Carriers need to be useful enough to use without skills. Currently, Expanded Deck Crew alone is not enough to make carriers viable late in the game. Without skills, carriers are best retired or abandoned after player is done killing pirates in battles small enough to not spawn objectives.
If fighters as a whole will remain weak (not unlike Pilums), then support for warship-lite loadouts (with max vents, ITU, and enough assault weapons in some mounts, regardless of fighter choice) like before 0.8a needs to make a comeback.
It would be nice if Expanded Deck Crew became the baseline and the hullmod removed. Currently, despite being only 40% as powerful as last release, it is still a must-have OP tax on a carrier, because unskilled fighters still die off too quickly with Expanded Deck Crew.
Not every ship is meant to be a brawler. Dedicated carriers have AI programmed to stay way out of enemy gun range, for example, Astrals and Drover.
I do not mind default AI keeping its distance, but I miss the old warship-lite loadouts pre-0.8a carriers had. Also, warship-lite loadouts were useful for bigger carriers to shoot down small enemy ships that threaten it (despite carrier trying to hide away from the main battle). In the old days, Heron with warship-lite loadout could kill two enemy frigates or an Enforcer, and Astral could blow up an enemy cruiser. Today, if my carriers get caught by an enemy ship (and cannot outrun the enemy), it will die because it has no significant weapons to defend itself (because too much OP went to good fighters and Expanded Deck Crew).
If carriers do not have enough OP left to support guns, then mounts are pointless on them, and they should have none like the Phantom and Revenant because too many empty mounts on the ship makes it very ugly.