the flux system is alright the way it is now, but from the start it always felt off how flux is something thats generated, instead of used. if for example either a ship system or the defense system generated flux and weapons drained it, or perhaps the other way around
OP has a point. Starsector is quite unique in space ship games because of its flux system instead of the simple RPG-like system that all other games use.
In theory the game work like that. But it would remove so much of the "skill" from the game that it becomes just another top down space shooter like all the others.
A old classic video game worth mentioning is
Tyrian. I don't know of any other shoot 'em ups that comes with such a system. An energy pool, an upgradable generator that provides a certain amount of power to refill energy pool, an upgradable shield that also consume some energy to replenish, upgradable weapons that use power when fired, ...
A much more recent video game that also comes to mind is
Delta V Rings of Saturn. Upgradable capacitors providing energy pool, upgradable mining tools (weapons) that use power when fired, upgradable thrusters that consume power and generate heat, upgradable reactors that produce power, ...
Indeed I too I find interesting about Starsector the fact that a spaceship flux pool is kind of an inverted energy pool. Having said that,
I've played a little and I don't like the flux system at all. I know there are a lot of mods for this game, so if anyone knows about some rebalance mod with removed flux, let me know please. Thank you.
What do you mean "played a little"?

A few minutes or a few hours? One should get used to Starsector flux system rather quickly by playing tutorials and using the simulator - highly recommended to anyone new to the game. So many things are built and balanced on the assumption that spaceships have a limited flux capacity (also shield and weapons having a flux cost, damage on shield generating flux), that you basically break the game if you remove some of those core constrains.
I'm not saying simplifying/removing flux is a bad idea, I say: it breaks the game in its current state.
Something to keep in mind: a major benefit of the flux system is it keeps player actively engaged in gameplay. Rephrasing something Alex often repeats: the game is designed to be played by a player, it is not designed to play by itself.