Biggest mistake: Stop going for the nav buoys with your wolf class attack ships. They're slower than your wasps and tempest, and have more guns, they need to get across the map immediately to lay down fire, (furthermore, the other wolfs have accuracy issues, so you need to get over there yourself). Set a tempest or wasp to group 1 and send him over there instead.
After that, you next biggest mistake is chasing military ships. They're not worth as many points, they take longer to kill and they aren't in the process of retreating unless they're tactically outnumbered. Leave them for last.
Make sure you vent your flux after you kill a target, so you get your engine boost back faster. "V"
Lastly, make sure you hit with your anti matter blast and that you concentrate all your hits to one side of the enemy ship. If you spread your hits out along the armor, it takes alot longer to take out the enemy. It's best to punch a hole and ram the rest into the interior of the ship to destroy it.