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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

Author Topic: Exploration  (Read 1422 times)


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« on: May 21, 2021, 02:24:25 PM »

I was wondering how you guys explore and what might be the most efficient way.
Do you go with big Fleets with enough firepower to deal with everything that might oppose it so you don't have to come back later?
Or just a small fast one with a couple of freighters to grab everything thats not defended?

Most of the time I go with a cheap capital ship, some cruisers, destroyers and an Atlas freighter.
That works really well when you find systems with warning beacons or domain-era systems, but sometimes i've burned though 2000 supplies without getting much in return.

I think not having enough surveying equipment was my main problem :D
I didn't notice that it stacks and the bonus on larger hulls is huge.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2021, 04:41:55 PM by Vio »


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Re: Exploration
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2021, 04:58:06 PM »

I personally really love the Ventures with assault packet the can tank A LOT , so I Usually go with 3 and my flag ship with a couple of Rigs and some misc frigates.
I never checked the efficiency or stuff like that, I just love me some tanky Ventures
but yeah bringing Survey equipment and knowing to ignore the massive gass giants that probably only have volatiles is essential

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Re: Exploration
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2021, 06:06:19 PM »

What I usually do is have a bunch of Shepherds, around 4 or 5, a colossus if I need more cargo, some drams or phaetons and other than that cheap maintenance ships with full HE weapons, frigates and destroyers, cruisers only if I have Apogees or Falcons.

The reason for this is that you don't want to face redacted when you aren't after them specifically, and what you usually face are Domain drones which have no shields, get torpedoes, get anti armor and go have fun. Carrying a bunch of large ships will eat at your profits a lot and will go unused way too often.
You can park your spaceship anywhere you want if you get along with pirates


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Re: Exploration
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2021, 07:39:33 PM »

What I usually do is have a bunch of Shepherds, around 4 or 5, a colossus if I need more cargo, some drams or phaetons and other than that cheap maintenance ships with full HE weapons, frigates and destroyers, cruisers only if I have Apogees or Falcons.

The reason for this is that you don't want to face redacted when you aren't after them specifically, and what you usually face are Domain drones which have no shields, get torpedoes, get anti armor and go have fun. Carrying a bunch of large ships will eat at your profits a lot and will go unused way too often.

This is correct. Though with frigates being super good i was basically doing 2 temp, scarab and omens with 6 sheps and assorted buffalos/phaetons. Junk any cargo that's not able to be sold for massive profits at a pirate/ludd path world. After a few in game years i had plenty of credits, cores, planet data and rare items/blueprints.


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Re: Exploration
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2021, 10:59:45 AM »

4 or 5 of the largest cargo ships I could obtain at that point in time. Derelict stations and such can provide a large amount of loot. The more storage, the longer I can explore before filling up.

I keep my ships able to do a burn of 8. This lets you outrun the dangerous stuff. Efficiency on all the ships.

I survey everything, even gas giants. Use the Unknown Skies mod and not sure how much this changes gas giants.

A survey capability of 40 usually takes the cost down to 5. You can stick survey on 2 cruiser size combat ships and it will take your survey ability up to around 40.



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Re: Exploration
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2021, 08:43:06 PM »

Hounds. Lots of hounds of every variety. Unstable injector and Safety Overrides. Ive yet to lose a hound through multiple playthroughs this way. Effieciency overhauls and insulated engines all around. I usually upgrade to a wagon-train of mules that defend themselves with minimal escort, throwing in frigates with large PD capability, for those fighting retreats.


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Re: Exploration
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2021, 12:44:55 AM »

Hounds. Lots of hounds of every variety.

JUDGE! slowpersun

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Re: Exploration
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2021, 01:10:21 AM »

Apogees and Ventures, although not as important anymore with permanent hull mods now being available.  Shepards don't hurt either, but unless you're running a tiny fleet, that ship slot can generally be more efficiently used.

Also, now don't salvage mining stations right away if possible, come back later with lots of cargo space.  First time that mining station dropped over 20k ore after the 0.95a update, I straight laughed for like 5 minutes!
« Last Edit: May 23, 2021, 01:12:27 AM by slowpersun »
I wasn't always a Judge...


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Re: Exploration
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2021, 08:12:54 AM »

Ventures only cause a problem because they are SO SLOW... I wish they would buff their speed so the Drive upgrade didn't feel required. And don't say Ox, anyone using them has access to better then a Venture.


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Re: Exploration
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2021, 04:30:13 PM »

  • Two or three Apogees and Ventures
  • A couple Falcons, Furies, Gryphons, or similarly mobile and punch-y cruisers
  • A couple Hammerheads or Sunders or Mules
  • A few Omens, Tempests, and Afflictors
  • Standard mix of support ships: Shepherds, Phaetons, Buffalo, Colossi, Salvage Rigs, etc.

I like durable, supply efficient, mobile platforms for exploration. Capitals and carriers stay at home for exploration as they tend to be a drag on these doctrines. I usually start with just one or two ships from each of these categories and scale it up as I get more creds and skills.

Apogees and Ventures are both great. A gryphon with a Missile Mastery officer can saturate point defenses nicely. Falcons and Furies spread the engagement out in your favor with their mobility. Hammerheads and Sunders punch above their weight, and Mules don't do much but soak up damage and pester enemy fleets with their toughness and maneuvering. Omens are just fantastic combat support and point defense ships. Tempests punch waaay above their weight and with Heavy Blasters and an Energy Specialization officer just brutalize most of what you encounter exploring. A single Afflictor with Anti-Matter Blasters and a Phase Mastery officer for the +100% speed tears through retreating ships. Support ships... Whatever works. You need more? Add more.

Just my preferences that I've settled on when out deep in the Persean exploring and scavenging. Can take most things you encounter without being a real resource hog. If you encounter something you can't deal with? Just come back with your favorite OP capital or whatever.


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Re: Exploration
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2021, 05:36:36 PM »

I'll take a few destroyers, a few frigates, a bunch of shepherds and some cargo ships of varying size (whatever around I can boost to burn 9 or higher with hullmods). Enough to explore single ping systems, kill pirates and derelict motherships, but is still fast and cheap. Double ping systems are explorable with this kind of fleet but dangerous because the tougher subordos could be big enough to be a bad threat, and triple ping system are 'hide or die'.