Yeah once I'm done my playthroughs with both Zeon and EFSF I'll post up my balancing files here... if anybody knows if that's against forum rules, lemme know though.
My general changes though were making the frigate level MS much stronger in damage output, but much more fragile, rewarding skill based game play and making you feel awesome pulling off sweaty attacks. The other thing was reducing ordanance from RX78-2 and having it increase as you go up in tech to GP03.
In terms of the fighter MS, I am making them a little more squishy, but slightly more damaging, with longer refit times. Knowing when to regroup, and engage, and timing it should be rewarded. By doing so I increased all the OP cost of the MS across the board. Guncannons are very powerful and have high damage output but cost 45 OP and have a minute refit timer.
I reduced the overall OP of all the warships, it was just too much... you should have to choose between outfitting your ships with MS or firepower, it's too unbalanced to have it all. This makes your choices have meaning.
There were a buncha minor bugs of certain fighter MS and frigate MS being unable to fire their weapons, I have fixed these issues.
I think the base mod did a wonderful job setting up the base, it's just a matter of tweaking it a bit. I'm so thankful we even have this beautiful mod in the first place!
I'll post this up once I'm done with it. It's a bit of a pain to balance as once u adjust one thing, it affects the balance of another!