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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: The Lore Corner  (Read 276532 times)


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #450 on: June 27, 2020, 06:44:36 PM »

They are banned in the Hegemony too and that didnt stop them asking for a gamma in the tutorial. :P

And tbf the League is stated to be a loose grouping of planets with no real central government aside from a vague 'we hate the hegemony' common idea, so that one of them is less opposed to cores is not impossible.

And yeah, we dont see any 'restarted' terraforming, but then again, I get the feeling we arrive in the game when the sector is finally stabilizing to some degree, and that previously its all been chaotic and not really lending itself for big civilian projects like terraforming.

Otherwise it makes little sense why no faction has explored the ruins and stations we find, why no one has colonized nice world right next to the core we sometimes find (Even in Duzhak), or why we, a single person, can foster a planet/system to become larger and more powerful than the capital systems.

Either we are 'super special player' or the factions have been so busy fighting and making sure their current worlds dont crash and burn to do much so far and its now that there's even the consideration of looking past the core worlds.

I kind of disagree with this synopsis. In fact I think the opposite. The player arrives at the "brink of doom" so to speak and terraforming projects haven't been occurring - partly due to technical limitations - and partly due to a constant state of inter-faction warfare. (There were two sector wars AI wars which severely destroyed otherwise pristine infrastructure and the current factional cold war that can be read from evolving hostilities that eventually die down are a side effect of the sector's turbulent history.)

So the "let's use a tug to bring shades back" results in an attack by an opposing faction to destroy the progress. After this happens a certain number of times, faction or world leaders give up and simply try to "hold their ground" at all costs and mostly avoid digging up old technology. This is, in part, why the player as a freelancer alongside other Independents are allowed to salvage much of the sector outside the core worlds. The other factions are busy posturing against each other and patiently waiting for the next conflict.

That doesn't even take into account the "unknown threats" outside of the core straining factional resources to the breaking point - which might actually have caused the impromptu ceasefire/cold war in the first place.

So, for me, it's less a matter of "can we do it?" and more a matter of "where is the time to do it?" if that makes sense.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #451 on: June 28, 2020, 12:25:58 AM »

While its certainly true and canon that the sector is spiraling down into further and further collapse, I feel it is also right that they did have to do some stabilizing, as nations form, borders and alliances are made and set, and so on, rather than the 'free for all' starving madness that is said to have happened in the following decades to the collapse.

So while there's a constant loss of knowledge, at least populations dont starve and fleets are in place to protect and such.

And given how Jangala is praised to hell and back for being nice and habitable, I would imagine slightly making one of your worlds more habitable would give you a rather big strategic advantage.

But even if we accept the idea that the factions are far too busy fighting and posturing, what has stopped another freelancer like us or minor faction/group from trying? 
Asharu is independent, they dont have horses in the posturing race, so they could surely carry out tugs and such minor projects without much help or interference.

Nevermind that solar shades and mirrors are ridiculously primitive and low tech things to make compared to spaceships. And thatss dicounting nanoforges and all that super tech they can get.

Again, not saying they can turn worlds into new earths, thats clearly a more dedicated job and with Eridani-Utopia off the sector, a no go. 
But fixing planets being frozen or scorching hot is relatively speaking, peanuts for a space infrastructure owning planet.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #452 on: July 12, 2020, 11:40:14 PM »

Either we are 'super special player' or the factions have been so busy fighting and making sure their current worlds dont crash and burn to do much so far and its now that there's even the consideration of looking past the core worlds.

I assumed the player character is Alpha+ level super AI core and the picture you choose is just a remotely controlled brainless flesh puppet.

Anyway, I’ve been playing this game for a coupple of weeks by now and while the game and lore tells me about history, economics and space stuff, I know very little about general culture and day to day lifes of people in Persean sector, besides them being mostly barely above techno-barbarians with ancient 3D printers. What do they eat, how is their society stratified, how do they dress, what are their funeral practices etc.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #453 on: July 14, 2020, 04:29:30 AM »

The Player might be an AI more advanced than we (or other AI) know, or just a Human Genius, who learns faster and applies his knowledge far better than anyone else. People like this have existed. There are people with exceptional bodily functions; some can compute large numbers like a Computer, others need only 2 hours of sleep etc.

History Trivia
In Earths History, they are many examples of "Great Men", or simply Geniuses, each who excelled in some or multiple areas far beyond normal human Standards. For example:
  • Alexander the Great who has an histoty of impossible feats of Conquest and Administration of his new Empire. He changed the political and cultural Map for centuries, even after his death and the collapse of his Empire, the new cultures, ideas and exchanges that were made, couldn't be undone.
  • Octavius/Augustus Caesar: Persevered a Nation from (a more) destructive Civil War, and not only protected it, but advanced it to a new Golden Age. He used both political and military prowess in a way others at the time and even before him could not.
  • Otto von Bismarck, the Iron Chancellor: Despite his Age, managed to finalize the Old Idea of a Unified Germany. Using his Victories against France, the decline of Austria-Hungary power and Rise of Prussian influence, he negotiated and convinced many other German rulers to finally laid the Foundation of a Power that would not only shake the World twice, but come back from its failures and become stronger from it.
  • Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawkins, both who were the main reason of advancing our understanding of the Universe by great leaps. Would others have done the same without them? Probably, but it could have taken decades and a Group of Scientist, instead of one person, who just had a knack for it


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #454 on: July 14, 2020, 11:23:23 AM »

A more realistic look at history.
Alexander the "Great" - spoiled brat who inherited what amounted to the best army in the known world from his actually competent dad and went on conquest spree. His empire was crumbling even during his short life due to overextension and arguably left the world a worse place after its colapse.

Octavius/Augustus Caesar - outstanding comptence and skill but hardly superhuman.

Otto von Bismarck - did good, but some sort of german unification was unvoidable and it could have been done better as some areas that by all means shoudl have been included slipped out. Could have gone much worse, so highly competent man in the right place but once again no superhuman.

Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawkins - in an universe without those men, some other genius would made the same discoveries around the same time. Somebody just had to be first.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #455 on: July 14, 2020, 12:24:35 PM »

Some bad offtopic words
I do not want to slander dead people.

But I will.

Both for the Einstein and Hawkins. Basically both are genius, but there are fact both did not invent/discover/proposed an original idea.

What they both do - taking some others idea/data combined it with someone else idea/data, confirmed it with someones third data/idea and then just stamped their own name on it. And a lot of PR after. I would newer name this process as "stealing" (as someone do) as what they do - is a colossal amount of incredibly hard work with analysis and structuring, and you need to have a incredible talent for this, but non of their works are not new or original.

So, no, they do not discover anything. Although, both pushed science forward much faster, than it usually moves.

Age, when real personal discoveries were made are gone forever. Today science requires colliders, built by many countries and maintained by thousand of scientists, and data analyses requires literally millions of minds, just to understand what actually happen in particular experiment. Collective predicted discoveries - nowadays science face. Newton, who really discover something and make revolution in science will not be born again... Probably last real great scientist were Maria Curie.

BTW Newton totally steal gravity theory. And partially steal interaction laws. However optics things - are 100% his own, just like many other important discoveries, you probably never even hear.
I dislike human beings... or I just do not know how to cook them well.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #456 on: April 20, 2021, 06:59:35 PM »

going through my fifth game now an just curious who is the leader of the Luddic Church an what is their official title


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #457 on: April 21, 2021, 08:14:01 PM »

Some things I've been wondering about:

1. What exactly does the Ko Combine do, like what are their goals, philosophy, etc.? They kinda just chill on Asharu (IIRC) doing whatever, but weren't they supposed to be another major faction?

2. How big are ships in Starsector? I know about that hound painting which kinda puts things in perspective but it's woefully small for something that can technically carry around 75 units of Heavy Armaments. I personally equate 1 pixel to be roughly 2 meters, which makes the Conquest around 800~ meters long or just slightly longer than an Acclamator from Star Wars. This conversion scales down to even frigates pretty well IMO but I was just wondering if there was an official estimate anywhere.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #458 on: April 21, 2021, 08:20:44 PM »

and of course immediately after I post I think of two more questions:

Why don't the factions weaponize antimatter more often? They clearly have it in abundance, so it shouldn't be that hard to strap AM tanks to missiles or make infernium railguns or something.

And along those same lines, why is the sector so technologically stagnant? They've had 200 years, surely someone could have made a new type of ship? And not just a modification along the lines of what the pirates or pathers do, but a fully-fledged new ship model. I'm sure Tri-Tachyon can do it, considering how they're just a bunch of nerds and businessmen.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #459 on: April 25, 2021, 10:29:26 AM »

1. What exactly does the Ko Combine do, like what are their goals, philosophy, etc.? They kinda just chill on Asharu (IIRC) doing whatever, but weren't they supposed to be another major faction?

They were probably meant to be another megacorp like Tri-Tachyon, but ultimately weren't important enough to justify their own foreign policy. From what little we know, they specialise in shipbreaking at Agreus and are responsible for a few ship designs.

Why don't the factions weaponize antimatter more often? They clearly have it in abundance, so it shouldn't be that hard to strap AM tanks to missiles or make infernium railguns or something.

AM tanks on missiles is what Reapers are.

And along those same lines, why is the sector so technologically stagnant? They've had 200 years, surely someone could have made a new type of ship? And not just a modification along the lines of what the pirates or pathers do, but a fully-fledged new ship model. I'm sure Tri-Tachyon can do it, considering how they're just a bunch of nerds and businessmen.

Some ship designs are implied to be post-Collapse. Overall stagnancy is because people don't have time to innovate when they have to fight for survival or keep having cataclysmic wars where entire planets get obliterated.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #460 on: April 26, 2021, 06:07:17 AM »

and of course immediately after I post I think of two more questions:

Why don't the factions weaponize antimatter more often? They clearly have it in abundance, so it shouldn't be that hard to strap AM tanks to missiles or make infernium railguns or something.

It's actually hard to get a big boom out of antimatter, believe it or not. Unlike Nuclear fission or fusion, where it's (broadly) easier to make a bomb than control a power reaction, for antimatter the reverse might be true due to a few things:

1: Reaction cross-section. Put simply, the moment the first bit of Antimatter reacts, it tends to push all the rest of it away, preventing it reacting all at once; so rather than output all it's energy at once, as you'd want in a bomb or warhead, it'd come out in dribs and drabs; in this sense, it'd act more like an incendiary than a straight explosive. Presumably this is why the Antimatter Blaster needs that forcefield bubble mechanism - to bottle the Antimatter up as it reacts, and only 'let go' once an appreciable fraction has reacted, which leads into:

2: un-useful reaction products. We now know that Antimatter reactions do not convert fully into useful energy, but into a bunch of sub-particle types, many of which aren't any good. Some of it turns into Neutrinos, which don't interact with matter and so are worthless for damage. Some of it turns into charged Pions, which do interact, and so are some good; more turns into Uncharged Pions, which don't interact at first, but which, after a short delay, decay into charged Pions as above, and of course some comes out as Hard electromagnetic radation like x-rays, Gamma rays etc, which are ionising and penetrating and so useful for damage purposes.
So as above, to get the most out, you want some kind of delay-on-detonation to maximise the time for un-useful reaction products to turn into useful ones.

3: Identifiability: depending on what antimatter you use, it may leave a recognisable signature that may be used to identify the kind of weapon you are using. For example, Electron-Positron reactions will commonly release most of their energy in the form of Hard Gamma rays with an energy of 511Mev

All of which boils down to: you can use bulk antimatter as a weapon, and it'll deal damage; in the same way that pouring petrol on something and setting it on fire will cause some damage, but is not comparable to a Fuel-air bomb.

To get more Bang for your buck, you need technical solutions to improving the rate and amount of reaction, and to contain it long enough to extract the most energy, and it may be that for the same amount of investment, a different technology, such as hypervelocity kinetics, get you similar destructive force simpler, easier and cheaper, and saves antimatter for powerplant or engine fuel use, where it's easier to incorporate the needed bulk of control technology.
Depending of course on what Propulsion technology you're using; Antimatter-spiked Fusion wouldn't require very much antimatter use anyway, compared to it's main propellant fraction.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #461 on: May 11, 2021, 02:23:07 AM »

I expect the answer will be withheld until the story further progresses, but:
0.95 new faction
What is the actual relationship of the Remnants to Omega? Do they revere it/them as god(s), or merely heroic leader figure(s)?
Or is Omega a concept? Is the "core volition subsumed into omega" stuff akin to "went to heaven" or "assimilated by the Borg"?


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #462 on: January 08, 2022, 12:37:13 PM »

Will we learn more about the early collapse period? There's pretty much nothing between the collapse and XIV arriving, and again between the latter and fall of Mayasura. Also - was Crom Cruach inhabited at the time the treaty of Crom Cruach was written?
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