ScopeThis is kind of a reply to the colony discussion that currently sits in pages 28-30 of the 0.95.1 patch notes thread. Putting this here because (A) I am a crazy person, (B) patch notes thread is not the appropriate place for this, and (C) here I'm exploring another route.
I find it interesting (if not disturbing) that one of the main concerns in this colony discussion seems to be about cost and revenue.
And... I suspect this is actually something that bothers Starsector creators: this features has a much more interesting potential, that unfortunatly was not fulfilled. Have you ever asked yourself after managing colonies for a while: why am I doing this for anyway? If first answer is "money", then, to be brutally honest, we are talking about a game design defect and a less than ideal management of player expectations.
At this point, I'd like to remind you guys about this:
A primary gameplay role of player-built colonies is getting the player into trouble., what?! I don't want to get into trouble, get your fleet off my lawn, I just want more money!Ok, ok, let us leave the jest here.
The first paragraphs of this one are also very much relevant: chatterInside spoiler below I have quoted some messages from pages 28-30 of the 0.95.1 patch notes thread, when the discussion was not purely about money.
Of course one could argue that a tiny colony takes too much baby sitting or something like that.
With only four colonies, I place colonies where they can be self-sufficient and at a good location, not necessarily where they can mine the most resources for the most profit.
Defenses are the expensive part, but that's more a question of how much you are willing to babysit.
Game has literally one (1) questline, you dont really need colony to complete it, even though encounters are made for super late-game and/or specifically tailored fleets to counter them.
Im questioning the necessity of the whole colony gameplay now, what's the point? To give exploration some meaning? Just make "production slots" bar encounter more often. As of now mods handle colonies better.
With regards to late game, it seems quite likely that there will be new things added that give you incentive/reason to have scaled up colonies. You have to remember you are playing an alpha, just look at that juicy greyed-out orders tab.
It's enough of a chore already when waiting for defenses to build and colony size to increase. Lately I barely bother with them, I just use them as a place to stock up on supplies/fuel and to hoard all my weapons and LPCs.
Weird how different people seem to have wildly different experiences with the current colony system...
Then again, I'm not looking at colonies as a primary cash supply - which, I mean, they do supply some if you haven't messed things up too much, and that's useful, but the primary purpose for colonies for me is to keep my stuff, and to allow production of things I've got the blueprints for. Income is a nice bonus, but not a priority.
Personally,I do like fiddling with colonies,but they take the fun out of the game when they re fully equipped. Nothing can get past a fortified colony with a Star Fortress and multiple fleets patrolling it.
I guess it comes down to what people see colonies as in terms of gameplay. Are they a tool? Are they a goal? Are better colonies a reward for exploration gameplay as well as routinely defeating Remnants? Are they optional or are players expected need them every game unless they're playing really well? Are they intended as a credit sink for players already doing well, or a support for players doing poorly? Are they intended to solve problems or create problems to be solved (like, hmm, now I need a gamma core to reduce the ore requirements for my refinery to reduce my upkeep costs)?
Heavy industry is the only (non-defense) industry that does anything more than making money, and commerce as the third industry with any boost (cores, items, story points) already makes more than any other industries. If you don't care about money, then I guess you just spam heavy industries? Nothing else would do anything.
Early-game colonies (what are we defining as "early?") would only work if they funneled combat to the player and generated income. I would love for starter colonies to be especially "ripe" for pirate activity but likewise, a system bounty would just perpetually be in effect until the colony hit a certain size or or other conditions were met. That would make starting a colony a bit of a defense game but also generate income and funnel the player into combat.
And has been said ad nauseum since colonies came out: they've always been a means to end but the end isn't here yet. It is my hope that a true endgame will require a system-spanning empire and the use of hundreds of thousands of credits per month to have a prayer. Until then, colonies will always be a bit purpose-less because nothing in the game currently requires the benefits high-end colonies provide.
The way I see it, colonies were added to the game before there was a use for them, and now they are nerfed into irrelevance until such uses are added, presumably because Alex doesn't want to remove them outright and face the outrage.
Let me do a quick summary of what colonies are used for according to those messages:
- defending them = actual gameplay, yay! ... but sometimes perceived in a negative way: "babysitting"
- a way to use loot obtained from exploration = okay, just small organic well integrated tie-in
- supposedly do some late game stuff in future version of the game = uhhh, wait and see? 2023 release?
- storage = yep
- production of ships and weapons = yep
That's it!
Addressing existing uses, getting into troubleWell, I am not convinced any currently released version of the game succeeded at providing a set of compeling and sustainable gameplay opportunities related to player created colonies. Keywords here are compeling and sustainable.
Okay, I can set an arbitrary goal "once my first colony reaches size 5, campaign is won". I'll get a few raid from pirates and maybe one or two industry disruption attempts from competitors.
First pirate raid may be compeling, because that's new (unless I already helped a core world defend against a pirate raid). But after that it quicky gets repetitive.
Actually let me expand a bit on this. You are told a raid is coming. Then depending on your fleet's location (and strength), you will:
- defend colony somewhere within system or even while orbiting the colony
- catch raider fleets in hyperspace or (unlikely) catch raider fleets in their starting system
- destroy pirate base before raider fleets are launched
- do nothing! because your fleet is too far away or too weak to deal with this, or your colony can defend itself, or you just don't care
Positive: it feels rather organic because given your current situation you are presented with more or less options.
Negative: it feels rather gamey procgen repetive non-sense after a while (... which is not specific to raids, by the way).
Yes, as long as the game triggers the "babysitting" feeling, that's not sustainable. Some tweaks were made over the years, but I think the core issues remain since 0.9.0. Any ideas to improve the those existing "defense events"?
Add some alternative ways for player to learn about them? Through contacts?
Colony raids could have different attack patterns: fleets travelling together + entering system all together at the same jump point, spliting / going different routes / entering system from different jump points.
They could also have more varied fleet compositions: crazy frigate spam, carrier-heavy fleet, and so on.
Special fleets like the one encountered in a fringe system during main quest line (phase ships madness).
Raid fleets could have an admiral/contact that you could actually talk with, not necessarily leading to combat depending on dialog options and your previous actions in the Sector! Maybe some might become ally to the player fleet against other invaders! (told you I'm crazy)
Other uses (MOAAAR TROUBLES!)So I guess we want more compeling opportunies. Not just the same events occuring again and again. And we want this to be sustainable, for the duration of a campaign. Any ideas how to achieve that? Idea expressed by FooF in spoiler above is interesting (system bounty).
What about colony-related missions? Setup one colony with a specific lab industry there for the academy, hire a contact as colony administrator in a core word and escort him toward colony while sustaining attacks from his former employer, have a colony become an auxiliary military base and/or production center for a major sector organisation and ... face the consequence from other groups, have your fleet directly handle delivery of colony goods from/toward your colony while sustaining bandit attacks, and so on.
Siege-type events where colony's system jump points are guarded by hostile fleets until dealt with by player fleet?
Histidine et al. will forever be heroes for what they brought, well before colonies were introduced in vanilla. The conquest warfare tied to dynamic reputation/standing/alliance meant a fair amount of additional opportunities while improving the "living Sector" feeling. It could become repetitive, but looking back it felt quite nice. Speaking about this in the past tense because I haven't played with Nexerelin for a while. I am not saying going the 4x route is what Starsector needs. My point is, adding more varied and compeling opportunities would really help vanilla.
Indeed the general idea is: more varied opportunies/events means less repetition, better organic integration as long as those are compeling. Sustainability is attained, leading to better campaign replayability. And... duh, finally give colonies a substantial gameplay purpose.
So, what would you like to see added? It's time to collect all the crazy ideas, shoot!