Mod version 0.0.8a
|||Due to using machine translation, the text might look a bit odd, apologies for that.|||
In a clumsy imitation of the beautiful vanilla art style, I have created some new ships.
These ships are currently quite plain and simple, but I plan to add and improve more ships and other content in the future.
Welcome feedback, especially if you encounter any issues, please contact me!
Discord @lililowo
Added vanilla three design types of ships
UNGP (Unofficial New Game Plus), the new addition of expert mode rules
Based on my understanding of the vanilla game, these ships and systems are highly performant and quite powerful.
Created by: lili and ZeroXenon
Code: ZeroXenon, AnyIDElse
Description: ShadowLight, FAX
Sound: ShioZakana, ShadowLight
And thanks:
R.U.A, Originem, Monde, Redlichiida, wolf yang
saya39, Cypher, water_turtle, Nightkeeper, GHOUST
Seal, rodney, schoolboy, Taiho, Avalanche_X, AXE, Avanitia
Ykaris, Scythe, YuYukoari
Tartiflette and his mods
Farstar Localization group
jn_xyp and Fossic
Fractal Softworks forum
Alex and Fractal Softworks
Updated for 0.97a
Added Vixen-class Missile Frigate
Added Puritan-class Light Destroyer
Added Eternity-class Light Destroyer
(Thanks to Ykaris for the above 3 ships)
Added Complex-class Battlecruiser (Thanks again to Tartiflette and Diable Avionics)
Added some unfinished content, coming sooooooon!
Most of the ships have new sprites
Looks better with Graphicslib on (New Normal maps)
Various changes
Renamed Pegasus class to Steed class
Adjusted Specialist Mode(UNGP mod) rules
Updated for 0.95.1a
Adjusted the mounts of some ships
Adjusted descriptions of some shipsystems
Adjusted the burn level and value of some ships
Potteryjar: DP cost 7 to 8
Pipe: DP cost 8 to10
Move text out of .jar
Added Rigour class Destroyer (inspired by DIABLEAVIONICS Derecho class)
Added Eurus class Battleship
Adjusted ships generation
Renamed Forge Drive and also adjusted the effect so that the missile response is now replenished based on the missile base number
Adjusted duration and cooldown of the crossbow catapult
Adjusted sprites of some of the ships
Abstruseness: flux capacity 11000 to 9000