Like title says, could there be more broadside ships? There's only one for high tech which is Odyssey and one for mid tech which is Conquest. Both are capital ships, nothing smaller, there's none for low tech and everything else is just face full of guns, back full of PD and that's it. I know that next update probably gonna be just players being murdered doritos and whatever else the main character describes and there's already so many ships to choose from, even more if automated ships perk is taken but perhaps low tech could atleast could get some heavy armored broadside? Like, for variety, instead of typical armor all ships have, those would have armor plates like starbases do with "gun ports" sticking out from between the plates.
Here's a very crude explanation of what I mean in a form of paint picture (did not figure out how to paste a picture so here's imgur link to it): shape doesn't matter tho having the ship slim like Odyssey instead of a blob or brick would be nice. The red things around the hull are the armor plates, the blue circles are weapon mounts, the one sin the middle could be something like for missiles, PD or whatever fits, or just the "gun ports", the yellow lines are how much the weapon mount can rotate, so basically, nearly all weapons that are not in the middle or around the engines would be hard mounts or have a very limited line of sight. It would probably be very hard for AI to pilot that and not being able to focus fire on close enemy with all guns could prove very annoying and/or fatal but it would scratch the itch for those that prefer broadside gameplay. Also I know, mods, but all mods are unbalanced making the game too easy and they too also have mostly face mounted weapons, can only trust the dev to fine tune pros and cons of the ship.