More like between 4 - 7! But I suspect that this will change in the future anyway, since agent structure in place now. Still, I would like a better variety of events, have yet to pick a bar fight in-game yet and have to spend money to get bailed out, use an in-faction agent to get you loose (depends on agent reputation, maybe also agent location) or else "lose." Whether or not the bail amount is reasonable I guess would depend on the faction and your relationship with said faction. By "lose," I mean either blow X number of story points to talk your way out of jail or do the game's version of dying by GO TO JAIL. DO NOT COLLECT $200.. IE, a soft reset... what the game does when you die anyway.
Bars in general need more flavor, I've been so underwhelmed by the bar experience that I have recently been half-tempted to just mod in a full poker simulator just for pirate/independent bars (prolly just stud/draw, coding Texas hold 'em prolly too difficult; not the actual coding of the game, but adding multiple different AI gambling "opponents" with varying skill levels for Texas Hold 'em requires a much more sophisticated AI for bluffing reasons, and is certainly beyond my current coding capabilities). Not saying I will, just tempted. Like seriously, why do I not have the option to slip the bartender a couple of bills to find the best "deal" option? That and after a while, bar interactions are like events in Stellaris... you've seen them all, just the destination and maybe the requirements change. But the rest of the text is literally the same (which is understandable, trying to randomize not only coherent sentences but coherent "conversations" is a huge coding undertaking; team level stuff at a minimum).