Hi, I have lobster content disabled and DE lite mode enabled, since before starting my current save. Lobster fighters are still dropping, and still appearing on markets, e.g., Jangala black market.
"adversary", "lw_autosave", "lw_console", "customizablestarsystems", "Diktat Enhancement", "interestingportraitspack", "Imperium", "lw_lazylib", "lunalib", "MagicLib", "nexerelin", "RustyCabbage_SecondWaveOptions", "speedUp", "tahlan", "US", "audio_plus", "shaderLib"
Edit, not sure if this is significant, but I set my preferences and saved them in Luna, in the main menu, before starting my game.
However, when I checked settings.json, I saw: "DEdisablelobers":false . I've just set it to true in case it fixes the issue, but I can also edit some .csv files if need be.
Edit: unfortunately, changing settings.json did nothing to my current save.