Faster Speed Up Multiplier : My patience thanks you
No Explosion Whiteout : My eyes thank you
Scavenge as You Fly : My cargo holds thank you
Mass Transfer : My fingers thank you
Better Active Sensor Burst : My sanity thanks you
Transponder Off in Hyperspace : My fat ships thank you
Hello Jaghaimo! I necro'd my very old account just to say thank you. Absolutely fantastic QoL stuff, the last update you added even more stuff, which is great.
Wish surveying & scavenging was a bit more straightforward. Getting salvage screen 2, sometimes even 3 or 4 times after something gets tiresome... your mod helps a lot, at least I don't have to manually press things, or rather, press less things. I'd like to suggest a few things, if possible:
-You might want to mention that auto-scavenge is a new ability that you need to toggle. After updating the mod, at first I didn't realize it, and thought it got broken; just a heads up.
-Is it possible that the Sensor Burst also not affecting Neutrino Detector as well?
-Is it possible to show the "turn transponder on" dialogue when using Transverse Jump or Gate travel to a Core World system?
Anyway, thanks again.