Sorry guys for serious delay mod release, my partner Laroustine has been away. I try to wrap up the mod myself which related to coding work, quite frustrating with the work to be honest,
if there're more bugs that needed to be fix, do let me know. Sorry about that.
Hi dannyc365, I've put compatible with Realistic Combat into the work group task, can't wait to test it out when it's done
You might need my help because Realistic Combat largely overrides the damage model.
Hi Liral, sorry for late reply. May I ask if i change the data to be compatable with Realistic Combat, what's the downside of it?
Just make the account to say absolutely love this mod whole heart! Also agree the early MS are really weak compare to most mod's fighters but please no rush! Would love to see the Gundams also slowly become stronger since I more enjoy the slow game, thanks for deliever this lovely mod again!
Thank you very much, the mod is picking up its pace, as we're moving out of 0079, later MS are strong and better. let's hope they wouldn't be too OP afterwards, which leads to more game balancing. Actually I did improve the strength a bit in this version to be able to compete with other mods.
Would it be possible to see screenshots from the upcoming content or is that paywalled in patreon?
No paywall at patreon, just download, play and enjoy
Good news the new fractal forum Gundam UC front page now added all ships and MA, MS graphic to indicate each units.
Loving the mod and it's lore accuracy and fun factor! I have a few ideas to share, if I can.
I'd like to suggest adding in the Zaku Cannon MS line ( to mirror the presence of the RX-77D MP Guncannon for Zeon, as a cheap bombardment MS wing.
I'd also love to see the Gelgoog Commander or High-Mobility types ( / as pilotable elite units; they're good Zeon mirrors to the RX-78-2 and G3, respectively.
Finally, there's the FA-78-1 Full Armor Gundam ( This thing could be almost an EFSF equivalent to a Zeon MA, with powerful weaponry and increased durability but less mobility.
Hi CrescentQuill, I'm currently adding MS following their appearance in the Gundam Anime, if there're not in the list they will be added at the end of the mod after completed all the Gundam anime for game balancing purposes.
Gelgoog Commander is a good one to be added, I'll take note of it. As I've missed it out from Gundam 0079
Full armour Gundam is added in the thunderbolt expansion with a lot of fire power, check it out.
How to make all mobile suits pilotable? i want to pilot the sniper zaku
Hmmmm..... if you want to mod an unit to be pilotable there're few things needs to be adjusted such as
price for the unit
new ship variant file for the unit
assign the new added pilotable unit to the faction etc
Sorry all for the slow response and update,
I was working on something big and try to implement a few ideas for the next expansion, as well as improving graphic further that I had in mind for awhile now.
Hope it'll not let you guys down and appreciate all your love towards Gundam UC mod
First of all. Massive thanks to you. this is one of the few mods scratching my mech fleet itch.
The mod has 2 bigger issues for me so far.
The Zeon high level suits seem fine although a bit squishy, they are mechs so its fine. But 2 out of 3 gundams (alex and G3) are so squishy they die often before even doing any damage. they are supposed to be super OP mechs. I'm actually perfectly fine with them not being that OP here because this is starsector, not the gundam universe and everything can be OP here, but this feels way too weak.
The other issue is already mentioned several times but the industries seem broken. On a side note though I'm running tons of mods so that might be a mod conflict. But i have never been able to build any of them at all.
Then i ran into a few different smaller issues like some of the mechs blowing themselves up regularly with their ability instead of turning the ability off again and surviving when AI controlled, the zaku leg dropped as weapon loot for me once (and was hilarious when placed on a tug) and some of the mechs having very few points to customize them with or taking a lot of DP in comparison to the mechs from diable/sunrider/armaa while being a lot weaker.
All in all though this mod is fantastic and i can't wait to see what you do in future updates. Hope you get some spare time again soon.
Have a good one.
Agree with weak Gundam units, I've buff their weapon as well as survivalbility for the next update so they perform better compare to old updates.
More balancing or lore friendly setup will be carry out (buff gundam to make them as white devil are highly considerable)
wow it's very lucky or unlucky that you get a zaku leg weapon drop, i've set them to be impossible to drop, no_drop and no_sell has been added to make more impossible to drop, hope it works
Actually a big reason i make the MS weaker now because of future planning, the mod itself is still at the early stage of the Gundam UC timeline, as more new updates comes in, more powerful MS will follow.
If we make early MS to be balance with armaa or diable for instance, it'll be too powerful for the later units that will come in to the play, do you agree? or do you prefer to make them more balance with other mech mods and then slowly balance them back to lore friendly afterwards?
Keeping balancing for later additions in mind is great. And i see how adding stronger units can make it hard to balance later. maybe balance the low tier gundam units vs the low tier diable units i.e. 6th gen wanzers. That would probably make for a good starting point with enough room to balance later stronger untis vs the 7th tier and up wanzers and armaa units. Armaa units do tend to start out a bit strong. Anyway good to hear you're figuring it out.
Mostly came back to report I'm having issues with the hullforge templates from industrial evo. Since I read you aren't familiar with the issue in reply to someone else with the same problem maybe ask around in the starsector unofficial discord server. The modders active there told me there was an issue with a faction being used for a purpose it should not which was causing this conflict and a lot of other (possible/potential) conflicts with other mods. I'm sure they will gladly help you, if only so they won't have the same questions about this issue over and over again haha.
*edit: Oh yeah, another thing I noticed. The mechs from armaa tend to all start from my carriers. Some from tahlan and yours do not. They will take up all the front spawn slots making all your big ships spawn way back, then speed ahead without support unless you start giving orders, and die by overextending. I feel adding the function that armaa uses to make the mechs spawn from your carriers will prevent both this fleet clutter with larger mech fleets and the death by overextending.
Anyway, Thanks for the quick reply and good luck with future updates.
Have a good one.
Yup this latest update MS has been buff to make slightly more playable then just suicide squad, because there isn't stronger units that has been launch yet.
The Gundam factory issue has been resolve by Laroustine if I'm not mistaken, it has also been added to this latest update.
Great Idea, I'll check out Armaa mod for the spawn location for MSs. Wouldn't be a great idea to let them charge straight in and get themselves kill.
Can't wait for the feddie stuff after the OYW.
Sorry buddy for the long wait.
I think the author is MIA. Damn I was hoping the stations would get fixed since they don't appear.
Sorry buddy for the long wait, the station is enable for Gaia and Lunar. No idea why it has been turned off during the modding process.
If you return I think the EFSF crew commission is reversed and it instead increases instead of decreasing.
Yeah this issue has been reverse too, let me know if it's still wrong
Hi I just started playing your mods, and I noticed that the AI tend to self destruct when using system overclock. The AI never turns it off once it starts, This make fielding multiple units with system overclock unviable. The Ai almost always self destruct by the ability before it gets the chance to return to a carrier for resupply. Is there a work around for this?
oh no that's bad, let me check with Armaa mod because it's a system made by them. not sure if it has been fixed
Hi SakuraMai_Enka, Spoonyman
Sorry for the late reply, there're something wrong with armaa docking system, I've adopted they system and I hope they've fix it