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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.9.4 - 11/26/24  (Read 83428 times)


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Re: [0.97a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.9.4 - 11/26/24
« Reply #90 on: November 30, 2024, 07:21:14 PM »

hi, me again!
time for...not typo, but grammar (and some punctuation)! because I actually looked (somewhat) closer this time.
ablative armor: it's -> its
arsenal lockers: add comma after "depending on hull size"
Belt armor: most the -> most of the
burn boost: same as ablative armor (use its instead of it's)
faraday cage: 's for personnel

nano hull repair, the one that sparked me to this: "the nanoforge it is less efficient" remove that 'it'

projectile accelerator: field that slows -> field which slows
reflective coating: coating for ship armor (instead of to)
salvaged armour: that increases -> that increase
shield overclock: ships shield -> ship's shield. also, the -20% recovery is confusing, and should probably be reworded to be +20% overload duration...assuming that's what it does
weapon overclock: it to -> into (sounds better, and 'it' is what again?)

zero flux: sounds nice, but kinda implies it does something other than what it does, given other things out there. maybe go with "this modification increases Zero-flux speeds by 25%" reason being there are certain hullmods like safety overrides which activate the zero-flux boost at all times, whereas your mod implies it only works at 0% flux. and that was my first assumption until I checked the source code just now...
Also known as: Khe, Kherae. Pros: tend to be an optimizer and a fixer. Cons: ADD (Is that a squirrel over there?) and severe memory issues (as in: I'm the last 10+ years)

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Re: [0.97a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.9.4 - 11/26/24
« Reply #91 on: December 01, 2024, 03:40:47 AM »

hi, me again!
time for...not typo, but grammar (and some punctuation)! because I actually looked (somewhat) closer this time.
Hello, nice to hear from you again.
ablative armor: it's -> its
arsenal lockers: add comma after "depending on hull size"
Belt armor: most the -> most of the
burn boost: same as ablative armor (use its instead of it's)
faraday cage: 's for personnel

nano hull repair, the one that sparked me to this: "the nanoforge it is less efficient" remove that 'it'

projectile accelerator: field that slows -> field which slows
reflective coating: coating for ship armor (instead of to)
salvaged armour: that increases -> that increase
shield overclock: ships shield -> ship's shield. also, the -20% recovery is confusing, and should probably be reworded to be +20% overload duration...assuming that's what it does
weapon overclock: it to -> into (sounds better, and 'it' is what again?)
You would think English is a second language for me but no I am just bad at it I guess.
zero flux: sounds nice, but kinda implies it does something other than what it does, given other things out there. maybe go with "this modification increases Zero-flux speeds by 25%" reason being there are certain hullmods like safety overrides which activate the zero-flux boost at all times, whereas your mod implies it only works at 0% flux. and that was my first assumption until I checked the source code just now...
When I made these I considered them as stand alone and not really how they would interact with other mods but you make a solid point on this one. I'll do a re-word of the description or actually go into the code and make it incompatable with base mods that effect zero flux speed. Which do you think is the better route?

I'll look over all these and have something out soon(tm) as this is mostly low effort spell checking and only one needs coding so it shouldn't take me long. I *should* have an hour or two free on Monday to bang something out so stay tuned.


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Re: [0.97a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.9.4 - 11/26/24
« Reply #92 on: December 01, 2024, 02:28:13 PM »

honestly i'd just reword it, if someone wants to stack zero-flux speed they're doing so at a cost of anything else they could be using the OP on anyway. That, and it's using modifyPercent, so it's not like it'd reach super ridiculous values like it would have if it were modifyMult.
and as someone who was born and raised with the english language and nearly no usage of others, I still have trouble with it sometimes! though part of that is my brain's a lil...glitchy.

No rush, regardless. Just wanted to add some small improvement. heh.
Also known as: Khe, Kherae. Pros: tend to be an optimizer and a fixer. Cons: ADD (Is that a squirrel over there?) and severe memory issues (as in: I'm the last 10+ years)

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Re: [0.97a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.9.4 - 11/26/24
« Reply #93 on: December 01, 2024, 03:04:20 PM »

honestly i'd just reword it, if someone wants to stack zero-flux speed they're doing so at a cost of anything else they could be using the OP on anyway. That, and it's using modifyPercent, so it's not like it'd reach super ridiculous values like it would have if it were modifyMult.
and as someone who was born and raised with the english language and nearly no usage of others, I still have trouble with it sometimes! though part of that is my brain's a lil...glitchy.

No rush, regardless. Just wanted to add some small improvement. heh.
That is how I generally feel about most of these hull mods. I balance them as-is and I leave it up to the player to decide whether to stack them or not. I am all about offering choices to the playerbase in all of my mods. I just had a bonehead move on my part pointed out to me on the CFT thread that I need to address before I get to this one but I should have some corrections out next week in an updated patch.

From one glitchy brain to another thank you for the follow up :)


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Re: [0.97a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.9.4 - 11/26/24
« Reply #94 on: December 11, 2024, 07:58:37 AM »

I saw a vanilla tip and was reminded of this mod
"Percentage increases are additive. Percentage reductions are generally multiplicative.",

remember the person mentioning reaching 0 hull? this is a good solution to it: use modifyMult instead of modifyPercent. it wont help against other mods, but the less mods using modifyPercent on hull values the better. might have to rescale the penalties though.
Also known as: Khe, Kherae. Pros: tend to be an optimizer and a fixer. Cons: ADD (Is that a squirrel over there?) and severe memory issues (as in: I'm the last 10+ years)

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Re: [0.97a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.9.4 - 11/26/24
« Reply #95 on: December 11, 2024, 10:44:45 AM »

I saw a vanilla tip and was reminded of this mod
"Percentage increases are additive. Percentage reductions are generally multiplicative.",

remember the person mentioning reaching 0 hull? this is a good solution to it: use modifyMult instead of modifyPercent. it wont help against other mods, but the less mods using modifyPercent on hull values the better. might have to rescale the penalties though.
Well hello again! Sorry I have not had the time to get to the earlier corrections you suggested, things are just hectic for me around the holidays. I'll have to check that tooltip because it is not how I understand percent vs mult. If you are corrct though, I will go through the code for each hullmod that has a percentage reduction and make changes as needed.

If any changes need to be made to the code, I'll bundle it with the grammar corrections in the next release. As I stated earlier I do not have much free time until after Jan so it may not be ready until then.


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Re: [0.97a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.9.4 - 11/26/24
« Reply #96 on: December 11, 2024, 11:11:47 AM »

well, to summarize in pseudo: Base Value * (1+((sum of percent modifiers)/100)) * multModifier1 * multModifier2 ... etc

modifyPercent adds a multiple of the base (so -100 would subtract the entire base)
modifyMult multiplies the total value.
the tip mentioned is in vanilla's tips.json, and is a pretty smart way of handling the hull thing.
the code change itself would be merely involve a lil math, taking w/e you were using for percent, adding 100, dividing by 100, done. if it's -20, it becomes 0.8. and of course swap modifyPercent for modifyMult. any further adjustments are after that shift.
for my mod, I mostly use modifyMult...strong bonuses, but also strong penalties (that also largely lack the likelihood of totally bricking something)

and yes I understand, holidays and the like. busybusy! heh. try not to get any pine needles (fake or otherwise) stuck in your socks...
Also known as: Khe, Kherae. Pros: tend to be an optimizer and a fixer. Cons: ADD (Is that a squirrel over there?) and severe memory issues (as in: I'm the last 10+ years)

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Re: [0.97a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.9.4 - 11/26/24
« Reply #97 on: December 22, 2024, 10:38:51 AM »

ran into something when looking for how to make a ship take damage over time before it blows up, check
nanohull is using deprecated functions, which means they could be removed in a later update. though it should be as simple as changing getHullRepairRatePercentPerSecond to getHullCombatRepairRatePercentPerSecond and getMaxHullRepairFraction to getMaxCombatHullRepairFraction
Also known as: Khe, Kherae. Pros: tend to be an optimizer and a fixer. Cons: ADD (Is that a squirrel over there?) and severe memory issues (as in: I'm the last 10+ years)

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Re: [0.97a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.9.4 - 11/26/24
« Reply #98 on: December 22, 2024, 02:03:12 PM »

ran into something when looking for how to make a ship take damage over time before it blows up, check
nanohull is using deprecated functions, which means they could be removed in a later update. though it should be as simple as changing getHullRepairRatePercentPerSecond to getHullCombatRepairRatePercentPerSecond and getMaxHullRepairFraction to getMaxCombatHullRepairFraction
Hello there, I have a few depreciated funtions that I use becasue I missed them as I am a long time player and used them when they were live. I do monitor if they no longer work and will replace or remove this one if that happens. To my knowledge the only depreciated code that I use that is causing issues is the monofiliment tow cable which used to be on the Ox class tug but had it replaced with 'Drive field stabilizer' way back in patch 0.8. Even though the text output is wonky, the function still works as described so I keep it in.


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Re: [0.97a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.9.4 - 11/26/24
« Reply #99 on: December 23, 2024, 03:11:03 PM »

Whenever I try to download the newest version, I get the older one


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Re: [0.97a] Carter's Junk Hull Mods - V 0.9.4 - 11/26/24
« Reply #100 on: December 23, 2024, 03:39:56 PM »

Whenever I try to download the newest version, I get the older one
Hello there sorry to hear you are having that issue. I just chekced the link on the main page and it downloaded version 0.9.4 which is the latest. Are you using the blue bolded "Carter's Junk Hull Mods" link embedded at the top of the main page?
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