Apologies if this has been asked before or if it's a dumb question, but isn't the 80% nerf to raiding overtuned? I've mostly raided just for supplies and fuel, to keep my fleet going without having to deal with markets, and while it was good if carried out in the right worlds, this feels like an extreme measure because of one specific scenario: a feedback loop. It feels more like a problem of this particular interaction than with the fantasy and base gameplay of raiding.
Thematically, raiding should give some measure of reward even if the raided commodity's not in excess. Otherwise, you wouldn't see pirates raiding in and around systems except for very specific planets (those with an excess of supplies and/or fuel). Not only that, but it adds another layer of logistics to the problem. Now when you want to raid, you not only need to check if the planet produces the commodity you desire and if it's a viable raid target (as in, it has defenses you can penetrate), but now you also need to make sure it's in excess (and that it remains in excess by the time you reach the system, or you've been burning fuel pointlessly). While before you could resupply anywhere and mostly raid anywhere for supplies/fuel, now you might need to ping-pong across the entire core-worlds for a haul you could possibly get off a singular planet.
Anyway, sorry for the rant and any grammatical mistakes. What are your thoughts on this? Just lifting some concerns, based on what it might hypothetically end up looking like. If it ends up becoming too punishing or otherwise too much of a chore to be worth the trouble, raiding is a cool feature that could end up going unused. Except for blueprints or industry items, but that's not the mechanic being changed.
Edit: Grammar