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Author Topic: [0.97a] Orbital Manipulation and Maintenance 0.8.2  (Read 128034 times)


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[0.97a] Orbital Manipulation and Maintenance 0.8.2
« on: June 26, 2021, 12:13:07 PM »

This is
Orbital Manipulation and Maintenance
 a Mod in Development about Civilian Ships and  their unique use in and outside of Combat.

- almost no weapon mounts, weapons are carried by drones surrounding the ships. Weapons are swappable and drones will aim at the cursor and fire on mouse click.

- "base building" in combat: some ships carry orbital platforms which they will deploy automatically at strategic points or after some time

- powerful support systems like the Anti-Graviton Wave Emitter which buffs allies with the effect of Temporal Shell

- logistics oriented campaign abilities like Algae Farms that produce supplies and fuel as long as they are part of your fleet

- Shield Drones that intercept enemy ordnance

and probably a few more

click the banner to download

Lazylib, Graphicslib, LunaLib and Magiclib required

Recommended mods that go well with OMM:
Terraforming & Station Construction, Commissioned Crews, VicPad, Stellar Networks, Combat Background Enhanced

For lore and stuff check out the post right after this one

Ships of the

                                  Crevette Mobile Welder
                               Ecrevisse Heavy Manipulator
          Sand Hopper Salvage Field Defender
                                Limnopilos Algae Host
                      Sesarma Modular Cargo/Fuel/Personnel Courier

                  Euphausia Orbital Repair Unit

                          Macrocheira Mobile Algae Farm

                                 Nathantia Hyperspace Vanguard
early testing gifs

P-Space Flux Conduits syphoning flux from allied ships                                                                                                       Shield Drones intercepting enemy ordnance (sometimes  ::))
   Anti-Graviton Wave Emitter: Temporal Shell for everyone!                    a Sand Hopper deploying a Defensive Weapons Platform

Stay tuned for more information in the future!

Credits (non exhaustive and in no particular order)

Till Freitag
for his permission to let me use his art

Till Freitags ARTSTATION

Wenjuinn Png
allowed me to use his art to make some portraits.

Wenjuinn Png's ARTSTATION


Original drone weapon swap code from Arma Armatura

Fighters transfer flux to mothership code from Modern Carriers


Everyone on the unoffial Starsector Discord for their invaluable advice
known issues
-no proper weapon groups for drone weapons, atm ALL WEAPONS shoot at the same time on left mouse button which might not be desirable particularly for missile slots and high flux weapons
- FIXED (a few glitches during (and sometimes permanently)special effects like jitter revealing normally hidden weapons that are used for the drone weapon swapping interface)
(OMM 0.8.2 - Release):
- aiming lasers now scale with the range of the weapon installed on drones
- improved drone weapon swapping
- Special DRM tech now makes it impossible to salvage Freitag ships the player fought against
- Mainframe Uplink renamed to Freitag Control Suite
- changed the drone positions for the Nathantia to make it less likely to hit itself with missiles/torpedoes
- new dependency: LunaLib
- missile fire key is now rebindable via LunaLib Settings
Patch Notes (OMM 0.8.1 - Release):
- fixed a major bug that prevented drones under control of a flagship on autopilot from firing
- updated variants
- fixed several bugs involving Orchestia
- increased hull and max flux of Orchestia
- increased max flux of Octocorallia defence platform
Patch Notes (OMM 0.8c - Release):
- basic 0.97a compatibility
Patch Notes (OMM 0.8b - Release):
- fixed Monofilament Tow Cable on Ecrevisse
- fixed Nathantia description
- increased burn speed for several ships by 1
Patch Notes (OMM 0.8a - release):
- slightly reworked Algae Farms, they will stop working in hyperspace and in systems with no normal stars
- Added Maintenance Drones to a few ships that will repair armour and hull
- Fixed a bug where drones would not fire anymore after changing flagships or turning on autopilot
- Drones will now lock the target of the mothership when pressing R
- (weapon groups, probably not) Compromise: missiles can be fired separately with middle mouse button, all other weapons fire on left click
- Mobile Algae Farming, [DONE!]
- 2 Mobile Algae Farm ships: Limnopilos (Destroyer), Macrocheira (Capital), [Macroceira still needs some work but good enough for now]
- fixed Limnopilos algae pods not showing up in refit screen, [DONE!]
- slightly polished most sprites and decos, [DONE!]
- Sesarma finally changes sprite according to logistics mod installed, [DONE!]
- added Koura experimental phase frigate, [DONE!]
- changed built-in salvage gantry to surveying equipment and high resolution Sensors on Nathatntia Capital Ship, [DONE!]
- Fixed the description and doubled effectiveness of Monofilament Tow Cable installed on Ecrevisse Heavy Manipulator, [DONE!]
- Sand Hopper renamed to Orchestia and added built-in ground support package for more versatility, [DONE!]
- new Freitag Corporation branches in Ilm, Eldfell and Nova Maxios, [DONE!]
- Most drones will now orbit their motherships in formations that can be changed by recalling/sending fighters (default z or y), [DONE!]
- Functional targeting laser, [DONE!]
- rework all variants to better fit the construction, repair and logistics theme, [DONE!]
- Freitag Corporation now allied with independents [This is a compromise so I don't have to spawn an NPC and fleets manually]
V0.16A "Star Descriptions: A New Hope" Update

- fixed the Faction blueprint package not containing any blueprints
- descriptions for everything
- algae farms actually do something now: periodically grow fuel and supply over time

V0.1A "the Integrating of the supportening™" Update

- very basic corvus campaign integration. You can now play vanilla, Nexerilin or Nexerilin Corvus mode 


- added Commissioned Crew support which doubles positive effects of militarized subsystems, assault and escort package
- Shield Drones no longer transfer flux to the mothership so they can actually die now and the mothership spends less time being overloaded
- Shield efficiency of all drones that still transfer flux to the mothership drastically improved. Same reason as above, spend less time overloaded
- various changes to AI behaviour
- fixed a special FX graphical glitch that revealed hidden weapons. Also base sprites like the ones on the Mjolnir will no longer float next to Nathantia

 V0.01A (Nexerilin only Alpha release)

Hotfix 1
-brought ship stats more in line with vanilla civilian ships
-adjusted all variants (no more Ion Pulsar/Sabot euipped on CIVILIAN variants for example)
-excessive battle XP bonus reduced by quite a bit (~260-300% bonus on very easy fights to ~130-160% on medium difficulty fights)
-nerfed weapon pod mobility/speed by quite a bit
-ordnance points reduced by ~5 across the board
adjusted fleet spawning:
-fleets should contain far less Nathantias and a few more militarized ships
-fleet size (number of ships) reduced by about half
-added loading screen tips
« Last Edit: May 03, 2024, 02:31:16 AM by Tecrys »
Symbiotic Void Creatures 0.5.0-alpha for 0.97a is out


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History of the Freitag Corporation

After the Second AI War with Tri-Tachyon significantly weakened, there were a lot of opportunities in the Persean Sector for smaller enterprises to grow.
Many parts of the sector lay in ashes and they had to be rebuilt. That's when a small construction firm began its rise to the top. In less than a decade
the Freitag Corporation was not only able to expand its field of expertise but also grew into a corporation that quickly
outpaced the growth of its competitors.

Fueled by increasing investments from a growing number of shareholders the corporation aggressively took over smaller ventures and was able to undercut prices on the open market.
Soon everything from hover cars to entire station modules displayed the Freitag Corporation logo but it was never quite enough to rival Tri-Tachyon.
Tri-Tachyon made sure the corporation would never grow to pose a significant threat by foreseeing their steps and buying out smaller companies and facilities before the Freitag Corporation had a chance to.
A new strategy was needed to stay in the game and so the Freitag Corporation got rid of a lot of capital in order to rebrand completely.
Sleek, never before seen designs, the highest quality materials and technology, and a premium price formed the new corporate philosophy.
The corporation supported this new approach with state-of-the-art R&D departments to branch out towards alternative and more lucrative methods of resource acquisition.

This is where the Freitag Corporation stands today.
A staple technology of the Corporation is semi-automated zero-g algae farming to fabricate cheap fuel, plastics and foodstuffs sold as high quality products to the unknowing masses in every corner of the Persean Sector.
Mobile algae farms can extend the duration of expeditions to the outer reaches of the sector by growing enough workable products to sustain more than itself, making a fleet less dependent
on nearby infrastructure. Claims that these farms thrive on biological material provided by the Corporation in the form of dead bodies found during salvage operations remain unsubstantiated.

The Freitag Corporations product line is diverse and eclectic including civilian-grade luxury small craft, racing cars,
premium after-market spaceship parts, construction drones and most profitable of all, orbital platforms and modules.
In the last year another economic mainstay emerged for the company: leasing out salvage ships and trained personnel, essentially providing for-hire assets to bolster any wealthy independent fleet or venture.
The fact that many of their personnel are highly trained and adept in the projection of force and proactive acquisition of salvage remains a point hotly contested by
the Corporation's legal department, insisting that all evidence of such only proves the Corporation's dedication to ensuring the safety of their clients and employees.

Salvage - synonymous with Freitag Co.                                                         

The Freitag Co. name is synonymous with many of the largest and most complex salvage operations that have taken place over the last decade.
We provide 24/7 emergency response, salvage, wreck removal and environmental care services across the sector at a moment's notice. 
Freitag Co. has an unrivaled track record responding to ships in distress, even in extremely remote locations.
We respond 24/7 from our four strategic emergency response bases in Anthozoa Station, Nova Maxios, Eldfell and Ilm.
Freitag Co. has decades of experience in carrying out demanding wreck removal projects. Freitag Co. has the advanced technology and expertise needed to handle any situation.

                                  Freitag Ports as a Partner to Industry

Today, Freitag Co. is represented in many major ports with its own terminals, offices or long-term partners.
Thanks to our outstanding expertise in numerous branches of industry, we work with you to develop solutions to ensure
that your goods and cargo reach their destination efficiently. And this is why we invest sustainably in infrastructural and superstructural expansion.
Of course, we also organise pre- and on-carriage from or to the hinterland and provide assistance with the handling of customs formalities.

Researching the Future                                                                       

Freitag Co. brings a unique approach to research and development (R&D) by using a hybrid engineering model.
Our approach to the research and development service offering uses a team of full-time experienced engineers and the accredited Galatia Academy to execute
 a wide variety of projects for our customers. Our approach enables you to get research and development projects done and within your budgets.

Zero-G Algae Farming - an alternative Resource among the Stars

Our proprietary and very robust strains of algae can be genetically modified to have a very high sugar and starch content,
or a very high Lipid Oil content. This sugar and starch can be extracted and utilized as feedstock for Ethanol production.
The Lipid Oil can be extracted with our novel patent pending process and transesterified into Fusion Core Fuel.
Algae pose many other uses as well, such as Nutritional Supplements / Nutraceutical, Plastic, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and, of course, Spatium Aquaculture.

(Fluff Section, to be continued)
« Last Edit: May 08, 2023, 11:02:42 PM by Tecrys »
Symbiotic Void Creatures 0.5.0-alpha for 0.97a is out


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This looks like its coming along great. They are acceptably creepy and good looking. I get chills staring at some of the spindly ones.


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Wow. Very unique look. They creep me out. Looks like REDACTED abominations that has evolved.

Cyan Leader

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I feel these designs aren't really suited for a corporation. Could be something different like bio terrorists or a rogue AI faction.


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Thanks for the positive replies so far! Really happy about that  ;D

Well, I wanted to stick to the desciptions and tasks the ships were doing in the original artworks.
Sure, the designs are organic and smooth but they look produced by someone in some way to me. In particular the mechanical parts and thrusters look rather conventional, tried and tested by some company. As a result I smelled corporate design and that's what I went with.

Also my first mod was about space monsters so I wanted to have a human (not AI, not alien or anything other) origin for my ships this time.

The exotic design can be explained away with some techno babble
Symbiotic Void Creatures 0.5.0-alpha for 0.97a is out


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is techno babble a scientific term?

i jest, nice work so far.

there are mods that have articulated limbs: arma and kingdom of terra
both creators are kind and would likely offer advice to help you get those limbs moving
edit: edit: maybe were just falling with style LOL.  make a bubble, make the space in front of it smaller and just fall forward


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about Civilian Ships and  their unique use in and outside of Combat.

I don't know man, that sounds like what an alien about to take over the Persian sector would say. Also the ships do look a bit suspicious.


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so umm, if I may ask, can you add more to the content so that we can know what it actually all does rather than a few examples? because i am not sure what some of the things do, and how to get them etc. from glance


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wait, i just realized, could it be that this mod cannot be downloaded yet? oh well, i guess i will wait till it'S done then


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so umm, if I may ask, can you add more to the content so that we can know what it actually all does rather than a few examples? because i am not sure what some of the things do, and how to get them etc. from glance

Thank you for your interest!
When the time is right, i will do that. Currently There is only a very early alpha version for testing. I want to make sure all planned features are doable codewise before I get into more details.

wait, i just realized, could it be that this mod cannot be downloaded yet? oh well, i guess i will wait till it'S done then

I am sorry if I baited you a bit just to see that there is no download yet.
I will keep you up to date on the progress of OMM but let me emphasize that it is still very early in development.
There might be a way for Testers to play a preview version though  ;)
Symbiotic Void Creatures 0.5.0-alpha for 0.97a is out


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i just realized you made biomancy so my comment earlier may have been out of turn

i apologize if it was!
edit: edit: maybe were just falling with style LOL.  make a bubble, make the space in front of it smaller and just fall forward


  • Ensign
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hello! i would love to help test etc! i must say im looking forward to this mod alot, and have a few questions on the graphics etc, would prefer to discuss it on discord if possible, but its completely up to you of course!


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i just realized you made biomancy so my comment earlier may have been out of turn

i apologize if it was!
No offense taken. Biomancy was a long time ago and I learned a lot on how not to make mods from it   ;)

hello! i would love to help test etc! i must say im looking forward to this mod alot, and have a few questions on the graphics etc, would prefer to discuss it on discord if possible, but its completely up to you of course!

Sure, you can find me on the unofficial Starsector Discord
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Updated the OP wih a list of


- almost no weapon mounts, weapons are carried by drones surrounding the ships. Weapons are swappable and drones will aim at the cursor and fire on mouse click.

- "base building" in combat: some ships carry orbital platforms which they will deploy automatically at strategic points or after some time

- powerful support systems like the Anti-Graviton Wave Emitter which buffs allies with the effect of Temporal Shell

- logistics oriented campaign abilities like Algae Farms that produce supplies and fuel as long as they are part of your fleet

- Shield Drones that intercept enemy ordnance

and probably a few more
Symbiotic Void Creatures 0.5.0-alpha for 0.97a is out
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