Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)
I am officially an epoch.
Note: please sacrifice your goats responsibly, look up the proper pronunciation of Alex's name. We wouldn't want some other project receiving mystic power.
I'm guessing it's just a placeholder. It may get implemented as something influencing hazard rating and food or organics availability. I mostly see it as a counterpart to Inimical Biosphere, as in planets having their own fully fledged flora and fauna.SpoilerAlternatively, it may contain free hugs.[close]
Well, as a matter of strict terminology, we've had "alien life" as part of the game since almost day 1 - Jangala in the Corvus system (the very first, and only for a while, campaign system in the game) has a natural, but aggressive Inimical Biosphere on it that requires burning back every once in a while. Randomly generated planets can also come up with Inimical Biosphere, presumably also natural, alien life.The icons that scare me (or possibly intrigue me) more are death, and xenoplague.