1. Unpack it and put the content into the "mod" folder in your game
2. Go into the mod folder in pay/graphics/portraits and replace your reflect.. I mean the placeholder image called "pay.png" with your own, but don't rename the file! The size of your majestic picture should be 128x128px and it needs to be in .png format!
3. Here is a tutorial on how to crop and resize your brain container in GIMP:
https://youtu.be/dQSlqcMCKx04. Alternatively, if you are a masochist you can try to do this in MS-Paint (kids, don't try this at home)!
5. Profit!
Love you all, and have a fun time <3
Update: I shall make a dedicated mod for sounds and alerts to improve the game experience. Keep on the lookout for that in my signature area!
Also, here is a snapshot of my screen (because I am so a-technical that I have no clue how to printscreen my game.. Don't Judge Me!).