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Author Topic: Can the they added a feature where you can romantacize character  (Read 2069 times)

Orion Kamish

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This is just me but I feel lonely when I travel alone in space there's no-one to talk to in the ship even the crew feels like a deadman when you can't even interact with them can they added a feature to this please :-[ and I have a suggestion too can you romantacize your crew even interact is good too I just want to talk to them if there's a problem about they're circumstances and wish to help them that's all thank you for listening.

Orion Kamish

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Re: Can the they added a feature where you can romantacize character
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2021, 06:16:55 AM »

I'm lonely ok :'(


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Re: Can the they added a feature where you can romantacize character
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2021, 11:32:26 AM »

100% agree. Maybe some wont like it, but it will not be mandatory, and lot of people will like it.


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Re: Can the they added a feature where you can romantacize character
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2021, 04:49:35 PM »

I actually do plan to do something like this with officers eventually, but it will be a while.

I can tell you from similar systems I've created that it is a lot of work both technically and from a writing standpoint to get interactions like this to feel organic and varied. That's probably why it hasn't been done already yet.

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Re: Can the they added a feature where you can romantacize character
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2021, 11:23:36 PM »

Cool.  I have pointed out in one of my previous posts that ship captains marry people, so that would be a cool random event to have for officers (though admittedly also a potential can of worms today in terms of PR.  Prolly best to just have all genders be able to marry all genders; maybe AIs too!).

As for the player having romance options, that might be tricky.  Definitely a lot of writing (both code and actual text), so might end up being like a DLC or update for the game after the 1.0 release.  Or perhaps the game would handle it like Failbetter's Sunless Sea, which took the lazy easy way out and just had (though more required) the protagonist find some randomly generated character in port, "court" the prospect by spending money (ie, dating and getting a house), and then just have a marriage.

It is actually basically a required part of that game, since having a marriage generates a scion for the player's protagonist so the player doesn't have to entirely restart the game when their current protagonist dies (you become the protagonist's scion, keep some money and lewt, KEEP THE HOUSE, maybe get slightly better stats and also in-game bonuses from visiting your wife and kid).  Of course, it also lead to issues, like that there is a bug where certain events that lead to your scion dying (normal, surprising but understandable) don't also later generate another scion (bug).  When I figured this out, I rage-quit and haven't played the game since (I was trying one of the more difficult challenge endings, so I was both in deep and doing well.  Until I wasn't).

I will say that this game seems to actively avoid permanent fail states, so using the Sunless sea romance heuristic probably isn't as necessary, at least from a gameplay perspective (mod it in at your leisure).  But adding a few romance chain events for the player couldn't hurt, can always add a toggle to turn it off (or just ignore the possibility).

Also, regarding fail states, this game needs a few unless you're playing on easy.  Life has consequences, yo.
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Re: Can the they added a feature where you can romantacize character
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2021, 10:11:31 AM »

I can imagine few things than this that would be a bigger waste of dev time.


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Re: Can the they added a feature where you can romantacize character
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2021, 12:52:03 PM »

Maybe the mod can include a well-written fan faction between you and NPC with dialogue describing the sinful activities you are performing with your virtual uh nvm.

Jokes aside this is a horrible idea for vanilla unless family trees and inheritance were introduced. Like bannerlord.
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