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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.8a  (Read 123410 times)


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[0.97a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.8a
« on: October 30, 2021, 06:11:38 AM »

Mod version 0.0.8a
Requires Lazylib
Requires GraphicsLib
Requires MagicLib

|||Due to using machine translation, the text might look a bit odd, apologies for that.|||

In a clumsy imitation of the beautiful vanilla art style, I have created some new ships.
These ships are currently quite plain and simple, but I plan to add and improve more ships and other content in the future.
Welcome feedback, especially if you encounter any issues, please contact me!
Discord @lililowo

Added vanilla three design types of ships
Supported UNGP (Unofficial New Game Plus), the new addition of expert mode rules
Based on my understanding of the vanilla game, these ships and systems are highly performant and quite powerful.



Created by: lili and ZeroXenon
Code: ZeroXenon, AnyIDElse
Description: ShadowLight, FAX
Sound: ShioZakana, ShadowLight
And thanks:
R.U.A, Originem, Monde, Redlichiida, wolf yang
saya39, Cypher, water_turtle, Nightkeeper, GHOUST
Seal, rodney, schoolboy, Taiho, Avalanche_X, AXE, Avanitia
Ykaris, Scythe, YuYukoari
Tartiflette and his mods
Farstar Localization group
jn_xyp and Fossic
Fractal Softworks forum
Alex and Fractal Softworks

Updated for 0.97a
Added Vixen-class Missile Frigate
Added Puritan-class Light Destroyer
Added Eternity-class Light Destroyer
(Thanks to Ykaris for the above 3 ships)
Added Complex-class Battlecruiser (Thanks again to Tartiflette and Diable Avionics)
Added some unfinished content, coming sooooooon!
Most of the ships have new sprites
Looks better with Graphicslib on (New Normal maps)
Various changes
Renamed Pegasus class to Steed class
Adjusted Specialist Mode(UNGP mod) rules
Updated for 0.95.1a
Adjusted the mounts of some ships
Adjusted descriptions of some shipsystems
Adjusted the burn level and value of some ships
Potteryjar: DP cost 7 to 8
Pipe: DP cost 8 to10
Move text out of .jar
Added Rigour class Destroyer (inspired by DIABLEAVIONICS Derecho class)
Added Eurus class Battleship
Adjusted ships generation
Renamed Forge Drive and also adjusted the effect so that the missile response is now replenished based on the missile base number
Adjusted duration and cooldown of the crossbow catapult
Adjusted sprites of some of the ships
Abstruseness: flux capacity 11000 to 9000
« Last Edit: June 23, 2024, 08:01:15 PM by lili »

Valden OrO

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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2021, 07:01:16 AM »

All i have to say is that your ships are very beautiful and i hope to see more of them.


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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2021, 07:51:00 AM »

Ships look great! Will have to test this mod when I finally play modded again.

Watching the GIFs, the small high-tech ship shooting Autopulse Laser and Atropos is intriguing. Nice presentation. :D


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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2021, 12:46:27 PM »

These are all great. Top work. Love the subtle organic divergences from vanilla style while still looking like they really belong in the 3 design types.

In terms of balance I think the biggest outlier right now is the Burn Reload Driver. It just gives far too much missile sustain on all 3 ships its on. Potentially getting 4 (with expanded racks) or even 6 (with racks and missile skill) Reapers or Hammers from ammo regen between the 2 frontal larges on the Skullbasher every 20 seconds or so is just too much, and on the Fossil getting at least 3 sabots back every burn is exceptionally powerful. Especially since all the ships its on have all that low tech peak performance time to keep up the regeneration. If it had a limit, maybe it can only regen ammo on the first 10 burns in a battle so its still giving potentially 50% total ammo back (like a half effectiveness missile autoforge), it might be much more agreeable. It could also do with a more precise system description explaining the 5% regen each burn with some rounding (like 12 total ammo missiles getting regen but 10 total ammo not getting regen). And if I may, I think a better name for the system could be 'Forge Drive', as its like a combination of Autoforge and Burn Drive.

Catapulting Jets probably gives its +75 speed boost for too long as well, there's only about 3-4 seconds of downtime between the speed boost ending and being able to catapult again.

Given the similarity of the Pegasus to the Fury, and given how the Fury is very strong in this version, it may be slightly undervalued at 24 DP what with its more hefty weapons complement. This one is more vague I think, and since the Fury isn't being nerfed from 15 DP to 20 until next update it may need to stay at 24 for now in order to be competitive.

Abstruseness may also be very slightly DP undervalued. Or, since its similar to the Heron with lower speed, worse system, but with a free Xyphos on top, it may be very slightly overvalued. But I think it sits comfortably in the 25-30 range.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2021, 12:58:27 PM by PreConceptor »


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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2021, 12:49:36 PM »

Also, if the writing is mostly done by machine translation its probably the most legible I've seen that I could still tell was translated. Some quirks but quite readable.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2021, 04:41:43 PM by PreConceptor »

Nick XR

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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2021, 01:10:55 PM »

These look amazing, great work!


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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2021, 05:52:18 PM »

In terms of balance I think the biggest outlier right now is the Burn Reload Driver. It just gives far too much missile sustain on all 3 ships its on. Potentially getting 4 (with expanded racks) or even 6 (with racks and missile skill) Reapers or Hammers from ammo regen between the 2 frontal larges on the Skullbasher every 20 seconds or so is just too much, and on the Fossil getting at least 3 sabots back every burn is exceptionally powerful. Especially since all the ships its on have all that low tech peak performance time to keep up the regeneration. If it had a limit, maybe it can only regen ammo on the first 10 burns in a battle so its still giving potentially 50% total ammo back (like a half effectiveness missile autoforge), it might be much more agreeable. It could also do with a more precise system description explaining the 5% regen each burn with some rounding (like 12 total ammo missiles getting regen but 10 total ammo not getting regen). And if I may, I think a better name for the system could be 'Forge Drive', as its like a combination of Autoforge and Burn Drive.
The effect of recovery missiles is quite powerful. When given to the ai to use because it is bound to burn reload, so will not be used frequently, and risk forcing forward, for manual operation is similar. But for the expansion of the missile rack and adjutant after the Missile Specialization bonus is very substantial, I might consider based on the base ammunition rather than the number of expanded. About the name I will go to modify.

Catapulting Jets probably gives its +75 speed boost for too long as well, there's only about 3-4 seconds of downtime between the speed boost ending and being able to catapult again.
Catapulting Jets is more subtle, perhaps I have not found a suitable degree, so set a long duration and a very short cooldown. To make it easier to use, exclude the displacement time used to restore the backward, if not used to attack, in fact, can be used as a propeller to continue to move forward time is not very long

Given the similarity of the Pegasus to the Fury, and given how the Fury is very strong in this version, it may be slightly undervalued at 24 DP what with its more hefty weapons complement. This one is more vague I think, and since the Fury isn't being nerfed from 15 DP to 20 until next update it may need to stay at 24 for now in order to be competitive.
In fact, Pegasus was completed before the 095 was released (or even before the Fury demo). Now compared to Fury he has the advantage of a more abundant weapons configuration.

Abstruseness may also be very slightly DP undervalued. Or, since its similar to the Heron with lower speed, worse system, but with a free Xyphos on top, it may be very slightly overvalued. But I think it sits comfortably in the 25-30 range.
Abstruseness more inclined to close combat, because she is not the carrier ai, perhaps I buffed her too much flux in order to make it not too vulnerable in frontline combat before.

Thank you for your support and feedback!
« Last Edit: October 30, 2021, 06:04:35 PM by lili »


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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2021, 06:32:51 PM »

In fact, Pegasus was completed before the 095 was released (or even before the Fury demo). Now compared to Fury he has the advantage of a more abundant weapons configuration.

Welcome, happy to provide feedback on a cool mod. In regards to the Fury I was referring to how the upcoming update with the slipstreams and whatnot that Alex has been teasing on his twitter is slated to nerf the Fury from its 15 DP in 0.95a to 20 DP because its quite strong currently. But currently it probably makes sense to keep the Peg as-is at 24. I really haven't done thorough testing on that one so I'm just guessing its actual performance based on its stats and its passing resemblance to the Fury.

I think the Reload Driver only accounting for base ammo is a good change. It would still have the potential to regen a lot of ammo but not as much as a full autoforge. What do you think about slightly increasing the recharge time as well?
« Last Edit: October 30, 2021, 10:03:04 PM by PreConceptor »


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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2021, 02:46:23 AM »

I think the Reload Driver only accounting for base ammo is a good change. It would still have the potential to regen a lot of ammo but not as much as a full autoforge. What do you think about slightly increasing the recharge time as well?

Adjusted to accounting for base ammo will be much slower. In actual combat there will not be many opportunities to freely use the Burn Drive. When the need to use more skills will change a lot, perhaps do not need to further more restrictions



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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2021, 11:31:44 AM »

These ships are very nice.


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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2021, 06:13:04 AM »

Love the designs, will give them a try very soon.

Mira Lendin

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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2021, 08:32:58 AM »

Tuna ship when ?


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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2021, 09:20:36 AM »

Those are some really good ship designs, I love 'em! 8)
One tiny feedback I'd give is that the borders/outline of your ships is a bit sharply cut on some parts, whether intentional or not.


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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2021, 10:28:29 AM »

I liked the mid-tech hulls. They look like an intermediate stage in the transition to high-tech.


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Re: [0.95a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.7b
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2021, 11:37:39 AM »

These look great! Let the mod list grow!
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