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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

Author Topic: Presenting the USS DEFIANT  (Read 3087 times)


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Presenting the USS DEFIANT
« on: January 29, 2022, 11:28:13 AM »

Note: addship defiant_variant or addship defiant_hidden (loads a fully fitted ship with pulse phasers and photo torpedoes, but has the hard point graphics hidden, like in star trek the weapons are built in.)

Hi everyone, this is my first venture into releasing a "mod".

I have taken the libery of adding the cool ship from Deep Space Nine, the USS Defiant.

The Defiant was a prototype starship designed and built with one purpose, to fight and defeat the Borg. It is a small heavily armored warship with no science labs, no crew comforts and packed with firepower. Early testing revealed the Defiant was overgunned and overpowered for a ship its size and when the ship was tested at full capacity it almost tore itself apart. For this reason it was mothballed. However, some Starfleet engineers have since sought to correct those issues and commission the Defiant to help Starfleet face ever growing threats such as the Dominion.

Change Log:
didn't want to make it annoying to use so changed some things with supplies etc...

-Supply/Month changed to 15 ( was 30)
-CR to deploy now 15
-CR recovery/day: 4 (was 2)
-Fuel = 80 (was 100)
-Fuel/ LY = 4 (was 10)
-Cargo = 50 (was 20)

-Pulse phasers firing rate/delay increased to 0.25 ( was 0.22)
-Photon torpedo speed increased to 1000 (was 800)
-Pulse phasers range increased to 700 (was 600)
-Photon torpedo does explosive damage (200% to armor) was kinetic before and that was an error, was never meant to be an anti-shield weapon.
-Increased acceleration to 80 from 60.

-decreased the volume of pulse phasers

I've tested with a level 15 character. There's been no major fighting buffs apart from a slight increase to pulse phaser range, and acceleration and the correct torpedo damage type applied. The logisticsl side of the ship's fuel/cargo has been modified to be less strigent.

Technical Specs:
1) Pulse Phasers:  the ship is equipped with 4 pulse phasers which draw directly from the warp core (flux capacitor) and pack a wallop (4x medium energy slot)
Forward facing, 5 degree arc of fire.

2) Two Photon Torpedo launchers. Fast moving non-tracking projectiles. The Defiant carries 20 torpedoes total. 10 loaded into each tube. (2x medium missile)

3) One 360 phaser array.

The Defiant has a top speed of 150 and is highly maneuverable, complimenting her forward facing weapons

Ablative Armor:
Heavy ablative armor is built into the hull which is degraded as it receives weapons fire (heavy armor and reinforced bulkheads built in mods)
(first federation ship to have ablative armor in lore)

The Defiant has weak shields, and isn't meant to hang around in a fire fight. (upkeep, and shield/damge 1.0)


The Defiant's weapons are all forward facing and have no ability to lock targets beyond a 5 degree cone of fire. With the Defiant's high speed and maneuverability, it is designed around devastating hit and run (strafing tactics) on larger targets of opportunity, it does outclass other ships in its class. A quick strafing run with shields up, offloading pulse phaser fire into the target and finishing it off or damaging it with photon torpedoes is its preferred method. However, with limited torpedoes, the Defiant firepower is severely reduced once its compliment expires. Dropping shields at the right moment, to transfer more power to weapons is effective, as the Defiant can take fire on its armor, while trying to finish a target.

Maintenance issues:
Because of its numerous engineering issues, the defiant requires high monthly maintenance. Additionally, the Defiant requires significant maintenance after a fight (recovers CR @ 2% a day).
The longer the Defiant is engaged in combat, the more apparent these malfunctions become (combat readiness prone to drop fast in combat)

The Defiant was not built as a long range exploration ship as is traditional with starfleet. Therefore the Defiant must rely on constant deuterium resupply (LY range: 10) Fuel: 100 capacity.
Max  warp speed = 18.

The Defiant has no cargo bay and supplies are stashed all over crew quarters like submarines of old during war time. (Cargo capacity: 20)


Future plans:
Tweak the weapon graphics because they are borrowed from the base star sector weapon graphics, so the explosion and effects of the photon torpedo do not suit.
Refine the bounding box in case it isn't so good. (no issues so far)

Take feedback.

using its torpedoes I found it capable of destroying cruiser and maybe battlecruiser sized ships. Without torpedoes it cannot stand up to larger ships. Therefore its hit and run tactics on targets of opportunity come in. E.g. your forces have a bs or bc almost fluxed out? Charge in with Defiant and unload torpedoes. Basically do not expend your torpedo load on one target if you have a long fight ahead. Venting is your friend when you can. Don't be afraid to take hits on armor, in other words, lower shields, to keep hammering a target, and hold fire(x) raise shields while you use your better speed to get out of range. Shields won't take much fire while you are firing. Pulse phasers are power hungry.

Defiant needs good piloting and careful tactics. Its weapons are basically dumb fire, cannot track and cannot turn and can only fire ahead, so you will miss precious shots if you do not aim well.

Defiant is very vulnerable to fighters. Best to retreat from enemy range and just shoot them down.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2022, 02:47:41 PM by Cruis.In »


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Re: Presenting the USS DEFIANT
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2022, 01:27:51 AM »

Not bad. This seems like a fun ship to play around with. Is this a stand alone or is the mod compatible with Star trek mods? I mean is the does the mod attach the ship to a faction?


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Re: Presenting the USS DEFIANT
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2022, 07:44:49 PM »

hello, no it doesn't attach to a faction. just a stand alone ship. I am not aware of any federation factions from star trek.

I wish i had more feed back. I think the pulse phasers are terrible. I wanted it to be fast and hit hard, and be able to take a hit. But it isn't fast enough to make a difference. And its pulse phasers don't pack a punch to get through shields very good. I thought I would make the CR recovery slow if its too powerful at least you couldn't deploy it right away in another fight. So you have to consider when to use it...but it seems very weak for a 'special ship'.  It seems in my quest to make it balanced I made it terrible :)

I will consider some tweaks to the pulse phaser weapon.


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Re: Presenting the USS DEFIANT
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2022, 05:09:20 PM »

Cool concept. I'll definitely have to check it out. BTW, there is a Star Trek Mod with the Federation faction. I created the mod(s). It's called Star Trek Eras, mostly because it focuses on the respective Eras. Right now I'm currently working on the DIS/TOS/TMP era. If you wan to check it out, you can play as the ENT Era or TOS Era.

But I really want to try our your Defiant mod and fly her around.

PS: TNG is bit ways away because I need to finish the era I'm in now.


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Re: Presenting the USS DEFIANT
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2022, 07:06:16 PM »

It hits pretty hard and has good staying power.  The phaser sound is kind of on the loud side though compared to the other weapons.

In a way it's more like a very mobile destroyer maybe even light cruiser


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Re: Presenting the USS DEFIANT
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2022, 02:34:55 PM »

ah thanks for the feedback. Ill look for the mod. Would be so cool to kind of do a total conversion for all the factions eh? :)

I have uploaded 0.2. Logistically, I've made the fuel/ CR recovery rate, and cargo capacity less stringent. I also corrected an error in the torpedo damage, it was kinetic, and was supposed to be explosive. I increased the range of pulse phasers from 600 to 700, lowered their rate of fire from .22 to 0.25 and increased the acceleration from 60-80. It's now more maneuverable and suited to its tactics. So really minor tweaks to the combat side, nothing grand.

And less annoying on the logistics side if you were flying it solo or with only a few ships.

Also lowered the volume of the pulse phaser sound, it was loud.

Let me know what you think!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2022, 02:49:04 PM by Cruis.In »