Hello, thanks for that mod!
It's great at the begining of the game, but, is it possible to completely remove the slow penalty?
I don't see the point of it. I mean, it allready took lot more supply and a lot of crew to have more ships, i get that, but WHY TH F**** are they so much slower? That make absolutely no sense...
I understand why the limitation is the slowest ship of the fleet, that's ok, but why putting that non-sense penalty above it?
I tried to edit the .json, i tried to put the value to 1, to 0, to 0.1, to 1.1, even to -10, but nothing change, ever. My fleet still become a horrible and unplayable slug for absolutely no reason everytime i scavenge a ship...
Now i have less than 30 ships (just some big ones) and the mod became a handicap... (actually, i cap at 600 with 15 ships and the 16th make me regret to have installed this mod...)
I tried to uninstall it but my save doesn't want to start without it... Do you think there's a way to remove that non-sens penalty? (I mean, i could change the max DP from 600 to 9999 but that seem a bit unbalanced... XD)
(EDIT: by the way this mod was amazing at start when i had a lot of small ships for bounty purpose, so thanks for that!^^')