So, I've been playing Starsector for quite a long time, don't honestly remember how long but it was around the time TotalBiscuit made a video about it so.. 9 years ago ?
Well one thing I've never done in all that time is an iron mode run, which I decided to try since I thought It'd spice things up, and it's supposed to be the "intended" way to play after all. I must admit that usually I am a scum of the saving variety, like I imagine most people who play this game are.
Well, it wasn't that bad, but I'm quite experienced with the game. Still, I got caught a few times and escaping battles has by far been my greatest drain of story points. Recently I got caught by a superior fleet and had no story points to spare, I tried to run away but my entire fleet got wiped out quite easily, it doesn't really matter as I've reached the "infinite money" stage of the game through colonization.
But this got me thinking about how often this scenario could happen to a new player going in blind in an iron mode run, and how frustrating it might be. Which is why I'd like to discuss if and how things should change before iron mode becomes the default mode of the game.
For me, the crux of the problem is how binary the outcomes of fight tend to be: in the vast majority of cases you either crush the opposing fleet, or you can't take them and they crush you. Of course there is a middle-ground where the fight is even and usually results in you taking heavy losses but still winning the fight, but I found that this happens very rarely in practice.
So, what is it that causes losses to be so total in Starsector ?
- AI fleets are usually a balanced mix of larger ships and frigates, which means that in pursuit scenarios you will have big ships chasing you from behind while a screen of frigates intercepts you from the front.
- Civilian ships are hilariously incapable of defending themselves, surviving for any duration of time or running away. The new player's first instinct is to try to defend them but this usually result in both them and the combat ships dying, their best use is as (short-lived) distraction.
- The distance you need to travel to escape is very large, it's extremely hard to fight off a superior force for long enough to reach the other end of the map.
Well, perhaps it's fair that being on the losing side of a fight means you lose everything, after all it's your fault for letting yourself get caught. But is this really the right approach ? In these cases I always think of the game Kenshi, due to its clever system of making loss punishing but at the same time rewarding in a way that genuinely makes you not want to savescum. Without going too into detail about the game's mechanics, when you lose a fight you are rarely killed outright; instead you are usually robbed, imprisoned or simply left for dead. These outcomes allow you to recover from a loss and rewards you at the same time because losing fights is the best way to progress your character's abilities since it grants you more experience than winning would.
Now this experience rewards work in Kenshi because the game is very much stats-based, in starsector you also get experience from losing fights but since the game is skill and capability-based it doesn't procure anywhere near the same level of incentive. It seems to me that the devs are taking the route of giving options to the player to avoid being engaged in losing fights, but it is my humble opinion that it would be better to make losing a fight not so catastrophic in the first place.
In this vein of though, here are some suggestions and thoughts in no particular order:
- Why should every fight be to the death ? Wouldn't it be interesting if pirates gave you the option of paying ransom or giving up your cargo in exchange for your life ? Perhaps [redacted] could be appeased by giving them AI cores, etc... In my opinion such trade-offs are more interesting from a world-building perspective. Right now the only option to avoid a fight is to spend a story point to completely escape, which is very binary and frustrating since story points are in very high demand and using them like this feels like a waste.
- Civilian ships need to be less vulnerable. It's natural that they can't stand up to combat ships, but right now they might as well be auto-killed as soon as the pursuit begins. I think giving more civilian ships systems based around mobility or defense would be a good way to make them a little bit more survivable: maybe burn drive or damper fields ? Flares are basically useless in any case, to the point that even in-lore it seems puzzling that they would continue using it.
- Side-deployments in pursuits are very oppressive, and it doesn't really make sense that the enemy fleet can outflank you while you are running away from them, if that was the case why not simply surround you and prevent the retreat ?
- How about introducing an insurance system ? Pay monthly fees on your ships but receive a payout in case of loss, so that you can have something to build upon if you lose your entire fleet.
Anyway, these are my thoughts. But what do you all think ?