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Author Topic: [0.95.1] Yunru Core +  (Read 248607 times)


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[0.95.1] Yunru Core +
« on: June 09, 2021, 09:37:27 AM »

All download links can be found on my Patreon (free of charge)

YunruCore is, in essence, a library mod for all my other mods. For me, it makes it easier to use programmes like the Ship and Weapon Editor, but for you the user, it allows you to enable and disable the other mods listed here at will without losing your saves. This mod must be enabled if you are or have used any of the other mods listed here.

Yunru's Pirates and Pathers
My first, and thus oldest mod. Formerly known as the Pirate Collection, this adds three capital ships, one cruiser, one destroyer, two frigates, and one tug to the Pirates' roster. It also adds two special somethings to the Luddic Path, one forged using techniques known only to them.

Here (will) be full descriptions, with images
The Chimera is a fusion of multiple broken ships, forged into an entirely new creation. While its unorthodox design saddles it with a high upkeep cost, its oversized engines ensure that is one of the fastest ships in the sector, and its medium-sized universal mount grants it an appreciable level of versatility.

Monitor MkII
By removing the complex fittings for the original Monitor's universal weapon mounts, and with a little creative restructuring of internal framework, the Monitor MkII is able to host a single fighter wing, while maintaining its formidable venting and shield systems.

Ox (P)
Pirates, as a whole, don't care much for rules; health and safety rules least of all. While shipyard officials may cry in horror, the modifications made to the Ox have a significant impact on its logistical profile.

Sunder (P)
An interesting refit, the Sunder (P) rewires and reworks its weapon systems such that instead of medium energy mounts, it boasts two medium ballistic mounts. Likewise, its small ballistic mounts have been retrofitted into being small energy mounts.

For when combat is your main priority, but not your only priority. The Hippogriff boasts less cargo or fuel space than the likes of the Mule, and less combat capability than the likes of the Falcon (P), instead sitting in a comfortable middle ground between the two.

Atlas MkIII
Not every pirate lord dreams only of big guns. The cargo bays on this Atlas have not so much been removed as renovated. Now, instead of goods and commodities, they host a near-endless supply of fighter hulls and parts, allowing the Atlas MkIII to field up to five wings of fighters without ever having to worry about replacement rates.

Born of the same design as might be found on a low tech station, the Citadel takes that firepower and makes it mobile. Technically. While slow, the Citadel's powerful targeting systems and favourable firing arcs makes it hard to escape from, should you be unlucky enough to find yourself within engagement range.

Yunru's Midline Expansion
A somewhat smaller mod, this adds one capital ship, two cruisers, one destroyer, and one frigate, all in the midline style.

Here (will) be full descriptions, with images
The Hornet is a small and niche ship. It combines enough hanger space for a single fighter wing, and a dedicate support system in it's targeting feed.

The Dart is the smallest of the Destroyer category, barely qualifying due to its small size. Such size, however, is what allows it to possess formidable protection in terms of armour and hull durability, since it is able to be constructed with materials that would be unreasonable at a larger scale.

While made from more conventional materials, the Armadilo, like the Dart, is geared towards durability over firepower.

The Collumbus is a rather experimental ship, designed to test the viability of broadsides on ships smaller than a Conquest.

Slow and yet graceful, the Ptero asserts its dominance on the battlefield in a hail of missiles. Specialised onboard nanoforges ensures that, provided enough flux capacity, the Ptero never runs out of missiles to fire.

Yunru's Hullmods
A small collection of assorted hullmods, ranging from logistical fuel saving to improved missile loading times.

Here (will) be full descriptions, with images
Ordinance Bay Conversion (3/6/9/15)
Running low on skilled pilots? Favour missiles over fighters? With Ordinance Bay Conversion, each fighter bay is retrofitted into additional missile storage, each increasing the total ammo your missile weapons can hold by 50%!

Drive Efficiency Tweaks (4/8/12/20)
Have you ever had that one ship that's got a burn just too high? Maybe it's one above the rest of your fleet, or only one below the cap. Have you considered installing Drive Efficiency Tweaks? By lowering the burn speed of your ship, DET reduces its fuel consumption by half!

Drive Field Optimisation (4/8/12/20)
By contrast, Drive Field Optimisation gets the most out of your engines in the other direction: Rather than lowering speed to increase efficiency, DFO tailor calibrates your drive fields to the ship, increasing burn speed by 1.

Automated Missile Racks (5/10/15/25)
A series of advanced servos and robotics increases the efficiency of missile preparation and loading, decreasing the time needed between firing by 50%.

Beam Shear (5/10/15/25)
By swapping out the focusing crystals on the ship's beam weaponry, a 25% boost to damage can be obtained, at the cost of a 25% reduction in range.

Fast Flux Conduits (5/10/15/25)
A more volatile mixture is used in place of the norm for flux conduits, capable of dissipating flux 50% faster, but holding 50% less capacity in exchange.

Retuned Wings (5/10/15/25)
Precision tuning increases the top speed and engagement range of your fighters. However, these adjustments need constant correction, increasing refit times by a corresponding amount.

Refined Propellant (5/10/15/25)
A higher quality propellant is used for missile propulsion, granting them a quicker acceleration and a higher top speed.

Ramburn Engines (6/12/18/30)
Bigger, stronger engines are fitted to the ship. These powerful engines increase the ships top speed and acceleration by 50%, however turn speeds decrease by 30% as a result.

HAM Module (10/20/30/50)
The Heavy Armour Micromesh Module, or HAM Module for short, strengthens the integrity of your ship's armour. Overall, the amount of damage from a single hit that armour can protect against is doubled, while the armour's increased durability ensures that twice as much armour remains to protect you, even in the worst of conditions.

Yunru's Misc Ships
A collection of low and high tech ships, not yet numerous enough to warrant their own packs.

Here (will) be full descriptions, with images
Zeus (He was a good boy)
The Zeus is not so much a ship as a mobile artillery platform. Specialised parts tailor its large energy mount to being far more flux efficient than otherwise possible. While this 50% discount on flux build up do to weapon fire allows for more prolonged attacks, its shield leaves a lot to be asked of it, often preventing any form of attack while under fire.


Deep in Tritachyon's unofficial projects lies the origins of the Libra. Rather than focus on constraining and containing an AI core to enhance their ship's performance, the Libra takes a different approach. An advanced spinal cerebral interface physically connects the captain to the ship, utilising their very being for enhanced performance.

A frontline brawler, the Sphyrnidae runs its weapons hot and unstable, trading a decreasing in range for a proportional increase in firepower. This, combined with an integrate flux shunt system throughout its hull, allows the Sphyrnidae to maintain a defensive presence that other high tech ships would find hard to match.

Older than the Onslaught, the Tiwaz is capable of solidly providing adequate amounts of damage. While an otherwise decent ship, its lack of rear coverage lead to it originally being discontinued after ships started becoming more mobile.

Yunru's (WiP) Arsenal
Slightly unfinished, this collection of weapons is nonetheless functional.

Here (will) be full descriptions, with images
Small Weapons

Medium Weapons
Shrapnel Cannon
In typical Pirate fashion, this weapon is armed with ship scraps. Ionised and magnetised, these pieces of scrap metal are then propelled in the general direction of a target. While prone to unpredictably scattering, these projectiles are nonetheless dangerous, putting severe strain on shields hit by them, and ionising unprotected hulls causing EMP damage.

Large Weapons
Ion Lance
Based on the same principles as the Ion Beam, the Ion Lance has reinforced and redundant conduits, capable of continuously channelling even larger amounts of energy towards the opponent.

Fract-C Ram
This powerful coilgun fires metal slugs at a fraction of the speed of light. Despite its long charge up and cooldown time, the sheer kinetic energy it puts out makes it a weapon to be feared.

Pilum LRM Pod
The ultimate in missile suppression, the Pilum LRM Pod fires salvos of 12 Pilum missiles, generated from dedicated nanoforges housed within the weapon itself.



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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2021, 05:28:31 AM »

YunruCore now updated, in parallel with Pirate Collection.
For those with the Pirate Collection, added an unique Commissioned Crew bonus for those who don't like to (just) smuggle goods. Now those pirate engineers will use their history of working with junk to halve the negative impact of your D-Mods.


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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2021, 07:51:45 AM »

While I can understand the need for shared sub-mod used by all mods (been there, done that) the way you split them looks very odd to me. For example, assets like graphics, which are used by a specific mod of yours should live in that mod - not in the core (pirates, midlines assets are in core, yet are not used by the core - only by specific mod of yours).


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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2021, 07:55:02 AM »

While I can understand the need for shared sub-mod used by all mods (been there, done that) the way you split them looks very odd to me. For example, assets like graphics, which are used by a specific mod of yours should live in that mod - not in the core (pirates, midlines assets are in core, yet are not used by the core - only by specific mod of yours).
Alas, that's a necessary evil, I believe. You have to have something present image-wise to avoid crashing, at which point it didn't seem worth it to simply not have the same art.

Everything that exists in any of the associated mods exists in the core in as minimalistic fashion as possible, in order to not break saves.


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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2021, 07:08:45 AM »

chimera and harrier are names already used by active mods


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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2021, 07:35:13 AM »

chimera and harrier are names already used by active mods
If we're being technical, one is already in use by a 0.91a mod, while Chimera as a name was first used by this mod.

But we're not going to be technical, because I don't care :P
(Harrier is still under revision for a name change though, because it's super generic.)


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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2021, 07:25:12 PM »

I wasn't sure about the sales pitch first...
Then I got distracted by the pirates, and now I got the Hullmods.
I don't know how you did it, but you sold me on those good ol' hullmods set.

Looking forward to more from your local selection of goods.

...Ignore my shiny metal plating, it's just an ExoSuit or something.
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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2021, 07:39:14 PM »

Thanks for the mods. I really enjoyed Fast Flux Conduits. It's a nice hullmod that isn't quite as restrictive as SO or shield shunt but still allows for some fun stuff.


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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2021, 01:02:35 PM »

Apologies for the lack of formal announcement, or update to the OP (working on a full redesign for that if possible), but all listed mods have updated, now with new version numbering to put them all on the same page and balance passes to many ships. Every mod saw some love, with more hullmods for the hullmods mod, some better auto-resolve weight to the Pirate's secret weapon, a new ship for Midline, and the Ptero got bonked for being to missile horny.

Also, one of my other mods has entered the "done enough to release, hopefully" stage, Yunru Arsenal:
Note that it's still in testing phase, so some weapons may be lacking OP, unique sprites or such.


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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2021, 09:37:09 PM »

HAM hullmod image is a delete!


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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2021, 03:25:43 AM »

A few have a dummy image until I can source a decent replacement, yes. Alas, I'm not graphically gifted, so that could be a wait.

Spess Mahren

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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2021, 05:35:54 AM »

Do the hull mods have to be scavenged off fleets/derelict stations and such? I'm not seeing any at markets despite searching quite a bit.


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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2021, 10:07:10 AM »

They should be appearing similar to other hullmods you don't start knowing. Although the stronger ones vary in rarity, much like vanilla.

(Alternatively, it may be that I forgot to assign any factions to know them, and that causes them to not show up?)

Spess Mahren

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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2021, 07:09:12 PM »

They should be appearing similar to other hullmods you don't start knowing. Although the stronger ones vary in rarity, much like vanilla.

(Alternatively, it may be that I forgot to assign any factions to know them, and that causes them to not show up?)

Pretty sure that is the issue, none of the hull mods are unlocked in the hull_mods.csv so they they aren't given by default to the player or any faction with base_bp in known hullmods. There is also no faction files to tell the game what faction knows what specific hull mod, they can only sell what they know.

Also after checking you are going to have to add faction files for your arsenal mod weapons that aren't attached to a vanilla blueprint package or faction tag and are simply a rare_bp if you want them to show in markets.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2021, 07:12:46 PM by Spess Mahren »


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Re: Yunru's Mod Megathread
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2021, 09:53:49 PM »

What does Ramburn Engines actually do? It doesn't raise the ships top speed, is this intentional or a bug?
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