The robots don't seem to register properly on markets/sales earning zero income - seems the pricing on various types of robot isn't defined.
as EnigmaniteZ said, thats because no market thats not a player market demands them. i was also quite confused about why my robots didn't make any credits when i first built this feature.
Descriptions are widely missing for [VERY REDACTED] robots, it doesn't seem complete with regard to [VERY REDACTED] and their [VERY REDACTED].
everything related to the [VERY REDACTED] is incomplete. its mostly a little hidden thing that most people will never see. although i will be updating this soon, especially the displays and descriptions, as i find them lacking.
Normal robots affect the colony with a beta core on their manufactory, but it seems that if you choose to upgrade to Alpha or [VERY REDACTED] then they don't contribute to colony defence etc
again EnigmaniteZ hit the nail on the head. this is deliberate.
the idea was to have AI core modifiers mush like the ones from industrial evolution (were most AI cores do different things.), were choosing your AI core is something to actually consider, even if you have an unlimited amount of alpha cores.
granted, there was once a system that did let more advanced robots provide bonus to battles. it was disabled, do to lag. I will remake it at some point in a way that does not suck.
I'm not sure but also it seems that robot manufuacturing capacity is supposed to build over time with many automated colonies but I'm not sure this is happening.
I really need to review some of the text in this mod. i never read it when im playing, so i don't even know what you are talking about. but i will look into it when i edit the text.
Any of these issues might be caused by a conflict with another mod I use, but wanted to report in case others are having the same issues.
AIRetrofits has very few conflicts, the mod is simply unfinished and very unrefined. i play to address this soon tm
Thanks for this mod, one of the most essential for my playthroughs.
= )
1 You can sell the robots manually at other factions meaning they will pay for them. I think it's just broken because it doesn't make sense that they have no global market valiue, or that you are the only faction to be able to produce them *any faction that is positive with AI would probably have their own robots.
fun fact: i agree with this statment.
all features related to the AI-Retrofits markets are do for a bit of a upgrade. exspacily the way other factions handle such things.
as for other factions making things like robots... somehow i didn't consider this. I need to think about my life now.
2 There are also the alpha cores so that's not a nonissue. Regarding [VERY REDACTED], they are in the mod as [VERY REDACTED] robots and the responses to having an [VERY REDACTED] in the cargo for example, so it's already part of the mod just not working right in this regard - they're great for invasions though 
I am working on all the descriptions in this mod right now. i don't even remember what the [VERY REDACTED] descriptions look like, but i dont play with mods that let the user get a [VERY REDACTED] so i have um... never tested them. opps. something for later i suppose.
3 Yeah it just seems unfinished in this regard because this way you have to choose between [VERY REDACTED] or alpha robots or the bonuses the default robots give. Currently I use the bonuses on robot colonies and produce [VERY REDACTED] on high level colonies only - maybe that's a gameplay strategy from the author.
I like this feature. although there are some bonuses planed for [VERY REDACTED] and alpha cores in relation to this. not for a while though, i need to build some systems first.
4 I get what you mean, is that a guess? Could just be a broken system.
I really really need to review all my text. i dont know what i put there but it sounds quite confusing.
even though EnigmaniteZ has already helped you out with most of the questions here, i still feel the need to put my own 2 cents in