Appreciate the time for you to message back, as a developer. Any response from a dev perspective makes a post worthwhile (however clickbait it might of been)
As a dev, it's generally a bad idea to respond to threads like this, but... (here we go!)
shouldn't be in a closely knit community or (IMO) ever an issue with any software release. This isn't Cyberpunk, it's not Stalker 2, It's not Starfield, you're not going to get corporately slammed or risk a billion $ share price tanking if you speak to the community.
If you was working for 2K, Rockstar, EA, Ubisoft etc.. It'd be a different story. The whole point of indie development teams having a stronger footing, than triple AAA software houses, is they are afforded the luxury of candidness and openness with their customers. Without significant financial ramifications and / or hitting deadlines.
Obviously CD Projekt Red didn't have that luxury, they released
too much marketing, too many promises, too many deadline promises.. The game was a car crash on launch.
That's obviously how NOT to release software or run a software house. That's not happening here, not ever happened here, nor runs that risk. Again this isn't a corporation that sinks millions/billions into a title on marketing alone, let alone development.
This is a job I did at Gaslamp Games. Sometimes it was fun, sometimes it was awful. Depending on the project and release schedule I could spend from 10% to 90% of my work-time doing PR/marketing stuff. In a small company, that adds up fast, and quickly begs the question of "do you want to be marketed to or do you want the game to be worked on?"
Publicly released milestones are marketing, not necessarily indicative of the actual state of affairs or of useful work that is done or will be done. Further, it increases risk to a project to release speculative plans because these are commonly interpreted by customers as a set-in-stone promise to deliver precisely described features. If those features turn out to be unfeasible for some reason the developer has to put PR time (costing development time) into explaining exactly why and doing emotional labour to make sure the news doesn't hurt community support for the project. Or the developer can martyr themselves by pursuing an infeasible features-set that lowers the quality of the product, their working-life, and risks burnout and bankruptcy (I ended up in something vaguely including all of this and it was hell. The high-communication indie dev marketing strategy wasn't the only or even key reason for failure, but it didn't help).
I can imagine that is frustrating, when you're technically minded and you get dragged into meetings and requirements gathering, doing anything other than what you're really good at (development)
Had it myself over the years, being a developer in a medium/large company has it's downsides and it seems physically writing code is only a small part of the role.
However in those kinds of companies you are expected to have working software out the door in a timely manner. Dashboards / Alerting / Unit + Integration Tests. New Relic Monitoring on servers, etc..
You can (and we do) still release quality working software in a relatively timely manner if you:
- Take the MVP approach
- Modularise the code, slow down and discuss and agree a nice architectural approach, avoid working in silos,
- Have a close relationship with your stakeholders and listen and demo early and often
- Avoid reinventing the wheel and use what works
In terms of corporate level development (can't speak for the games industry, but I imagine it has the same paradigms)
Projects are filtered down by the CEO / high level project stakeholders, I.T as a function is a delivery function to turn those ideas into reality. When you work for corporations that have millions of ££'s of sales on the line, you have to get something out the door.
We literally couldn't take 12 years to develop something, it's just not possible. Most modern day dev teams work in sprints, some still adopt waterfall, it just depends on the team structure and the type of work they are expected to release.
You guys aren't in that position, your a small indie team with as much time as you see fit, I guess my point is it's just been 12 years and the only major story update was the latest one with the Provost And 'Zig' etc..
it was nice to see that update and it was a pretty beefy one, but its seems to have stalled again.
Could be wrong, I know you say you're working on 'interesting features' - that's been the narrative for as long as I've been following Star Sector, (roughly 11+ years)
Really the modding community (praise them) has kept this community alive (IMO) and without them I think you would of struggled to retain a large part of the community and interest.
You're pretty fortunate to have such a strong and faithful dev community.
Going back to the marketing angle, I guess StarSector markets itself, it's got strong interest because it's a good game, my OP was really just a nudge to see where your at with regards to mindset and a 1.0 release.
It's obvious you can't / won't give a timeline, not really asking for that or even details of upcoming releases as I agree it would spoil the game.
However a 'rough' high level roadmap of what features might be coming up, could be useful.
- Tweaks
- Balancing
- Tweaks
- Tweaks
- New Content
- Tweaks
- Story Progression
- New Content
- Balancing
- Balancing
Apologies if this already exists!