I personally think that "Termination Sequence" is a bad idea.
For now, we have 2 high end frigates: Scarab which have high amount of firepower, and Tempest which trades some of it for premium tier pd defense and lightning speed.
And you want to cut main strenght of Tempest in favor of very unreliable source of damage, which in reality going to do next to no impact.
From that point Scarab and even cheaper options would look much more apealing than Tempest (without current active system and pd, Tempest is going to be no better than Wolf)
Guess if you want to nerf\fix Tempest, it is better to buff powercrept frigates instead, like Monitor, or Centurion for example. Or maybe add some more premium-tier frigates to the game, like Vanguard (but in that case there gonna be more problems with in game balance so idk)
Interruption of a burn drive is good (long awaited if i can say), but isn't it going even better if burn drive won't disable shields for it's duration?
Concept of Vanguard is interesting, can't wait to see how it performs in reality.
And i have a question at last: will you make something with Venture? In current meta this ship is next to completely useless - complete lack of speed, range, firepower and op makes this ship abysmal in terms of anything, but being useless bullet sponge. Like... it's a cruiser but with firepower of a frigate, which sounds like a joke.