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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 3.4.2 - 02/02/25  (Read 295015 times)


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75 - 03/13/22
« Reply #210 on: April 06, 2022, 07:45:20 AM »

Hello, for some reason my Vicious spawns in battle without a front section, while if run a simulation everything is fine, can somebody guess what may be a problem?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75 - 03/13/22
« Reply #211 on: April 06, 2022, 09:08:24 AM »

Why does the (medium slot 15 OP) phase emitter have slightly less DPS than a tachyon lance and 13.5x the EMP DPS with only 80 flux/second

did you accidentally hit the 0 key too many times


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75 - 03/13/22
« Reply #212 on: April 06, 2022, 04:32:34 PM »

Hello, for some reason my Vicious spawns in battle without a front section, while if run a simulation everything is fine, can somebody guess what may be a problem?

The viscous is a sectional ship with a fore and and an aft section. It seems for some reason your game is not rendering the front section. Are you using an operating system other than windows? I know I've had some issues with Linux with other aspects of the mod.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75 - 03/13/22
« Reply #213 on: April 06, 2022, 04:53:31 PM »

Why does the (medium slot 15 OP) phase emitter have slightly less DPS than a tachyon lance and 13.5x the EMP DPS with only 80 flux/second

did you accidentally hit the 0 key too many times

name              rarity  Value Range DPS    EMP   Energy/Sec      Chargeup Burst size

Tachyon Lance   0.5   8000   1000    1500  1000       2000          0.5          1
Phase Emitter         10000    900      300   7000        80            6         0       

These are the relevant stat differences between the two weapons. The PE costs 2k more than the TL. The phase emitter is a minimal damage/high EMP weapon whereas the Tac Lance is the opposite. Tac lance does 5x the damage with a burst effect and PE does 7 x the EMP, no burst. The reason I have the energy cost so low is that I put in a 6 second delay between firing where the Tac lance only has half a second.

The case could be made to increase the energy budget but I hope this helps illustrate my reasoning.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75 - 03/13/22
« Reply #214 on: April 06, 2022, 05:51:34 PM »

Why does the (medium slot 15 OP) phase emitter have slightly less DPS than a tachyon lance and 13.5x the EMP DPS with only 80 flux/second

did you accidentally hit the 0 key too many times

name              rarity  Value Range DPS    EMP   Energy/Sec      Chargeup Burst size

Tachyon Lance   0.5   8000   1000    1500  1000       2000          0.5          1
Phase Emitter         10000    900      300   7000        80            6         0       

These are the relevant stat differences between the two weapons. The PE costs 2k more than the TL. The phase emitter is a minimal damage/high EMP weapon whereas the Tac Lance is the opposite. Tac lance does 5x the damage with a burst effect and PE does 7 x the EMP, no burst. The reason I have the energy cost so low is that I put in a 6 second delay between firing where the Tac lance only has half a second.

The case could be made to increase the energy budget but I hope this helps illustrate my reasoning.
I was referring to sustained DPS for the Tachyon Lance.
Still, dealing 7000 EMP damage per second on a medium weapon is guaranteed to disable a few main weapons and engines if the shields go down for even a second, and the 300 DPS is going to overwhelm ships without enough flux vents.
Even with the 6 second charge up, there's no limit to how long the beam can be sustained, so the charging period doesn't really make it balanced as you can just have the phase emitter fire uninterrupted, disabling weapons as soon as they go back online.

The cost isn't a valid balancing factor either because you could either buy a phase emitter (300 DPS 7000 EMP DPS) for 10k or buy 4 ion beams (combined 200 DPS 1600 EMP DPS) for 10k total.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75 - 03/13/22
« Reply #215 on: April 06, 2022, 06:14:45 PM »

Valid points. What would be in your considered opinion the stat to change to bring it more in line?


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75 - 03/13/22
« Reply #216 on: April 06, 2022, 08:08:54 PM »

2 second warmup, 400 energy DPS + 1200 EMP DPS, 3 second cooldown after a second of firing for 12 OP - approximately 63 DPS and 200 EMP DPS per 6 second firing cycle
Which is actually kinda weak compared to an ion beam, so I guess 400 frag DPS might help improve its performance against unshielded ships


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75 - 03/13/22
« Reply #217 on: April 07, 2022, 03:33:56 AM »

Hello, for some reason my Vicious spawns in battle without a front section, while if run a simulation everything is fine, can somebody guess what may be a problem?

The viscous is a sectional ship with a fore and and an aft section. It seems for some reason your game is not rendering the front section. Are you using an operating system other than windows? I know I've had some issues with Linux with other aspects of the mod.

Using windows 10, like, it is rendering and works fine in combat simulation, but in actual battle fore section is not present, and after the battle it appears damaged, even if ship did not took any damage
Maybe it is because of other mods?
I checked speedUp and ConsoleCommands, they have nothing to do with it.
Thanks for your work btw, nice mod


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75 - 03/13/22
« Reply #218 on: April 07, 2022, 04:23:38 AM »

That is odd, it was my first attempt in making a sectional ship but it has been out for a couple patches now. I have all those mods installed except ness' saw. I will install it and give it a round of testing this weekend and see if I can re-create it and maybe figure it out. 

TY for the kind words about JYD, it is always nice to hear!

Good notes, thank you for taking the time to post them. At a glance I would increase the EMP more as that is the primary focus of that weapon, it is not meant to be a dps but a disabling weapon. The rest looks good and I will test it in game this weekend.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75a - 04/09/22
« Reply #219 on: April 09, 2022, 03:05:12 PM »

v1.75a  released today - Minor update
   -Fixed an error in the Hullmod UI tag from special to Special - Fixed a potential issue with Linux users - Learned about it in discord from Phantasia and my biggest hull mod fan Kintsu.
   -Tuned the Phase Emitter with the following changes:
         Increased charge down from 1 to 3, increased the energy per second from 80 to 120, and reduced the EMP damage from 7000 to 5500 - TY Screech9791 for your insights

@Abim I added saw to my mod list and did a round of testing with different star scape backgrounds and different enemy types but I was unable to recreate your issue. Sorry I couldn't be of more help but I am stumped.

@Screech9791 Toned down the PE a little this patch, ty again for pointing out it's flaws.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75a - 04/09/22
« Reply #220 on: May 06, 2022, 09:25:09 AM »

Really cool mod, but damn the planetary building is way too op, it makes refining, mining and fuel production almost irrelevant.
My suggestions on how to balance:

Just make it cost an industry slot without the upgrade, and remove the possibility to upgrade.


Make it scale worse with planet size, like void extraction from "Legacy of Arkgneisis" by Gwyvern mod did.

Unique solution I thought on the spot:
If you want to get more "spicy" you could make the industry increase the hazard rating of the planet if built and keep the same output. It would make sense lore wise I guess :D

Anyways, Lovely mod, and no matter if this get changed or no, I will still like the mod, good luck.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75a - 04/09/22
« Reply #221 on: May 06, 2022, 11:17:33 AM »

Thank you for the kind words! :)

I added the colony structure from a player suggestion a couple pages back and again added the upgrade to an industry from yet another player's suggestion. The point of the structure is to help a fledging colony make some extra cash as a head start and the upgrade is to make it worthwhile to keep around once the colony is established. I struggled trying to balance the industry in making it worthwhile to build but not too OP. There is a cost requirement of ship hulls that I thought kept it in line but I'll give it a look see. I have Legacy of Arkgneisis installed, I just never looked over the code. When I have some free time, I will look it over as you suggested. I am currently working on a graphics pack for Hiver Swarm (should be done soon) but I'll add it to my to-do list for JYD.

Thank you again for the well thought out suggestions.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75a - 04/09/22
« Reply #222 on: May 08, 2022, 10:33:54 PM »

@Abim I added saw to my mod list and did a round of testing with different star scape backgrounds and different enemy types but I was unable to recreate your issue. Sorry I couldn't be of more help but I am stumped.

I am having the exact same problem as @Abim (reappering after battle damaged and everything), though even enemy Vicious classes don't have there front section show up. Heres my mod list:
  "Mayasuran Navy",
  "Terraforming & Station Construction",
Hope this helps.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.75a - 04/09/22
« Reply #223 on: May 09, 2022, 01:45:40 AM »

Thank you for taking the time to post that, it really is helpful in tracking down potential conflicts. It could be that I am just coding it incorrectly as the Viscous was my first attempt at a sectional ship. I'll do another deep dive into that and see if I can find anything else about that specific code structure. Just got done doing a huge tweak with Hiver Swarm so my plan was to knock out my JYD to-do list next and I'll add this to it. Should have a better answer by the weekend.


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Re: [0.95.1a] Junk Yard Dogs - V 1.8 - 05/11/22
« Reply #224 on: May 11, 2022, 02:02:13 PM »

Well it's been a month since the last patch but 1.8 released today and it's substantial. As always the changelog is posted on the forum op and included in the RAR. I HIGHLY recommend you look it over before deleting your old version and installing this new one. This patch requires a new game start for all changes to take effect and midway through coding this patch my 1.75a save crashed on load and I had to start a new game. May have been a conflict with another mod but it was after I modified the JYD bounties and I think it was because I had one of them as an active mission. Soo *maybe save game compatible??, experiences may vary.*

Several balance changes and multiple graphic updates. I updated several ships, mostly the JYD pirate ships, and let me tell you I was embarrassed at how bad some of those were lol.

Old Pirate Sprites:

New Pirate Sprites

OK so not my best work but a little bit better I think. I'll probably have to do total replacements at some point. This patch address all the concerns and comments I have received since 1.75a. If I missed anything (Or if something new crops up) please let me know.

@Abim & Dreamsteal - I figured out what was wrong with the Viscous and fixed it in this patch, I apologize for taking so long figuring that one out.
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