For most smaller ships I don't go out of my way to pick particular hull mods until after I have the weapons I want loaded.
That said, when it comes to the non-combat ships, its all about hullmods to increase whatever they are good for (extra cargo/fuel/crew space etc) as if those have to see combat i've already lost anyways and them having weapons over cargo space isn't going to change that.
also its logistical hull mods that I mostly spend my story points on, I like to survey, salvage, smuggle, and raid, so its allabout mods that lower sensor profile, up burn speed, give me more space for loot, and a few ships with extra survey equipment.
I figure story points are meant to be speant, so long as I keep a couple floating around for the occasional emergency or unexpected use, they may as well be used on useful high op hullmods.