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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!  (Read 192097 times)


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #240 on: February 27, 2024, 06:58:19 PM »

gundams feel kida weak any way you could beef them up a bit i was hoping the gundams would be op i put them against the arma armatura mobile suits and the gundams lost big time


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #241 on: March 08, 2024, 09:42:10 AM »

The only crashes I know of are 2 things.
1. An Arma Armature bug that can be patched out.
2. The ZEON, Zimmad, and Anaheim Electronics industries crash the game when owned by the player. Not sure why
Do you know what bug it is? Or do you mean a bug solely in ARMAA that affects this because it's a requirement?


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #242 on: March 10, 2024, 09:39:07 PM »

I was saving this mod for the last, and it's really well made!

But man, the gundams are so weak x(


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #243 on: May 08, 2024, 05:23:37 PM »

I was saving this mod for the last, and it's really well made!

But man, the gundams are so weak x(

You can actually edit the ships stats to make it stronger or even OP. Try going to Starsector\mods\Gundam-UC\data\hulls.
There should be the ship_data.csv and wing_data.csv files there, ship_data are for the ship hulls and wing_data are for fighter wings.

Try accessing the ship_data.csv file and look for the Gundam ship hull you want to edit. Make sure to only edit the appropriate stats and create a backup of the .csv file in case it's too OP. Once done, save the .csv file and re/start the game.

It should load straight into the menu if there are no issues with edit. This also works in an existing save game so you can modify the stats at any point.


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #244 on: May 09, 2024, 05:35:37 AM »

I was saving this mod for the last, and it's really well made!

But man, the gundams are so weak x(
Try GP02, which came with an aptly OP beam cannon with 4k dph and a range of 2k.
Deploy enough GP02s and you can punch through virtually anything


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #245 on: June 11, 2024, 03:01:38 AM »

Damn Patreon blocks not only my country but most of the VPN's that I use. It's took a while to switching between them until I found one VPN server that works.
It will be appreciated if next versions will have a mirror somewhere else too.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #246 on: June 11, 2024, 04:21:41 AM »

Damn Patreon blocks not only my country but most of the VPN's that I use. It's took a while to switching between them until I found one VPN server that works.
It will be appreciated if next versions will have a mirror somewhere else too.

If there will be one
Please do not mention High Scatter Amplifier.


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #247 on: November 19, 2024, 07:45:49 AM »

I am a non-English speaking resident who enjoys Gundam UC mode.

You can enjoy the mod by editing the mod_info.json file, but there are two major bugs.

1. The ships gather in the center of the map and do not move.

2. In the Birmingham and Magellan class, some batteries cannot fire automatically due to the strange firing angle of the guns.

Is there anyone who can fix bugs or update the version?


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #248 on: November 23, 2024, 08:07:10 PM »

Is there any chance of this mod being updated to .97? I love this mod and want to play it on more modern versions


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #249 on: January 03, 2025, 05:38:31 AM »

Really wishing someone would come in and update this mod, or expand upon it! This is the best thing ever for UC fans!


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #250 on: January 03, 2025, 08:36:32 PM »

This mod will still work just by changing the version file, though the games industries are currently broke when owned by players and might crash the game each month.


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #251 on: January 05, 2025, 01:55:21 PM »

This mod will still work just by changing the version file, though the games industries are currently broke when owned by players and might crash the game each month.

yeah I changed the version file, but I'm just saying if anyone is interested they should add more content for this mod since it's pretty decent. I've been actually spending some time balancing this mod as I felt the Gundams and frigate lvl MS didn't feel like the should. And then also balance passing the ships as they are all pretty OP. Also all the units as were pretty unbalanced, EF is favored A LOT more. For example, all the capital ships on EF have a 40% damage reduction on their shields whereas, Zeon was only given a 20% damage reduction... it just didn't feel right. Also, it was wierd that zaku fighter squads were only given 3 units per squad and were significantly weaker with no shields vs the GM fighters getting 4 units per squad and getting full shields with flux shunt.

Felt they didn't balance well into the vanilla game and other balanced mods, so i took the liberty to adjust them to make it all fit into the world of Starsector better. I can share it here if anyone is interested, i'll add notes on what I generally changed. Hopefully the mod maker is cool with that.


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #252 on: January 11, 2025, 04:33:47 PM »

I can share it here if anyone is interested, i'll add notes on what I generally changed. Hopefully the mod maker is cool with that.

As someone who found this mod fairly recently (and may or may not enjoy using a certain beam-heavy MA) (and who also wanted to make an account to reply to this), I'd be interested in seeing your changes!
(Plus, the mod author's been inactive for the better part of a year, just glancing at their profile - I think you're safe to post them?)


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #253 on: January 15, 2025, 08:40:12 AM »

Yeah once I'm done my playthroughs with both Zeon and EFSF I'll post up my balancing files here... if anybody knows if that's against forum rules, lemme know though.

My general changes though were making the frigate level MS much stronger in damage output, but much more fragile, rewarding skill based game play and making you feel awesome pulling off sweaty attacks. The other thing was reducing ordanance from RX78-2 and having it increase as you go up in tech to GP03. 

In terms of the fighter MS, I am making them a little more squishy, but slightly more damaging, with longer refit times. Knowing when to regroup, and engage, and timing it should be rewarded. By doing so I increased all the OP cost of the MS across the board. Guncannons are very powerful and have high damage output but cost 45 OP and have a minute refit timer.

I reduced the overall OP of all the warships, it was just too much... you should have to choose between outfitting your ships with MS or firepower, it's too unbalanced to have it all. This makes your choices have meaning.

There were a buncha minor bugs of certain fighter MS and frigate MS being unable to fire their weapons, I have fixed these issues.

I think the base mod did a wonderful job setting up the base, it's just a matter of tweaking it a bit. I'm so thankful we even have this beautiful mod in the first place!

I'll post this up once I'm done with it. It's a bit of a pain to balance as once u adjust one thing, it affects the balance of another!


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95.1a] Gundam UC Mod v0.5.1 GP Quick Fix!
« Reply #254 on: January 15, 2025, 12:28:31 PM »

Yeah once I'm done my playthroughs with both Zeon and EFSF I'll post up my balancing files here... if anybody knows if that's against forum rules, lemme know though.

My general changes though were making the frigate level MS much stronger in damage output, but much more fragile, rewarding skill based game play and making you feel awesome pulling off sweaty attacks. The other thing was reducing ordanance from RX78-2 and having it increase as you go up in tech to GP03. 

In terms of the fighter MS, I am making them a little more squishy, but slightly more damaging, with longer refit times. Knowing when to regroup, and engage, and timing it should be rewarded. By doing so I increased all the OP cost of the MS across the board. Guncannons are very powerful and have high damage output but cost 45 OP and have a minute refit timer.

I reduced the overall OP of all the warships, it was just too much... you should have to choose between outfitting your ships with MS or firepower, it's too unbalanced to have it all. This makes your choices have meaning.

There were a buncha minor bugs of certain fighter MS and frigate MS being unable to fire their weapons, I have fixed these issues.

I think the base mod did a wonderful job setting up the base, it's just a matter of tweaking it a bit. I'm so thankful we even have this beautiful mod in the first place!

I'll post this up once I'm done with it. It's a bit of a pain to balance as once u adjust one thing, it affects the balance of another!

You might want to see if you can make the MS work like Cataphracts (and I think Wanzers in DA?) where they contribute to ground raids as well.

At least for the OP on the ships, I have mixed feelings on that. I imagine the mod gives them all that, because its trying to emulate the series - in which those ships are all armed, while also carrying mobile suits (in fact, some of them are noteworthy entirely because they carry those mobile suits). Making it so you have to pick between either/or, then makes it difficult to design them 'properly'.

Of course in the series, they didn't have a 3D printer inside the ship to keep producing more mobile suits, but...
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