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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: Cebby Ship Pack [V 1.1.8]  (Read 104873 times)


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Cebby Ship Pack [V 1.1.8]
« on: June 09, 2021, 12:20:38 PM »

Cebby Ship Pack
Direct Download:
Version 1.2.0.

Hello, I made a small mod of mostly kitbashed ships. These ships are meant to be strong. Now this mod is adding four ships. Two you can find with Tri-Tachyon and another two in the universe via exploring.

High Tech:

Very expensive ships made in low numbers. Question answered: What would happen if you would fill out Paragon?. This ship can be found with Tri-Tachyon or in sector.

Epitome & Epitome B

Large super carrier and mobile base. This ship doesn't mess around. It's fortress shield can keep vessels safe as fighters go. Good for keeping ground. One focused on missile build in-front.


Wyvern Wing

Heavy Modifications went into this Paradusa. Most ship systems are redone and it's insides look nothing similar to regular High-tech paradusa. This ship is tweaked beyond what should be possible or it is a very well made copy. Ship is known as a hard hitter. Equipped with plasma jets and a lot of slots to reduce your enemy to dust.

Wyvern Nest
Epitome or not? It doesn't matter as with so many modifications on hull this ship can be considered as a completely different vessel. This is a powerhouse and mobile base for anyone wealthy enough to support it.


Version 1.2.0.

- Updated Game Version
- Minor Corrections

Version 1.1.8.

- Ship prizes are now lowered, closer to vanilal pricess.

- Min crew from 650 to 450
- Max Crew from 2500 to 800
- Cargo from 600 to 400
- Fuel from 800 to 600
- Fuel/ly from 14/l to 12/l
- Base value from 1000000 to 950000

- Min crew from 1250 to 550
- Max Crew from 4000 to 1600
- Cargo from 1800 to 600
- Fuel from 2400 to 1200
- Base value from 2500000 to 800000

Epitome B
- Min crew from 1250 to 650
- Max Crew from 4000 to 1800
- Cargo from 1800 to 650
- Fuel from 2400 to 1200
- Base value from 2600000 to 900000

Wyvern Nest
- Min crew from 1500 to 800
- Max Crew from 5000 to 3000
- Cargo from 2500 to 1500
- Fuel from 2500 to 2000
- Fuel/ly from 12/l to 10/l
- Base value from 3200000 to 1050000

Wyvern Wing
- Min crew from 750 to 400
- Max Crew from 2200 to 800
- Cargo from 800 to 600
- Fuel/ly from 13/l to 8/l
- Base value from 1250000 to 1200000

Version 1.1.6.

- Updated variants.
- Incrased ships fleet points.

Version 1.1.3.

- Update texture for Paradusa thank to Seer of Souls.
- Wyvern nest front build-in weapons changed to Hybrid four hybrid slot and one universal.
- Build cost of all ships drasticly increased.

- Armor rating changed from 1800 to 1200.
- Hitpoints changed from 26000 to 22000

- Shield upkeed changed from 0.3 to 0.4
- Shield efficiency changed from 0.3 to 0.4
- Armor rating changed from 1600 to 1200.
- Hitpoints changed from 32000 to 30000

Epitome B
- Shield upkeed changed from 0.3 to 0.4
- Shield efficiency changed from 0.3 to 0.4
- Fighter bays changed from 8 to 6
- Ordinance poins changed from 450 to 500
- Armor rating changed from 1600 to 1000.
- Hitpoints changed from 32000 to 28000

Wyvern Nest
I decided to go with idea of mobile base for fleets and point to fall back to.

- Shield upkeed changed from 0.6 to 0.7
- Shield efficiency changed from 0.6 to 0.8
- Min crew changed from 1250 to 1500
- Max crew changed from 4000 to 5000
- Cargo changed from 1800 to 2500
- Fuel changed from 2400 to 2500
- Fighter bays changed from 8 to 6
- Ordinance poins changed from 500 to 600.
- Max turn rate changed from 15 to 10
- Max turn acceleration changed from 10 to 5
- Max acceleration changed from 15 to 10
- Max deceleration changed from 15 to 10
- Max speed changed from 30 to 25

Wyvern Wing
- Shield upkeed changed from 0.6 to 0.7
- Shield efficiency changed from 0.6 to 0.8
- Max turn rate changed from 15 to 10
- Max acceleration changed from 25 to 30
- Max deceleration changed from 10 to 15
- Max speed changed from 35 to 40
- Max turn rate changed from 20 to 30
- Max turn acceleration changed from 10 to 20
- Armor rating changed from 1800 to 1400.
- Hitpoints changed from 28000 to 24000

Version 1.1.1.

- Renamed files and IDs to be proeprly named.
- Wyvern Nest "Mine Strike" remvoed and replaced with "Plasma Jets".
- Changed Nest description.

Gameplay Tips:
This ships are not cannon. As i'm aware, no wyverns can be found in Starsector sadly.

Blaze The Gryphon & Fail for original question and joke, and Starsector Discord for answering it. These things gave me idea to put work into it and push it to existence.
Karleen, Xzardas and Wojmistrz for incoming feedback on this mod helping me to make it better.
Thanks  to Seer of Souls for cleaning up texture of Paradusa.
Thanks  to Raine Raine for help with variants.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2024, 01:27:11 AM by Cebby »


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2021, 12:31:17 PM »

Chonky ships just brimming with guns! Welcome to the forum. :)


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2021, 12:35:40 PM »

Chonky ships just brimming with guns! Welcome to the forum. :)

Yea, they started as joke and i went all in with them. But they should not appear in early game, or if you find them while exploring, you can consider yourself lucky. They are fun to toy with tho.


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2021, 01:02:18 AM »

Must say those ships looks really nicely! :D


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2021, 02:33:42 AM »

Must say those ships looks really nicely! :D

Thank you :3


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2021, 03:42:07 AM »

Look at them guns!
I love wyvern nest this thing is just silly, speed is ok turn rate is holly hell! it turns like frigate.
and 4 miolnirs overloading your flux core in no time.

Also consider puting your mod name at the begining of ship IDs

instead of
It makes finding these ships easier using console commands and is considered the right way to name things.


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2021, 04:03:12 AM »

Look at them guns!
I love wyvern nest this thing is just silly, speed is ok turn rate is holly hell! it turns like frigate.
and 4 miolnirs overloading your flux core in no time.

Also consider puting your mod name at the begining of ship IDs

instead of
It makes finding these ships easier using console commands and is considered the right way to name things.

Honestly i was thinking about Burn Drive for Wyvern Nest in past when i was making that ship. I went with idea of mobile station insted with mien strike. Truth to be told it doesn't really fit idea of ship and idea of fleet mostly. As many of these vessels are made around "Hammer Tactic" burn drive would be fitting more and i will probably change it in next patch.

For naming thank you for taking this out to light, early in development i had that naming, but for some reason i can't recall a switched it otherway around.

Thank you for feedback. :3


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2021, 05:00:02 AM »

Honestly i was thinking about Burn Drive for Wyvern Nest in past when i was making that ship. I went with idea of mobile station insted with mien strike. Truth to be told it doesn't really fit idea of ship and idea of fleet mostly. As many of these vessels are made around "Hammer Tactic" burn drive would be fitting more and i will probably change it in next patch.

For naming thank you for taking this out to light, early in development i had that naming, but for some reason i can't recall a switched it otherway around.

Thank you for feedback. :3

Truth be told I'm the kind of guy that puts burn drives on anything, the bigger the better, especialy cathedral form SWP.


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2021, 04:29:16 AM »

Version 1.1.1 has been psuhed. Even tho it doesn't add new content ATM it repalces mines for plasma jets on wyvern nest.

I would love if some capable pilot would be able to take those ships for a spin as my piloting skills are very, very bad and play Starsesctor from tactical viev mostly like RTS.


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2021, 12:04:40 AM »

Version 1.1.1 has been psuhed. Even tho it doesn't add new content ATM it repalces mines for plasma jets on wyvern nest.

I would love if some capable pilot would be able to take those ships for a spin as my piloting skills are very, very bad and play Starsesctor from tactical viev mostly like RTS.

Short answer: YES.

Long answer: Ohhhh yessss!
I never seen space station able to outmanuver a cruiser, until now.
Especialy with all fighter bays loaded with khopesh and maybe 2 sparks and all synergy slots with sabots and cyclone reaper.
That hammer barage is bit of an eyesore on such beutifull ship, cyclone maybe? for pure memes.


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2021, 06:37:41 AM »

Version 1.1.1 has been psuhed. Even tho it doesn't add new content ATM it repalces mines for plasma jets on wyvern nest.

I would love if some capable pilot would be able to take those ships for a spin as my piloting skills are very, very bad and play Starsesctor from tactical viev mostly like RTS.

Short answer: YES.

Long answer: Ohhhh yessss!
I never seen space station able to outmanuver a cruiser, until now.
Especialy with all fighter bays loaded with khopesh and maybe 2 sparks and all synergy slots with sabots and cyclone reaper.
That hammer barage is bit of an eyesore on such beutifull ship, cyclone maybe? for pure memes.

Now when I had some time to think about it:
Maneuverability is way to high, even before plasma jets it was way to much.
Taking it down to onslaught lvl will still be super maneuvrable due to plasma jets.

Mjiolnirs are nice but they are more of an pew pew guns
So I was thinking what would happen if I could mount anything in 5 frontal slots.
Then I looked at Volkov Industries Vodyanoy Plasma Miniguns TM
i call this setup Wyvern_breath

Extra silly with Za_warudo ship system from Tahlan Shipworks Izanami cruiser..

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: June 14, 2021, 06:44:00 AM by xzardas »


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2021, 04:06:01 AM »

Version 1.1.1 has been psuhed. Even tho it doesn't add new content ATM it repalces mines for plasma jets on wyvern nest.

I would love if some capable pilot would be able to take those ships for a spin as my piloting skills are very, very bad and play Starsesctor from tactical viev mostly like RTS.

Short answer: YES.

Long answer: Ohhhh yessss!
I never seen space station able to outmanuver a cruiser, until now.
Especialy with all fighter bays loaded with khopesh and maybe 2 sparks and all synergy slots with sabots and cyclone reaper.
That hammer barage is bit of an eyesore on such beutifull ship, cyclone maybe? for pure memes.

Now when I had some time to think about it:
Maneuverability is way to high, even before plasma jets it was way to much.
Taking it down to onslaught lvl will still be super maneuvrable due to plasma jets.

Mjiolnirs are nice but they are more of an pew pew guns
So I was thinking what would happen if I could mount anything in 5 frontal slots.
Then I looked at Volkov Industries Vodyanoy Plasma Miniguns TM
i call this setup Wyvern_breath

Extra silly with Za_warudo ship system from Tahlan Shipworks Izanami cruiser..

Ok Well yes, lets say this really made my day. as it is gorgeous and something i would never think off. (I literally choked laughing lol)

Now i'm in flux of what to do with mdo for future as it started as joek with high power ships that were ment to be OP. But as i noticed mroe ppl actually giving this mod an try and playing with it, i was like: "Wait i don't want to break people games, but also there are many people who are happy for shear ridicaltiy of these ships."

I will personall work on ridiculous and overpowered ships in general, as tehre is audience fro that of peopel who want to have their fun and drop Hammer on Anything they can see. Next to it i will try develop more balanced version that will take Alot of tim as i'm not a great pilot and my testing is minimal due to me playing game as an RTS in large scale battles with many already OP ships. I got feedback from soem of you guys here and Karleen from Starsector discord about thoughts and insides of mod.

In short:
I Will be producing mainly ridicilous ships as main branch. (any thoughts like xzardas had)
I Will try to make more balanced option as secondary branch (any feedbck would be great)

Alo xzardas thank you for your feedbakc, honestly i will probably change it to beying able to fit anything, as even if mjornirs look good on frotn they are water guns in most part.


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack [V 1.1.1]
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2021, 07:31:44 AM »

I personaly like to have overpowered flagship, if AI can have 20 alpha core officers in single fleet why I can't have something nice?

And for 90DP even wyvern nest with my "modifications" is not nearly as overpowered as it looks.
I removed 2 fighter bays and added 100 more OP for da guns, and reduced shield eficiency to 0.8(0.6 is bit to much), still it needs front shield and stabilised shields to even run shield generator and reduced maneuverability to 1/3 of original values.
Still as with any single ship it will fail if overrun and since all its dps is concentrated at the front fast foes can be tricky to deal with, ship has size of an spacestation so dodging anything is not an option forcing you to take good pd weapons on most small slots.
With 5 pulse lasers and expanded mags it was able to tear radiant apart while maxing its own flux, if there is more ships wyvern nest will overload or be forced to tank.

My "test sample" is typical pirate invasion fleet with capitals, wyvern nest dealt a lot(a lot) of damage but eventualy got overrun and died to missle spam(curse you ventures with pilums!).
Meanwhile GH onslaught from tahlan shipworks for 40DP was able to tear down whole fleet and lost only 80% of hp, mostly due to my bad piloting.
Paradusa and wyvern wing both have bit to much flux disipation in my opinion(500 less maybe?) but they are sufficiently slow and immobile to force them into tanking whole fleet at once and dying.
Epitomes have silly shield efficiency but considering DP cost even carrier with fortresshield(witch is pure troll mode btw) is not that op since it is to slow to kite anything and gets flooded with so many ships that its bombers are not able to survive it, with 0.6 shield eficiency they would be totaly balanced.
And they are designated as carriers and not battle_carriers,  AI needs to know to get into battle and not stay away.

On the other hand there are ships like cathedral from SWP, hell this ship is realy OP with double layer shielding and infinite missle spam.
These are kind of ships that should be unique, perfect flagship but only one in the fleet.

And why you are suprised? those are good fricking ships!
« Last Edit: June 15, 2021, 07:36:32 AM by xzardas »


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack [V 1.1.1]
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2021, 10:49:46 AM »

Hello dear mod author, I am really fine with ships being OP but cost to build one should be 1MLN $ not 60k haha :D that is too ridiculous ;) my suggestion is just to make adjustments to build cost of ships to be 1MLN ;) Thanks ;)


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Re: Cebby Ship Pack [V 1.1.1]
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2021, 03:48:27 AM »

Hello dear mod author, I am really fine with ships being OP but cost to build one should be 1MLN $ not 60k haha :D that is too ridiculous ;) my suggestion is just to make adjustments to build cost of ships to be 1MLN ;) Thanks ;)

Hello, thank oyu for your input, that is one thing i indeed overlooked. :3
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