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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: General Suggestions and Food for Thought  (Read 4908 times)


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #30 on: December 30, 2021, 05:17:53 AM »

Setting up your own autofit goal variants makes it relatively painless... Until you run into something like the Brawler (TT), which shares variants.


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #31 on: December 30, 2021, 05:26:21 AM »

There is still a ton of clicks involved, unfortunately:

(R)efit -> click ship -> click autofit -> (optionally) click any desired settings -> click variant -> click accept -> click next ship (4 clicks min)

Would like to see something like:

(F)leet -> click autofit on ship -> (optionally) click any desired settings -> (double/control/whatever?) click variant -> click autofit on next ship (2 clicks min, less scrolling)

Ideally would be able to autofit a ship with (maybe a hover and) 1 click, but I'm not sure if that flow is reasonably possible.


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #32 on: December 30, 2021, 05:49:13 AM »

You can get it down to 2 mouse clicks: click on the ship, press V, select loadout to equip, press G. You can do it quite quickly, if you put your mind to it.


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #33 on: December 30, 2021, 10:10:26 AM »

This is unfortunately the wrong way to give feedback.  If you don't understand things, that's important to convey.  It's fricative and agitating to read long and usually wrongly assumptive declarative statements from people who haven't learned what the game does, while stating what the game should do.

I would gently recommend approaching this more objectively.  Read my newbie post, and see how I couch my feedback.  Understand that you don't know the game, and relay how your lack of understanding the game affects your ability to play it.  That is priceless feedback.

Also, don't get butthurt when people come at you.  The path to truth is controversy.  Welcome it, engage it.
No good deed goes unpunished.


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #34 on: December 30, 2021, 05:01:25 PM »

This isn't a 'I have solutions pre-packaged for you' forum.

It's a Suggestions forum.  For ideas.

Ideas are not solutions.  Ideas are not always conveyed in the best language.  Ideas are not always expressed in a way that is pleasing to you, or even necessarily 'helpful'.

They are meant to be pondered, like drinking a rich mulled cider.  You're supposed to linger on the overtones, consider the spices and seasonings, and compare to other things.

I'd be posting this on the 'Mod Updates' forum if I had a solution pre-packaged, and I was just letting folks know that I 'had it all taken care of'.

Many of the expectations I see rolling around on here aren't.... well... shocking... but belong more on 4chan, and less on a game forum that gets less than 3,000 online at the same time EVER.  This is NOT a wildly popular product.  This is NOT Fortnite, and (somehow, I still don't get it...) raking in floor-sagging amounts of cash.  This is the VERY spirit of an Indie Development.

As a little background, I live in Seattle, WA.  I go to PAX every year for the last 10 or so years... except the last, as I have no interest in a Super Spreader event.

That's to say that I make a habit and hobby out of interacting with Indie Developers directly, and discussing how they plan on moving forward with their games.  I take a particular amount of joy talking to them about concerns, and seeing what they're going to do (or not do) about them.   Because not every suggestion or impulse is a good one.  Far from it!  BUT, most are, as I spend more than the average amount of time on it.

Darkest Dungeon, Trials of Fire, Graveyard Keeper, Stoneshard, and a few others come immediately to mind.  Some were fantastic to talk to!  Others, not so much.

And I get an immense amount of interest about whether they take the suggestions (if any) and how successful their path is going forward from that.  I'm even MORE interested in whether they *** all over the idea..... and then adopt it later.  Those are my favorite.

That... happens most of the time.

So, I want to clear a few things up after this preface:

Anything you're talking about being uneducated is taken directly from the Starsector forums.  Directly.  Java causing keybinding restrictions?  There's YEARS of discussions about it.  And it's said over and over and over again.  MAAAYBEEE that's not technically true!  BUT, that's the 'truth' that's been USED to dissuade people from fixing it, or requesting it fixed.

Requesting or demanding that feedback only be taken seriously after it meets each person's personal standards of understanding and ability is called Gatekeeping.  It's arbitrary.  Please stop doing it.  I don't need your permission to give feedback, and no, it's not your 'right' to suggest (over and over) that is IS your right to demand tricks.

Video settings?  There ARE no video settings except Antialiasing... which a friendly pop-up reminds you that you probably shouldn't turn on.
That REALLY does speak for itself.

While I appreciate that my format of posting on this Suggestions forum may not be your particularly favorite vintage or method of feedback... that's not why I'm here, so telling me about how you disapprove of it is a complete distraction from the topic at hand!  ^_^  That's the thing about Feedback!

It's not a term paper.  There aren't word or formatting requirements.

But there ARE Stay-on-topic requirements that you violate by telling me how you don't approve of my tone.  **chuckles**
Just like shitposting about how I'm shitposting.  It's ironic, and Freudian. ALSO off-topic.
AND I even went out of my way to dissuade those who are die-hard fans who think they'll lose compatibility with their Amiga or Intellivision if Starsector moves into the next decade or two. really won't... so chill, and please move on.

The moderators have specifically requested that I STOP interacting with these... distractions... so I'm making sure to put it out there!
I've been explicitly 'requested' to flag them for moderator review.  Or else.
So... I will.

Please, please, please stay on topic.

While much of what I've said has been dismissed as a distraction, or overly complicated, I want to draw your attention again to the actual description of the game:
"Starsector is a single-player sandbox style space role-playing game with strategic elements.  That’s quite a mouthful, though, so here’s what it boils down to – fly around with your highly customizable fleet, explore, build stuff, blow stuff up, advance your character.  The goal is to give you lots of meaningful choices in a malleable world."

I like the 'distraction' and 'complication' feedback especially because some of the things Starsector does BEST are just distractions and time wasters  **laughs**

Domain probes?  Those could just be all caches
Factions? Could easily just be flavors of 'pirate'
Survey Data?  Why bother with anything that isn't habitable?

The truth is that a majority of the game is FILLER over the top of a randomly generated map.  Superimposed over THAT is a faction overlay.  And then the player.
.... this isn't exactly a new concept.  Distant Worlds 2 comes out in March... so there's a direct competitor already ready and in the pipes.

So when I go to store a ship, have to go to the Fleet screen, Equip screen, Strip it, back to the Fleet screen, and then Store it.... we tip over that line into TOO MUCH filler.

When I can get info on a Factions' system in one screen, different info on the same system in another screen, and have to switch to yet another screen to see if they're going to shoot me on sight?
.... I just want to do a delivery mission.  I just need to know if I sneak, or deliver the goods.  That's TOO much filler.

SOME aspects of the game, especially the UI, have too much filler.  It's not BAD, but it's NOT good, or worthy of bragging.  I've honestly had better UI from Masters of Orion 2.
OTHER aspects of the game are lacking.  I've mentioned a few.  I can see from the forum that other people have mentioned some... several of them parallel to my own.  Cool.

HOW to fix it is a bit beyond a Suggestions forum.
ANY conjecture on potential fixes is subject to immediate revision, and is JUST BRAINSTORMING.
So chill.  Please?

And if you can't chill... I'm no morally obligated to report you to the moderators for the inability to follow simple instructions  ^__^;;


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #35 on: December 30, 2021, 05:06:00 PM »

Want yet another example?

My new shiny ship comes with the built-in-mod 'Ghost ship'... or 'Fleet Drive'... or any of a dozen other modifications that I don't recognize right off-the-bat.

My ONLY way to check that modification is for it to be Vanilla, or to already own it and place it myself, or check it on a similar ship.

That means I can see ALLLLLL of the intense detail of the ship, measured in points-per-second... but I CAN'T see what that massive/pointless Mod is attached to the ship.
I have to jump through hoops to find out.


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #36 on: December 30, 2021, 11:54:55 PM »

It's not a term paper.  There aren't word or formatting requirements.
Yes they very much are!

See, that may be the core of your problem: you are trying to convince people to acknowledge the validity of the issues you have with the game and understand the value of your ideas, yet your are offloading the grunt work of parsing out your long scattered thoughts and filling the missing parts to them. Obviously you won't get much of a positive response if deciphering and interpretation are required for every point.

If you want to be taken seriously and more importantly if you want for people to understand exactly what you are trying to convey, you have to put in the work first. Otherwise everyone will latch on to individual sentences they don't like, or just refer to other's more concise and better written replies to form their own opinions of your suggestions.

And since this is a bundle of suggestions posted on a public forum to change a game people have a strong attachment to, you can't ask users to not engage with you if they disagree, that's not how debates work.

tldr: a sexy and concise suggestion has way better chances to convince people regardless of its intrinsic validity.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2021, 12:48:08 AM by Tartiflette »


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #37 on: December 31, 2021, 01:27:50 PM »

If you want to be taken seriously and more importantly if you want for people to understand exactly what you are trying to convey, you have to put in the work first. Otherwise everyone will latch on to individual sentences they don't like, or just refer to other's more concise and better written replies to form their own opinions of your suggestions.

Nah, see... all I really want is people to ponder.

And to not get slagged reflexively.  There is zero requirement for implementation, change, or acknowledgement.

It's JUST a Suggestions forum. o_O


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #38 on: December 31, 2021, 02:14:41 PM »

But!  Since everyone seems to want small, concise, easy-to-read concerns, I'll say it again:  Supplies

You lose Supplies from Combat Deployment, and lose Combat Deployment without a steady trickle of Supplies.

You pay Supplies to even BEGIN a Combat Deployment, and rapidly while there.

You don't NEED to get your Combat Deployment back up.  You can freeze it with no consequence except NOT getting CD recharged.

And if you don't have it, the crew will literally rip the decking off the ship, and the airlocks off the walls until they die.

~ ~ ~

We use Fuel and Food primarily when just traveling.  Both already exist in the game.

We use Fuel primarily when readying for battle.  Because getting within spitting distance in space is... a task.

We use Fuel, Ammo, Crew, HP, and Morale during the battle.  We don't have Morale, nor ammo.

After the battle we use Ship Parts, Metal, Morale, and Crew to fix the damage.  We do have Ship Parts and Metal.

We also use Fuel for flying in a straight line at a set speed.  Still don't quite understand that one.  Maneuvers cost fuel.  STOPPING costs tons of fuel.  Coasting does not.

~ ~ ~

So while the use of supplies is simple... when my crew is ready to sink their ships if they don't get their Supplies, and their ability to wage war drops to zero in a matter of DAYS, I can't help but wonder... is this some sort of special heart medication or something??  The dreaded Drop Bear Repellant?  It's not recreational drugs, food, anything related to biomass, etc.

No matter what you slot into there, it doesn't QUITE work.

The alternative, however, requires effort.
... but it's also the difference between a game with 'promise', and a game that really SHINES.

"Oh.  I'm out of food.  Duh.  I should have known that would happen"


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #39 on: December 31, 2021, 02:27:09 PM »

@dgchessman2: While the response you got here was not good, your responses haven't either: they've been consistently provocative and condescending. Also this whole rant:

This isn't a 'I have solutions pre-packaged for you' forum.

It's a Suggestions forum.  For ideas.

Ideas are not solutions.  Ideas are not always conveyed in the best language.  Ideas are not always expressed in a way that is pleasing to you, or even necessarily 'helpful'.

They are meant to be pondered, like drinking a rich mulled cider.  You're supposed to linger on the overtones, consider the spices and seasonings, and compare to other things.

I'd be posting this on the 'Mod Updates' forum if I had a solution pre-packaged, and I was just letting folks know that I 'had it all taken care of'.

Many of the expectations I see rolling around on here aren't.... well... shocking... but belong more on 4chan, and less on a game forum that gets less than 3,000 online at the same time EVER.  This is NOT a wildly popular product.  This is NOT Fortnite, and (somehow, I still don't get it...) raking in floor-sagging amounts of cash.  This is the VERY spirit of an Indie Development.

As a little background, I live in Seattle, WA.  I go to PAX every year for the last 10 or so years... except the last, as I have no interest in a Super Spreader event.

That's to say that I make a habit and hobby out of interacting with Indie Developers directly, and discussing how they plan on moving forward with their games.  I take a particular amount of joy talking to them about concerns, and seeing what they're going to do (or not do) about them.   Because not every suggestion or impulse is a good one.  Far from it!  BUT, most are, as I spend more than the average amount of time on it.

Darkest Dungeon, Trials of Fire, Graveyard Keeper, Stoneshard, and a few others come immediately to mind.  Some were fantastic to talk to!  Others, not so much.

And I get an immense amount of interest about whether they take the suggestions (if any) and how successful their path is going forward from that.  I'm even MORE interested in whether they *** all over the idea..... and then adopt it later.  Those are my favorite.

That... happens most of the time.

So, I want to clear a few things up after this preface:

Anything you're talking about being uneducated is taken directly from the Starsector forums.  Directly.  Java causing keybinding restrictions?  There's YEARS of discussions about it.  And it's said over and over and over again.  MAAAYBEEE that's not technically true!  BUT, that's the 'truth' that's been USED to dissuade people from fixing it, or requesting it fixed.

Requesting or demanding that feedback only be taken seriously after it meets each person's personal standards of understanding and ability is called Gatekeeping.  It's arbitrary.  Please stop doing it.  I don't need your permission to give feedback, and no, it's not your 'right' to suggest (over and over) that is IS your right to demand tricks.

Video settings?  There ARE no video settings except Antialiasing... which a friendly pop-up reminds you that you probably shouldn't turn on.
That REALLY does speak for itself.

While I appreciate that my format of posting on this Suggestions forum may not be your particularly favorite vintage or method of feedback... that's not why I'm here, so telling me about how you disapprove of it is a complete distraction from the topic at hand!  ^_^  That's the thing about Feedback!

It's not a term paper.  There aren't word or formatting requirements.

But there ARE Stay-on-topic requirements that you violate by telling me how you don't approve of my tone.  **chuckles**
Just like shitposting about how I'm shitposting.  It's ironic, and Freudian. ALSO off-topic.
AND I even went out of my way to dissuade those who are die-hard fans who think they'll lose compatibility with their Amiga or Intellivision if Starsector moves into the next decade or two. really won't... so chill, and please move on.

The moderators have specifically requested that I STOP interacting with these... distractions... so I'm making sure to put it out there!
I've been explicitly 'requested' to flag them for moderator review.  Or else.
So... I will.

Please, please, please stay on topic.

While much of what I've said has been dismissed as a distraction, or overly complicated, I want to draw your attention again to the actual description of the game:
"Starsector is a single-player sandbox style space role-playing game with strategic elements.  That’s quite a mouthful, though, so here’s what it boils down to – fly around with your highly customizable fleet, explore, build stuff, blow stuff up, advance your character.  The goal is to give you lots of meaningful choices in a malleable world."

I like the 'distraction' and 'complication' feedback especially because some of the things Starsector does BEST are just distractions and time wasters  **laughs**

Domain probes?  Those could just be all caches
Factions? Could easily just be flavors of 'pirate'
Survey Data?  Why bother with anything that isn't habitable?

The truth is that a majority of the game is FILLER over the top of a randomly generated map.  Superimposed over THAT is a faction overlay.  And then the player.
.... this isn't exactly a new concept.  Distant Worlds 2 comes out in March... so there's a direct competitor already ready and in the pipes.

So when I go to store a ship, have to go to the Fleet screen, Equip screen, Strip it, back to the Fleet screen, and then Store it.... we tip over that line into TOO MUCH filler.

When I can get info on a Factions' system in one screen, different info on the same system in another screen, and have to switch to yet another screen to see if they're going to shoot me on sight?
.... I just want to do a delivery mission.  I just need to know if I sneak, or deliver the goods.  That's TOO much filler.

SOME aspects of the game, especially the UI, have too much filler.  It's not BAD, but it's NOT good, or worthy of bragging.  I've honestly had better UI from Masters of Orion 2.
OTHER aspects of the game are lacking.  I've mentioned a few.  I can see from the forum that other people have mentioned some... several of them parallel to my own.  Cool.

HOW to fix it is a bit beyond a Suggestions forum.
ANY conjecture on potential fixes is subject to immediate revision, and is JUST BRAINSTORMING.
So chill.  Please?

And if you can't chill... I'm no morally obligated to report you to the moderators for the inability to follow simple instructions  ^__^;;

Is just really beyond the pale considering the trouble we've had keeping this thread on track and it's generally extremely arrogant tone. The acknowledgement that the moderators don't want you doing it at the same time you try to wield us like a club is NOT appreciated, and acknowledging that what you are doing is wrong in no way absolves yourself. The reporting system isn't a way that you punish people by clicking that you can threaten people with: it flags a post for moderator review WITHOUT further insulting or provoking others.  Consider this an official warning.

The rules can be reviewed here:


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #40 on: December 31, 2021, 04:44:23 PM »

Is just really beyond the pale considering the trouble we've had keeping this thread on track and it's generally extremely arrogant tone. The acknowledgement that the moderators don't want you doing it at the same time you try to wield us like a club is NOT appreciated, and acknowledging that what you are doing is wrong in no way absolves yourself.

I... umm... I don't know how to respond to that?  To the best of my knowledge, I've never touched the 'report to Moderator' button.  And I was told that I needed to START pushing it.  You posted that publicly, so I didn't see any harm in the reminder... but that's my mistake.

I'm TRYING hard to keep this on topic.  And I'm TRYING really hard to engage with the feedback without getting distracted.
But that means responding directly to the feedback.  And because most (definitely not all!) of it is just... dumping... I end up with very little to work with except for "No, seriously... I'm not joking/ignorant/trolling..." or any of the other accusations I've had to handle.

This is really, really hard to respond to WITHOUT pushing back, because a LOT of these responses are just a snide comment.

So I moved over to blurbs.  Specific examples in small posts.
That seeeeemmmssss to be working a little better?

I understand the warning, I'll continue to do my best to adhere to what you've said.

But honestly?  I'm a bit scared!  There's a LOT of responses here being EXTREMELY pushy about aspects of the game that AREN'T the posted core values!
I've read the long blog posts from Alex, explaining in intimate detail the changes they're making, and why.  It's very clear (to me?) that this is NOT just a skirmish/fighting game.  Hell, I've tried to avoid even delving into the skirmish because I personally think it's GOLDEN.  The ONLY feedback I can give is that it would be nice for the Fleet Formations to be a bit more interactive.  That's... petty stuff.  Barely worth noting.  I'd love when I click on a 'Formation' for it to open up little 'slots' to drag ships over to.  "I want you two to screen in front, and you to hang out behind the gigantotank".  That's it.  The melee aspect is AMAZING.

So... I've tried hard to avoid it.

Instead I've mentioned UI.  Duplications.  Standardization (I love how scary this one is!).

Those are the things I'd love to actually discuss.

Because Standardization isn't evil.  There's ALREADY a measure of it in the Official Mods page.  Some stuff doesn't go up.  Some stuff is categorized one way or another.  You update, or you get dropped off the list.  BOOM!  A measure of standardization that helps players avoid outdated mods!  You even get a warning if you try to load one!  Boom!  Another swipe at standardization.  I love it.  Another aspect that works fantastically.

So yeah.  Doing the best I'm able.  Working with what I've got... and TRYING not to give back the majority of what I'm getting.


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #41 on: December 31, 2021, 04:56:54 PM »

There are quite a few genuinely good suggestions drowned out by... everything else going on. From my read through:

More weapon info in the fitting screen (projectile speed, range/flux/damage stats being updated to show the effects of current hullmods/skills) would be wonderful.

The intel screen and map could definitely use some improvement/combining, as mentioned it takes a lot of button pressing to switch between screens and get to where you want to go. One thing in particular that annoys me a bit is I can plot a course to a star system from the intel screen, but if I want to plot a course to the mission location within that system, I have to go the map screen and then the system map to plot that. Ideally I could do all that from the intel screen. Map markers would also be a good thing.

"Let there be mouse support!  And key mapping! And video settings!-"
Key mapping has never bothered me in this game, but it would be nice if possible I guess.
I have no idea what the communicator thing is supposed to mean.
Likewise for throttle - is the suggestion here being able to set certain speeds within combat with buttons? I honestly do not see this being something I would ever use.

"Economy and Supplies -"
Being able to move items from one colony inventory to another without physically picking it up yourself would be nice.
Supplies are, as described in the game, everything a starship fleet needs to maintain and repair itself. You're advocating for adding a ton of specific supplies instead of having the one catch-all, which I can only see drastically increasing the tedium of the game to make sure you're topped up on ten different things. Not fun or interesting gameplay for me - maybe it is for you, but I think the response you've gotten here shows that most people are not interested in this.

But!  Since everyone seems to want small, concise, easy-to-read concerns, I'll say it again:  Supplies

You lose Supplies from Combat Deployment, and lose Combat Deployment without a steady trickle of Supplies.

You pay Supplies to even BEGIN a Combat Deployment, and rapidly while there.

You don't NEED to get your Combat Deployment back up.  You can freeze it with no consequence except NOT getting CD recharged.

And if you don't have it, the crew will literally rip the decking off the ship, and the airlocks off the walls until they die.

~ ~ ~

We also use Fuel for flying in a straight line at a set speed.  Still don't quite understand that one.  Maneuvers cost fuel.  STOPPING costs tons of fuel.  Coasting does not.

So while the use of supplies is simple... when my crew is ready to sink their ships if they don't get their Supplies, and their ability to wage war drops to zero in a matter of DAYS, I can't help but wonder... is this some sort of special heart medication or something??  The dreaded Drop Bear Repellant?  It's not recreational drugs, food, anything related to biomass, etc.

Supplies are EVERYTHING your fleet needs. Imagine that when your supplies run out and your ships take damage, you don't have a spare antimatter tokamak discombobulator and your hyperdrive blows up. Or any other of a billion things that could conceivably go wrong with your ships. Fuel wise - it's not a significant suspension of disbelief to imagine that things work differently in hyperspace than in regular space. There's some kind of friction and your ships need to keep spending fuel to move. Done. But ultimately, this is a gameplay mechanic - you spend fuel to go places as a logistical balance. You can imagine up a hundred different lore reasons as to why.

Time - again, most of the suggestions here just increase the tedium of the game without offering interesting gameplay options. One thing I do agree on is fetch quests - they're not very interesting to do and after you've read through all the flavor text, it's very tedious to go through the story.

Mods - I can only see the suggestions here being harmful to the mod community and I'm not clear on the logic of why exactly you want official mods. To make them closer to vanilla balance? It's up to you to curate what mods you play with, if something is too far out of balance, don't use it.

Story points - Agents/diplomats are Nex features, no? Three out of the five bullets here have no bearing to vanilla and shouldn't even be in this thread.

At the end of the day, Starsector is Alex's baby and love project. I get you want the updates and content faster and I certainly wouldn't mind it either, but I think the most important thing is that Alex does what he wants with the project. What I'm interested in is his unique vision for the game, not a team struggling to push out frilly updates to meet a schedule.



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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #42 on: December 31, 2021, 05:35:32 PM »

"Economy and Supplies -"
Being able to move items from one colony inventory to another without physically picking it up yourself would be nice.
Supplies are, as described in the game, everything a starship fleet needs to maintain and repair itself. You're advocating for adding a ton of specific supplies instead of having the one catch-all, which I can only see drastically increasing the tedium of the game to make sure you're topped up on ten different things. Not fun or interesting gameplay for me - maybe it is for you, but I think the response you've gotten here shows that most people are not interested in this.

I broke this down a bit better on another post.  It's definitely not 'add a bunch of new items'.  Most of them are already there!  ^_^  If anything, it would be 'add a bunch of new Support Skills' so that Combat oriented folks can get one sort of experience, and Exploration folks can get another.  I definitely know what the official explanation is supposed to be on what Supplies are.  And if the AI actually used them, the current implementation would be PERFECT for a quick-and-dirty, good-enough AI stat.  But as a Player concern?  It just feels rough.  Like the game has moved past that point.  Now that we've got Ship Parts, and still more Fuel that we could possibly ever use (except for when we don't) it wouldn't be hard to move some of the current, flat Supply requirement into Fuel, Metal, Ship Parts, etc.

Maybe laser weapons run on Volitiles.  Maybe kinetics run on Metal.  And maybe crew run on Food.

Sure, there'd still be Supplies floating around, but from a Player standpoint it should be a lot, lot less.  That's just my opinion.
Only because when you run OUT of something right now, especially Fuel or Supplies, the penalty for it just... doesn't... quite... make sense if you really think about it.
Unless Supplies is something like 'anti-psychosis space drugs', and crew will just go off the rails if they don't get 'em!  **LAUGHS**

Time - again, most of the suggestions here just increase the tedium of the game without offering interesting gameplay options. One thing I do agree on is fetch quests - they're not very interesting to do and after you've read through all the flavor text, it's very tedious to go through the story.
Ahhh, see?  But this is one of the better ones.  Quests that are DEPENDANT on flavor text.  Where if you just click through it... you simply can't make it happen, or have to go 'the long way' on another fetch quest.  I mean, yes.  Starsector has a LOT of tedium.  But it's... diverse tedium.  You get a little thrill when you find something.  It's interesting when you see something you haven't seen.  That breaks up the tedium a bit, and makes it more manageable.

I had tried not to get too much into 'offering interesting options', as that would have increased the 'word salad' portion.
But if we use EV:Nova as a good baseline... there's a lot of room for Flavor Text to keep developing, and even get us emotionally attached to those pixels!  ^_^

Mods - I can only see the suggestions here being harmful to the mod community and I'm not clear on the logic of why exactly you want official mods. To make them closer to vanilla balance? It's up to you to curate what mods you play with, if something is too far out of balance, don't use it.
I could offer a LOT of examples of exactly the opposite.  **shrugs**  You're right... it would be harmful to what is currently the setup for modding.  ANY change would.
But there's ALREADY a version checker built into the game.  There's already a warning for outdated mods.  And there's an Official Mod page that adds or removes mods from its listing.
So... to lean on one of my favorite quotes... We're not talking about the morality of this.  We're negotiating on price.  HOW much is too much?  How much is not enough?  There's obviously a need for SOME framework... but would a 'You're playing a modded game!  Boo on you!' warning that you get in other games work?  I think absolutely not.  BUUUUUUTTT... as you mentioned in your next point!

Story points - Agents/diplomats are Nex features, no? Three out of the five bullets here have no bearing to vanilla and shouldn't even be in this thread.
Are we trying to make the game more interesting/engaging/full of life, or not?  ^_~  'Cause Nexerlin is featured in its own little category, and adds SUCH flavor to the game!  WHY is it simply a mod?  It's ALREADY got a special shelf.  It's already right on top.  And it add features and dynamics to the game WITHOUT having to go reinvent the wheel.
Why have 'official mods'..?  Because some of this stuff SCREAMS to be Vanilla, takes nothing AWAY from Vanilla, and does nothing but take away from the empty spaces in Vanilla.
And that means that any Dev attempt to fill those spaces (so well covered by Nexerlin, for example) would mean direct COMPETITION with Nexerlin, which would be devastating to everyone!

So!  Do you stay at a stalemate, avoid developing certain parts of the game because your most popular mods cover it, and to do anything with it would cause friction?
.... or do you bring them on-board, reward them for their work (in one way or another) and get Starsector closer to something that pleases a new person?
Because Toggling OFF Official Mods is easy, and still leaves the control in the players hands.

Everyone seem to think that's a threat.  Some sort of Mod Nazi is gonna stomp around tell them they don't get soup.
I say break the stalemate.

At the end of the day, Starsector is Alex's baby and love project. I get you want the updates and content faster and I certainly wouldn't mind it either, but I think the most important thing is that Alex does what he wants with the project. What I'm interested in is his unique vision for the game, not a team struggling to push out frilly updates to meet a schedule.
Oh man, please don't think I'm suggesting this because I personally want more updates!  ^_^;;  That was an EXAMPLE of how to earn serious, valuable Social Credit, which can THEN be spend on elevating the game to new audiences and markets.  Doing things like 'Having an insanely quick, insanely reliable update schedule' is NOT required, not even SUGGESTED...

... buuuuuuutttt!  If they could DO it, they'd have the same financial and success opportunities that some of those Studios that CAN get.  It's a choice!  And, of course, there are other ways.

The amusing part is where folks immediately assume that Official Mods means tyranny.
They don't consider the stalemate that a FANTASTIC mod creates for the base game!

They assume that 'You could try updates like the Trese Brothers do!' would suddenly mean garbage.
It's valuable because they do it, and it's NOT garbage.  It wouldn't be worth mentioning if it was!  ^_^  It's a way to add zeros to the number of players currently online.  To make an impression.

I hope that clears up my intention a bit, and.. thank you.
That's good feedback!


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #43 on: December 31, 2021, 05:46:49 PM »

But there's ALREADY a version checker built into the game.  There's already a warning for outdated mods.
No there isn't? That's all the Version Checker mod/Nex (since it integrated it).
And there's an Official Mod page that adds or removes mods from its listing.
Close, but no cigar. There's an index of mods on the page, none are official, and it's not curated beyond asking to be on it.
And that means that any Dev attempt to fill those spaces (so well covered by Nexerlin, for example) would mean direct COMPETITION with Nexerlin, which would be devastating to everyone!
No, that would mean integration of Nexerlin, which would be devastating for no-one. There doesn't have to be any of this "official mods" nonsense for that.
Because Toggling OFF Official Mods is easy,
Oh? And how's that? What makes your theoretical "official mod" easier to turn off than any other?
They don't consider the stalemate that a FANTASTIC mod creates for the base game!
Because there isn't one.


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Re: General Suggestions and Food for Thought
« Reply #44 on: December 31, 2021, 05:56:30 PM »

You are just a ray of sunshine, Yunru!

When you go to enable/disable mods in the launcher... which is Vanilla, I'm pretty sure... it'll bar you from activating mods that are too outdated, and gives you the whole bit with colors to designate.  Version checker as a mod is great, and a fantastic reminder once the game is launched, but there's already a basic process of warning.

You can, of course, just go in and modify the version told to the game.  It's even necessary sometimes.

But that Mods screen as part of the Launcher is the answer to all of your bright, happy comments here.
HOW would toggling be easy?  The same way we ALREADY toggle mods, Yunru!  ^_^  Thanks for asking!
Why would it not mean Integration?  Because we can ALREADY toggle Nexerlin on and off, Yunru!  It's built in!
Denoting as an Official (read: packaged) Mod means that you already get it with your Vanilla download.  It's got its normal toggle it already does...
And the only real REQUIREMENT is 'Don't go off the rails and turn Nexerlin into something non-Nexerlin, please'.  But... in business you have to actually formalize that, etc.

The forms must be obeyed.

the activity of posting deliberately provocative or off-topic comments on social media, typically in order to upset others or distract from the main conversation.

It's just the 'Mods...' button on the launcher, dude.
This isn't rocket surgery

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« Last Edit: December 31, 2021, 06:05:09 PM by dgchessman2 »
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