
- Slot points gained through Over-Engineered and Auxillary Generators increase DP by 1 per slot point
- Mass Missile Retrofit OP cost reduced to 6/12/18/30 (from 8/16/24/40). It now raises missile weapon OP cost by 2/4/8
- Fixed weapon checks ignoring activated shunts on the adapted slots which allowed adapter activator removal
- Fixed some incorrect text in the settings
- Updated some tooltips
- Restored the unmodification

* The game will load fine, but you may be in a slot point deficit. No penalties for this state, just a heads-up!
Big version bump due to accomplishing another milestone; implementing fully customizable engines, and as a bonus, implementing LunaLib and taking advantage of its options menu for mods.

Make sure to delete the old mod folder as a different folder will be used from now on. Also, EHM now requires LunaLib (and LazyLib) to function. Old IDs are still in use for savegame compatibility.

- LunaLib integration; removed old .json files and moved necessary stuff to the new options menu
- Renamed some shield cosmetic hullmods to "Low-Tech", "High-Tech", "Midline" and "Crimson" shields
- Converted remaining shield hullmods to fully customizable* "Red", "Green" and "Blue" shields
- Added 3 fully customizable* engine cosmetic hullmods; "Red", "Green" and "Blue" engines
- Added full shield and engine customization options through the new options menu
- Added "Auxilary Generators" hullmod; provides 1/1/2/2 slot points at the cost of 10/10/20/20 OP
- (D) is removed, or if 'showExperimentalFlavour' is enabled, replaced with (E) from hull class names
- Fixed shunt market ability toggle not properly persisting through reloads
- Fixed value reduction on ships that persisted till a reload
- Hid the removal tool from .csv for now

* Shield customization is rather simple, however engine customization offers a lot with flexibility. All three customizable engines are tweaked like "Low-Tech" engines by default, however you can customize them like [REDACTED] ones as well if you so desire. Experiment as you wish!

Customizable cosmetic hullmods have a yellow triangle in the upper right corner of their icons, and their names can be changed within game as well. Most settings are self-explanatory, but some might require some experimentation to have an idea what they do.

To start customizing your shields/engines, simply open LunaLib's settings menu by pressing "F2" on the campaign layer. After that all you need to do is install the hullmod on a ship. When you save the new values, (most) changes will be reflected in the game immediately.
- Added automatic clean-up for the slot shunts remaining in cargo holds after the shunt market interaction
- Added workarounds* to prevent possible crashes related to slot not found errors
- Fixed an issue with ship restoration that made refit tab unresponsive for a few seconds
- Fixed weapon checking; mass retrofits can now be installed on Invictus and Retribution (and alike)
- Added relevant tags to hullmods to prevent hidden ones from dropping as loot
- Updated out-dated slot shunt tooltips
- Improved Version Checker support

* These workarounds unfortunately cause a few "visual" issues:
- Ships that can be restored to their base versions will have their visuals restored immediately
- Restoration is still required and can be used to remove the d-mods, restoration cost remains the same
- Ships will be marked as (D)amaged even without any damage, but they will be identical to pristine ones
- The value loss due to being (D)amaged is negated, d-mods and actual damage still reduce value as normal
- "Slot not found" crash related to d-hulls
- "Slot not found" crash related to mod ships using different slot numbering convention

- Added an ability to control the visibility of the the shunt market
- Mutable Shunt Activator now costs 2/4/6/10 OP instead of being free
- Flux shunts (dissipator and capacitors) costs are removed (they weren't using any after activation)
- Flux shunts now grant 1.5 OP points worth of flux dissipation & capacity (+15 dissipation, +300 capacity)
- Flux shunts' multiplicative bonus to total is halved (reduced to 0.01)
• Fixed crashing due to trying to register non-experimental hull modifications

Game related:
• Added a submarket for experimental weapon slot shunts
• Changed how player faction is determined (for Nexerelin)
• Fixed system slots interfering with ship weapon checks
• Over-Engineered now grants 1 slot points to frigates
• Fixed wrong tooltip for Over-Engineered's +OP% bonus
• Fixed main hull modification not adding on load (oopsie)
• Halved mutable shunt bonuses for now
• Fixed a fatal issue
• Fixed activated shunts showing up in weapon groups

• Added missing icons, sprites and whatnot to anything that required one
• Expanded the options in "ehm_settings.json" a little bit and added more entries to "ehm_localization.json"
• Moved back to the old tracking system; should eliminate tracking related crashes
• Some unique mod-ships should be tracked by the "new" tracking system

Slot Shunts:
• Expanded on the "Adapter" idea, added "Diverters", "Converters", "Capacitors", "Dissipators" and "Launch Tubes"
• "Diverters" are used to divert power from a weapon slot to another, yielding slot points
• "Converters" are used to make a weapon slot bigger, using available slot points
• "Capacitors" boosts the total flux capacity of the ship
• "Dissipators" boosts the total flux dissipation of the ship
• "Launch Tubes" adds new fighter hangars to the ship

Hull Modifications:
• Renamed "Torpedo Engines" to "Crimson Engines"
• Added a new hull modification category: "Activators", renamed and moved "Step Down Adapter"
• Added "Experimental Hull Unmodification" under all EHM categories; removes the base hull modification
• Added "Mass Missile Retrofit" modification; much more expensive than the others
• Added "Mass Small Universal Retrofit" modification; only affects small slots, cheaper than the others
• Added "Over-Engineered" under "Retrofits"; has no effect till it gets built-in, then it provides extra OP and slot points
• Added "Converter/Diverter Activator" modification; "Converters" use the slot points generated by "Diverters"
• Added "Mutable Shunt Activator" modification; Activates "Capacitors", "Dissipators" and "Launch Tubes"
• Phase Cloak subsystem will be hidden for now
• Added new JSON files ("ehm_localization.json" and "ehm_settings.json") under the customization folder

• A few things about the hullMod tooltips can be altered to some degree

• Cosmetic shield hullMods can now be renamed and their colours can be adjusted
• Flavour text that is applied on the ship manufacturer & descriptions can be enabled/disabled
• Fixed conflicts with Progressive S-Mods
• Added Version Checker support
• Altered the blueprint teacher to not teach hidden hullmods (which are visible through some mods)
• None of the experimental hullmods can be built-in
• Drone systems now regen a drone every 10s
• Missile Autoforge now has a cooldown of 45s instead of being a single-time use system
Many thanks to Lukas04 for the LunaLib!
« Last Edit: December 04, 2023, 01:23:31 PM by lyravega »

Obsidian Actual

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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.0 - Preview
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2022, 12:45:16 AM »


Quick question:
Had a peek at the .class files under the ehm_sr package.

Code looks consistently simple across all system-swap examples; just a few lines under applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation() and a systemId String.

Does this mean I could potentially create my own "unbaked / un-JAR'd" hullmod that allows for other custom ship systems to undergo ehm_systemRetrofit(), as long as I have this mod active and import/extend the correct stuff into my .java file?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.0 - Preview
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2022, 01:18:19 AM »


Quick question:
Had a peek at the .class files under the ehm_sr package.

Code looks consistently simple across all system-swap examples; just a few lines under applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation() and a systemId String.

Does this mean I could potentially create my own "unbaked / un-JAR'd" hullmod that allows for other custom ship systems to undergo ehm_systemRetrofit(), as long as I have this mod active and import/extend the correct stuff into my .java file?
ps: I'm very sleepy. lul

I'm not sure how Janino will respond, to be honest. ehm_systemRetrofit() is a straightforward system replacement function, does nothing special:
	protected static final ShipHullSpecAPI ehm_systemRetrofit(ShipVariantAPI variant, String systemId) { 
lyr_hullSpec hullSpec = new lyr_hullSpec(variant.getHullSpec(), false);
return hullSpec.retrieve();

The trick is doing it on a cloned hullSpec, otherwise all ships of the same hullSpec will be affected. The constructor there is a proxy class I made, if you set the boolean to true, it will clone the hullSpec. It is false in that method, because it is cloned elsewhere - through the hullMod I require as a base. You can either require the same hullMod ('ehm_base') and use the same method, or recreate the method above but set the boolean to true.

Additionally, the onInstalled() and onRemoved() methods are hardcoded; they involve string-butchery. onInstalled() is kinda unnecessary for a ship system, but onRemoved() should be utilized as it triggers ehm_systemRestore() - the method that restores the ship's system to its original when you remove the hullMod. For it to trigger, the hullModId must start with 'ehm_sr_', which is less than ideal but I will replace them with tags later on.

If you need some external functionality, I can think of some ways to make it less hardcoded, and can provide public methods, too. Lemme know! Also, don't hesitate to contact me on Discord, you can find me on the unofficial one.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2022, 02:17:52 AM by lyravega »

Obsidian Actual

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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.0 - Preview
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2022, 01:49:38 AM »

It's exactly as you put it; my past attempts to finagle ship system replacements via ShipHullSpecAPI's setShipSystemId() applied to all instances of the base hullspec. What you have here (i.e. cloning and... method reflection?) is a godsend to casual modders like myself.

Will continue to keep tabs on this mod's progress (and any other cool Lyr Tools you might conjure in the future). Pèifú, pèifú! ;D


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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.0 - Preview
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2022, 02:05:12 AM »

It's exactly as you put it; my past attempts to finagle ship system replacements via ShipHullSpecAPI's setShipSystemId() applied to all instances of the base hullspec. What you have here (i.e. cloning and... method reflection?) is a godsend to casual modders like myself.

Will continue to keep tabs on this mod's progress (and any other cool Lyr Tools you might conjure in the future). Pèifú, pèifú! ;D

Heheh, I hope they'll be useful =)

If you need to get a clone of a hullSpec, use the proxy class lyr_hullSpec's constructor, but use true for the boolean, like so:
lyr_hullSpec proxyHullSpec = new lyr_hullSpec(someHullSpec, true);
and you will get a clone. Then you need to apply it to the variant, and you get the hullSpec from proxy through retrieve(). I just provided the methods I use, but documented what they do, and if there's an API function for it, mentioned that as well. However, removal detection is a bit tricky and I hardcoded it for my hullMods as I've mentioned, if you need to use my onRemove() functions as well, without making your hullModIds start with 'ehm_sr_', lemme know!


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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.0 - Preview
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2022, 08:00:41 PM »

Mini-fix: Fixed an issue with medium adapters not working

Obsidian Actual

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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.0 - Preview
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2022, 01:35:45 PM »

So if one can "clone" hullspecs to temporarily change an instance's shipSystemId...
...then would the same be possible with a ship's defense system (AKA right-click system)?

Was imagining a method (in a similar vein as ehm_systemRetrofit(ShipVariantAPI variant, String systemId)) that could swap between NONE, FRONT, OMNI or PHASE, and also accept a custom defenseId if paired with PHASE (if say I wanted to port the Plasma Jets / Phase Skimmer ship system over to a right-click instead):

ehm_defenseRetrofit(ShipVariantAPI variant, ShieldType defenseType, String shipDefenseId, float shieldArc, float shieldUpkeep, float shieldFluxPerDamageAbsorbed, float phaseCost, float phaseUpkeep)
All arguments starting from defenseType are just a straight-up copy/paste of seven columns from ship_data.csv

One possible problem with PHASE type defenses would be trying to account for phaseHighlight and/or phaseDiffuse glowmap suffixes defined in the .system file; the game would CTD if it can't find the corresponding PNGs, and I cannot think of a way to catch/override this.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.0 - Preview
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2022, 04:11:22 AM »

• Fixed a tracking issue

So if one can "clone" hullspecs to temporarily change an instance's shipSystemId...
...then would the same be possible with a ship's defense system (AKA right-click system)?

Was imagining a method (in a similar vein as ehm_systemRetrofit(ShipVariantAPI variant, String systemId)) that could swap between NONE, FRONT, OMNI or PHASE, and also accept a custom defenseId if paired with PHASE (if say I wanted to port the Plasma Jets / Phase Skimmer ship system over to a right-click instead):

ehm_defenseRetrofit(ShipVariantAPI variant, ShieldType defenseType, String shipDefenseId, float shieldArc, float shieldUpkeep, float shieldFluxPerDamageAbsorbed, float phaseCost, float phaseUpkeep)
All arguments starting from defenseType are just a straight-up copy/paste of seven columns from ship_data.csv

One possible problem with PHASE type defenses would be trying to account for phaseHighlight and/or phaseDiffuse glowmap suffixes defined in the .system file; the game would CTD if it can't find the corresponding PNGs, and I cannot think of a way to catch/override this.

Added these in:
    void setShipDefenseId(String defenseId)
    void setType(ShieldType shieldType);
    void setFluxPerDamageAbsorbed(float absorbtionRatio);
    void setUpkeepCost(float upkeepCost);
    void setArc(float arcSize);
    void setPhaseCost(float phaseCost);
    void setPhaseUpkeep(float phaseUpkeep);
I added these in temporarily if you want to mess around with them, and you can make your own ehm_defenseRetrofit() out of those. I'll add that in later on, after some testing and number crunching.

It seems I forgot to hide the old Phase Cloak System by the way, I'll hide it later; or make it change the ship's defense system =) I didn't toy around with phase cloaks that much because I need to check every ship properly to see which number might be a suitable one for the upkeep and activation costs. All of the systems require some overhaul, and I'll get to it at some point!

Meanwhile, you can use the above stuff like this, however removal is again tricky. I'm thinking of a way to utilize hull modification tags to restore a ship to its stock, but need to rearrange some things around to make sure it works properly. Anyway, the example:
lyr_hullSpec hullSpec = new lyr_hullSpec(stats.getVariant().getHullSpec(), true); // true to clone, false if it is already cloned
lyr_shieldSpec shieldSpec = hullSpec.getShieldSpec();
shieldSpec.setPhaseCost(shieldSpec.retrieve().getUpkeepCost()*5); // using API methods through retrieve()
shieldSpec.setPhaseUpkeep(shieldSpec.retrieve().getUpkeepCost()); // basing the activation on upkeep cost of shields, but it might need a null or zero check - same for above
As I've said, I'll make a proper function out of these, but for now, I'll just provide the basics which you can use to make the same method that you've suggested. And I'll let you know when I implement a good way to trigger the hullMod removal through a tag, so anyone using those tags will also benefit from those.

edit: I added some tag support. If you hullMod uses 'ehm_externalAccess' tag (added from .csv or through code), and is removed from a ship, then the base hullSpec will be restored. Tracking is done through the base hullMod though, so unless it is installed / required, will not work.

So essentially you can create a hullMod that does all kinds of things, but if you need to remove your changes when you remove the hullMod, simply having that tag (along with my base hullMod that tracks all the hullMods) will trigger a total restore method. You'll hear a drill sound on install, and on remove. Hope it helps!
« Last Edit: March 20, 2022, 04:57:38 AM by lyravega »


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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.7 - Preview
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2022, 07:13:02 PM »

so if i'm reading this right, i could use this to put accelerated ammo feeders on an onslaught instead of burn drive?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.7 - Preview
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2022, 08:08:06 AM »

so if i'm reading this right, i could use this to put accelerated ammo feeders on an onslaught instead of burn drive?



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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.7 - Preview
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2022, 08:09:10 PM »

yes, i am excited. thank you for this mod


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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.7 - Preview
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2022, 01:33:34 PM »

This is unbalanced and unsportsmanlike and broken and maybe one of my favorite mods ever. The avenues of customization it opens up for your ships is unparalleled.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to upgrade my doomslaught with magenta engines and spray paint an anime girl on the side.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.7 - Preview
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2022, 08:09:01 AM »

Great mod :D, I love to tinker with the ships in my fleet, and this mod adds a mechanic that enables more customization possibilities. Look forward to future updates and what gets added next.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.7 - Preview
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2022, 07:16:22 AM »

Wow, this is a good mod. Color coordinating shields for mini-battlegroups in my fleet is exactly what I've wanted, even if I did not know that before. I can literally have Red and Blue squadrons in my fleet now, which is a delight. Uniform engine trails sometimes need a reload to apply on some ships, but thats fine to finally have the option to coordinate my fleet. The flexibility on offer is insane. I love this mod. My builds have gotten wonky, I had to throw out my entire fleet doctrine book and make new rules. This mod can very easily mod the fun out of a game by making some of the strongest ships this game has ever seen. Lots of modded subsystems are not worth swapping for, especially when the ship is built around using their system, but this mod is amazing for bringing low performers up to snuff.

One bug, when applying a new ship system to some modded hulls it causes a crash. So far the modded hulls seem to be ships that have "two" ship systems, one of which is triggered by right click. Causes an instant crash when trying to load SIM or combat. The Gunhazard from ARMAA is one such example.

Question, how does the phase ship system work? It seems far more efficient/effective than any other phase ship on roster. What are the activation and cloak costs? Are there plans to make the new phase system reflected with the proper phase subsytem hullmod and stat adjustments when installed?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Experimental Hull Modifications 0.1.7 - Preview
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2022, 05:46:25 PM »

Has this thing with the phase stuff been addressed? maybe just remove it for now?
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