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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.96a] Osiris Alliance v4.0.2  (Read 152547 times)


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[0.96a] Osiris Alliance v4.0.2
« on: June 28, 2021, 08:51:11 PM »

Osiris Alliance
Download v4.0.2 now
Nexerelin compatible
Requires no other mods! Zero dependencies.
Not save compatible with 3.x or 2.x releases

Follow in the footsteps of the famous Osiris Sun, a former Tri-Tachyon salvage captain. Now the advisor for the newly established Alliance that bears his name. The Alliance was born with the ideology of free enterprise. Anyone is free to join their world and start building their own enterprises.

  • The Osiris Alliance faction.
  • New starting options (when playing without Nexerilin)
  • Two short quests for early game. See Noel Crow in Harman station. (I'll try to do more and better ones in future)
  • A lot of ships, weapons and fighters/bombers(Can't count anymore)

A bit rushed v4.0.0 release, see the changelog.

Any feedback is appreciated.

All the ships (Osiris Alliance, Power Jinx R&D, Antimatter Energy Group):



Changelog for v4.0.2
Fixed versioncheck file that cause crash if you have lunalib

Changelog v4.0.0
The changelog may not 100% accurate as things were changing fluidly.

- Added NPC Noel Crow, with two quests for starting levels, resides in Harman colony (And an introduction quest that leads to this questline from random bar event if you don't visit Noel by yourself)
- Tuned Armin star system
- Renamed Sun's gate to Vaultron
- Added planet Magnetron, a small satellite moon for Vaultron where AMEG HQ is
- Removed planet Eria

- New! Calmella, Tanker
- New! Skull, Destroyer
- New! Hexagon, Battlecarrier
- New! Blaster, Cruiser
- New! Solace, Battlecruiser
- New! Eraser, Frigate
- New! Magma, Cruiser
- New! Marten, Phase frigate
- New!(Overhaul) Raccoon, Frigate
- New! Raccoon (P), Skin
- New! Spectator, Destroyer
- New! Wombat (P), Skin
- New! Slayer, Carrier
- New! Slayer (P), Skin
- New! Eraser, Frigate
- New! Eraser (OA), Skin
- New! Eraser (P), Skin
- New! Blockman, Cruiser
- New! Pullet, Freighter
- New! Narwhal, Freighter
- New! Basalt, Freighter
- New! Nutcracker, Fighter wing
- Clown sprite got updated
- Muskrat sprite got updated
- Hen sprite got updated
- Tusker small sprite touchup
- Bob arcwelder wing is now available as a LPC
- New! Cur, (Unimplemented Quest ship that should not spawn yet)
- New! Fallen Eagle (P), (Unimplemented Quest ship that should not spawn yet)
- Sun ship system is now Targeting Assistant, reworked the old ORB friendly boost as a passive hullmod.
- AMEG Time dilator has a custom AI, also shield is usable during the system to assist the AI not be so zigzaggy during the system.

Removed ships, these might still show up(they shouldn't). They'll very likely get completely deleted/reworked in future. You can use various ways to spawn them if you really want to.
- Onslaught (AMEG), Battleship
- Blade, Destroyer
- Ribcage, Frigate
- Ribcage (OA), Frigate
- Flabellina, Tanker
- Tsunami, Cruiser
- Tsunami (C), Carrier

- New! Spacer Cannon, Medium ballistic, 8 Op better than nothing weapon
- New! Oba's Hullcracker, Medium ballistic, excellent at cracking hull, mediocre/bad at anything else.
- New! Quadquaker, small ballistic burst dps and PD frag gun, a lot of noise and dakka
- New! Thunder Baller, Small energy
- New! Pecker SRM, Medium missile, Kinetic short range brawling aid
- New! Dodecabomba LRB (modified the old Smartbomb LRB)
    - New missile AI with some lame effects, more straightforward spread pattern
    - New sprite for the bomblets
    - Has some ammo so it benefits from expanded missiles
    - Adjusted regen rate
    - Bomblets now do 300 HE damage instead of 400
    - 12 bomblets per missile
- New! Pentabomba LRB, Small missile
- New! Lightning Orb Missile Launcher, Large missile
- New! Flame Snapper SRM, Pirate version of Snapper SRM
- Dogled torpedo
    - Now comes with 2 ammo, shortened refire rate to 30s, more projectile hitpoints to make it worth the 10 OP.
    - Nerfed launch speed and projectile speed to give smaller than capital ships a better change to escape getting hit.
    - New VFX and SFX on hit. Try it out, it's just more satisfying when you do score a hit.
- Star family PD weapons
    - The medium and large weapons now do kinetic damage.
    - Adjusted stats and recoil, should work much better.
- Magnetrons
    - Updated Sprite for the large version
    - All sizes lost 100 range
    - Adjusted stats for all sizes
- Berry cannons
    - Reduced range from all by 100
    - somewhat better flux eff
    - More per projectile damage
    - Reduced refire rate
- Proton weapons
    - Medium and Large are now 1200 range
    - Medium and Large flux eff at ~1.44
    - They do more EMP damage
    - Lost the ability to do hard flux on shield
- Proton G5X-Annihilator
    - Fires faster
    - Reduced damage per projectile
    - Increased overall dps, adjusted onhit emp arcing
    - Modified the implementation so statcard is right
- Hyperblaster
    - Reduced per projectile damage down to 90
    - Gave it onhit that does direct armor damage, 25% of the projectile damage
    - Modified the implementation so statcard is right
- Trident Large and Medium missiles
    - Nerfed with slower refire rates, L and M also have different refire rate to reduce change of ai spamming synced volleys
- ORB Laser buff during systems implemented as a listener based one, it should now be more accurate and show up as normal damage instead of unkown in Detailed combat results

Changes to ship systems:
- Sun
    - Moved the ORB link buff to a passive hullmod effect
        - The hullmod buffs nearest ship with increased range, only one ship targeted, cooldown depends on buffed ship size
- Updated AMEG Timedilator
    - the time dilator system now allows shield to be on, this reduces AI's willingness to stop engaging mid system usage
    - Custom AI implementation
        - Reduces the zigzagging around profoundly, tries not to use the system too much when it's in a position to use guns
        - The AI is quite bad in using the system to get flux in close range since it likes to keep the shield turned on while being close to enemy

Please refer to as the list is way too long to do manually now.

Support for commissioned crews
- You gain "Inspired crew" hullmod if you have Commissioned Crews mod and are commissioned to Osiris Alliance.

All the wedges update with balance stuff

New stuff:
- Egg Frigate (Power Jinx R&D)
- Clown Light Cruiser (Power Jinx R&D)
- Ecuador Carrier (Power Jinx R&D)
- Master Destroyer (Power Jinx R&D)
- Blaster Destroyer (Power Jinx R&D)
- Tsunami Cruiser (Power Jinx R&D)
- Tsunami (C) Carrier (Power Jinx R&D)
- Haast Battleship (Power Jinx R&D)
- Flabellina Tanker (Antimatter Energy Group)
- Panther Phase Destroyer (Osiris Alliance)
- Large energy weapon: Antimatter Autopulser
- Medium energy weapon: Portable Antimatter Pulse Blaster

- Magnetron cannon projectiles are less red

- Removed excess industries to not be over industry limits
- Added new jump point to Armin near the star
- Some stuff should spawn more often now(Onslaugh (AMEG) for example)
- Fixed excessive Nexerelin starting blueprints, you now only get weapons and basic OA packages
- Removed Hexagon and Babylon from blueprint packages, they are now rare_bp

- Ballistic Maneuver system effects have been essentially halved to tune it down.
- You can now start venting while using any of the Time Dilators.
- Ribcage: peak performance time increased to 240 from 180, added delicate machinery hull mod as built-in
- Blade: added delicate machinery hull mod as built-in
- Hourglass: added delicate machinery hull mod as built-in
- Medium Magnetron Cannon ordnance point cost has been increased to 11 from 10
- Butcher: built-in Dogleg Torpedo damage has been reduced to 8000 from 12000, the reload time has been increased from 30s to 60s (in case you have expanded missiles or skill)
- Observer top speed decreased to 60 from 70 (Too many cruisers at 60 who can't catch the damn thing.)
- Onslaught (AMEG):
   - changed the large synergies to medium universals
   - Both remaining Large hardpoints are now Synergy
   - Decreased OP to 300 from 360
   - Added new custom built-in guns instead of TPC
   - Added Delicate machinery hull mod as built-in
   - Added Safety overrides hull mod as built-in
   - Decreased top speed from 45 to 35
- Removed reserve wing from Saltire, it now has Ballistic Drive
- Removed reserve wing from Crux, it now has Ballistic Maneuver

- Many ships have been renamed to reduce clashes with other mods, [Note: Rhino still and will exist as a Rhino, I'm never going to personally play Kingdom of Terra(it looks like fun, just not my style) myself and it's just too good and fitting of a name for me to get rid off]
- Some of the v1.0 ships have received some sprite love
- New subfaction: Antimatter Energy Group, a monopoly energy company in the hearth of the Osiris Alliance, they will get more high tech goodies in future and perhaps modified tankers. Right now they have only 2(+1 rare) ships.
- New shipstyle: Power Jinx R&D, these include random and cursed kitbashes.
- 15+ new ships
- 9+ vanilla kind starts(when not playing with nexerilin)
- Armin star system now has a pirate base to give something to shoot at low levels.
- Some changes to the planet industries and sizes.
- A lot of minor stuff.


Everything: toopok4k3
Special thanks: All the fine folk at #advanced_spriting and in #modmaking_and_spriting on the unofficial discord
Nes has at least given me a few direct upgrades on sprites.
Helmut for the Ribcage (OA) sprite help.

Thanks to the whole Starsector team!

Creating this mod made me appreciate the original game assets 9000% more. Starsector is awesome!

« Last Edit: May 11, 2023, 07:18:24 AM by toopok4k3 »


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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v1.0
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2021, 08:07:11 AM »

Congratulation on releasing your mod.
The ship designs are unique.

I want to give some feedback on some spirts.
A few ships seem to have a level of detail missing. The white parts of your bigger ships need some more detail. The railing with the large mounts of Hexagon and Osiris also could work some improvement. Also i am not sure about the reflection on the ORB.



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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v1.0
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2021, 04:47:23 PM »

really like the design choices!

very cool!

i hope you follow the above spriters advice, and also expand upon your creation!
edit: edit: maybe were just falling with style LOL.  make a bubble, make the space in front of it smaller and just fall forward


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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v1.0
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2021, 01:03:13 AM »

Excellent work!  I'm impressed with the spriting for a beginner especially.  I'm personally a fan of sleek ships so this isn't my cup of tea, but I really like the lasher mk 2 and the engine areas of the capital ships.  Overall, very good.  Certainly better than I could pull off :)  I tried a few months ago to make some ship sprites and discovered just how hard it is.  Downloaded it so I have more stuff to shoot ;)


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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v2.0
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2021, 06:01:55 PM »

Time for some BLOAT

I have posted an update v2.0 for the Osiris Alliance. A lot of new stuff, check out the main post for a download link.

Thanks for the feedback guys. I didn't get to the capitals beige areas yet, but I do have some ideas about them. I'll probably redo the ORB in a future update(again, as v2.0 has some work on it)


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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v2.0
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2021, 07:04:13 PM »

Power Jinx is an extremely trustworthy company. 5 stars.


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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v2.0
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2021, 11:08:19 PM »

I really like all the bloaty boys, especially the Aurora style one.


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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v2.0
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2021, 04:21:48 AM »

I like the sprite work, great job. I have 2 questions regarding the mod:
From the look of them I cannot decide if they are midline or hightech or a mix or am I off base and some are lowtech?
Any plans for commissioned crews support as part of a worked up faction?


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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v2.0
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2021, 02:24:19 PM »

I like the sprite work, great job. I have 2 questions regarding the mod:
From the look of them I cannot decide if they are midline or hightech or a mix or am I off base and some are lowtech?
Any plans for commissioned crews support as part of a worked up faction?
Osiris Alliance ships range from lowtech to midline. Mostly ballistics and missiles, the yellow ships have some lasers. A few outliers that have some quirks.

Antimatter Energy Group ships are high tech as it gets. All energy, maybe some synergy slots. (for now, might change when I get to implement tankers for them)

Power Jinx R&D ships range from lowtech to hightech. Many are marked as civilian ships to let the player abuse militarized subsystems and assault/escort package if they want to. Be sure to check them out and see if you can figure ways to make some use out of them.

This is the first I have heard of commissioned crews. Will look into that but no promises until I check if it requires annoying dependencies I'm not that fond of. Looks simple tho, just a faction hullmod when you are commissioned I take it? I'll take a look.


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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v2.0
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2021, 09:30:44 AM »

I like the look of these ships a lot! They remind me of DME cross ICE in a swoopy way.


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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v2.0
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2021, 01:07:48 PM »

WOA youve come a long way in a short time!
edit: edit: maybe were just falling with style LOL.  make a bubble, make the space in front of it smaller and just fall forward


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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v2.0
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2021, 11:00:10 AM »

I love your high tech style ships but there are a couple ships I'm not so keen on. Still, gonna use this mod next playthrough.


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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v2.5
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2021, 07:13:33 PM »

Version 2.5: Wedges, Birds, Balance

Download link found in the OP.

New stuff:
- Egg Frigate (Power Jinx R&D)
- Clown Light Cruiser (Power Jinx R&D)
- Ecuador Carrier (Power Jinx R&D)
- Master Destroyer (Power Jinx R&D)
- Blaster Destroyer (Power Jinx R&D)
- Tsunami Cruiser (Power Jinx R&D)
- Tsunami (C) Carrier (Power Jinx R&D)
- Haast Battleship (Power Jinx R&D)
- Flabellina Tanker (Antimatter Energy Group)
- Panther Phase Destroyer (Osiris Alliance)
- Large energy weapon: Antimatter Autopulser
- Medium energy weapon: Portable Antimatter Pulse Blaster

- Magnetron cannon projectiles are less red

- Removed excess industries to not be over industry limits
- Added new jump point to Armin near the star
- Some stuff should spawn more often now(Onslaugh (AMEG) for example)
- Fixed excessive Nexerelin starting blueprints, you now only get weapons and basic OA packages
- Removed Hexagon and Babylon from blueprint packages, they are now rare_bp

- Ballistic Maneuver system effects have been essentially halved to tune it down.
- You can now start venting while using any of the Time Dilators.
- Ribcage: peak performance time increased to 240 from 180, added delicate machinery hull mod as built-in
- Blade: added delicate machinery hull mod as built-in
- Hourglass: added delicate machinery hull mod as built-in
- Medium Magnetron Cannon ordnance point cost has been increased to 11 from 10
- Butcher: built-in Dogleg Torpedo damage has been reduced to 8000 from 12000, the reload time has been increased from 30s to 60s (in case you have expanded missiles or skill)
- Observer top speed decreased to 60 from 70 (Too many cruisers at 60 who can't catch the damn thing.)
- Onslaught (AMEG):
   - changed the large synergies to medium universals
   - Both remaining Large hardpoints are now Synergy
   - Decreased OP to 300 from 360
   - Added new custom built-in guns instead of TPC
   - Added Delicate machinery hull mod as built-in
   - Added Safety overrides hull mod as built-in
   - Decreased top speed from 45 to 35
- Removed reserve wing from Saltire, it now has Ballistic Drive
- Removed reserve wing from Crux, it now has Ballistic Maneuver



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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v2.6
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2021, 03:29:33 PM »


Just a small and quick update to give the mod Commissioned crews support.

Download link in the OP.


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Re: [0.95a] Osiris Alliance v2.6
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2021, 12:01:19 PM »

I am hopelessly addicted to vanilla aesthetics, is there any way I can get Power Jinx R&D ships seperately?
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