1.04.44 - Savebreaker alert!
- Revisit descriptions
- Revist variants
- Revisit the (Angry) Periphery
- Get [REDACTED] to create Bhilais nex profile for me...
- Deal with complaints
- Shoe-horn lore in to new starts (currently using faction desciption text as place-holder).
- Astrum - Added to default ship roles (whoops!)
- Various stat tweaks
- Valhalla - Removed KoC Mod
- Valkyrie - Removed KoC Mod
- Mercury - now has KoC.desg
- Small Missile changed to Composite
- Shrike - Removed Insulated Engine
- Fury - Removed Insulated Engine
- Medium Energy changed to Composite
- OddyKoc - Small Hybrids changed to Energy/Ballistic (No other KoC has hybrids)
- Medium changed to Composite
- Large Universal changed to Composite (Because all KoC-mil get a composite....)
- Atlas(C) - Medium Universal changed to Medium Energy
- Geist - Reduced deployment cost 30->26
- Enforcer - (TT) changed to (EU)
- Hinny - Swaped Large/Medium mounts
- Full fighter bay
- Requiem - Replaced Dynamic Stabilizer with ammofeed
- Removed Damper field
- Removed B.Rangefinder
- Added Distributed Fire Control
- Increased base dissipation by 50
- Reduced OP by 5
- Added (P) Variant
- Haymaker - Increased speed from 115 to 125
- G.Harbinger - All mediums = Synergy
- G.Phantom - L.Energy changed to Synergy
- G.Shade - M.Missile changed to M.Synergy
- Removed S.Energy 1x
- G.Afflictor - Locked -pending removal-
- Sleipnir - Restored TPC RoF
- Restored Escort Package (Is it too much to ask for both?)
- System changed to Damper
- Added missing desciptions
- New Weapon- Atropos - LARGE!
- AP-MG - Reduced flux 20->18
- Maiden - Reduced OP cost from 5/10/15 to 4/8/15
- Streak - Behaviour tweaks
- Revised starting rules
- Faction doctrine tweaks
- Restored Ordinance Storage and Flux Capacitors
- Converted OrdStor and FluxCap to S-mods
- Purchasable from Bhilai and Eridani
- Can be unlocked at start through KoC/Mbaye start option
- Faction hullmods (Blockade Runner/Phase Resonator) overhauled - now S-mods
- Known bug: Setting them to 'Hidden' removes the ability to SMOD - Reported
- No faction knows them
- Set to no_drop/no_drop_salvage - should prevent them spawning
- YMMV depending on mods/cheats
- Reverted Eridani Commisoned crew hull mod to range bonus
- Mbaye-Gogol [REDACTED] start now begins with Automated Ship skill
- Mbaye drones converted and revamped in accord:
- IPDAI removed
- Custom hullmod removed
- Shields added
- System changed Cannister->Skimmer (Because Mbaye love to phase... (And so does the [REDACTED])
- Defender - Hardpoint Med->Sml.Syn
- Bastillion - Large removed and 2xSml converted to M.Hard.Syn
- Eridani-Utopia ships are all Eridani-Utopia not Eridani Utopia