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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: Make Commerce take two Industry Slots  (Read 5340 times)


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Re: Make Commerce take two Industry Slots
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2021, 11:37:30 AM »

It makes me happy to be able to meet internal organ demand without AI usage. It was also a condition that existed prior to introducing colony system which makes it easy to mod or add back to the base game.
That would actually be nice, but without Free Port you won't actually benefit from meeting the harvested organs demand since it can't be legally imported. Otherwise you'd never have to worry about it, since that one independent planet with the cryo-chamber thing generates 6 Harvested Organs. Hence:

I’m not following your math though.
-2(underworld with megaport)
That sums up to -8. Comparing to current implementation it’s additional-5 with additional 25% income if you decide to become crime lord; or +1 stability but -25% income.
I'm including the -3 from Free Port, which is mechanically required in order to get everything out of it. And based on descriptions underworld heritage shouldn't even work without free port in the first place - those criminals aren't going to pay you tariffs if what they're doing would get them arrested outright.

As you suggested without commerce colony is “fine”. I think this is a calculated risk that can provide some little more depth in colony system.

Or do you prefer the building secretly increase luddic path activity (x2 base, x3 with mega)? I’d love to see the spices they can bring.
This amount of -stability isn't a calculated risk, it's just excessive. I would never even consider building something like that, it's just far too much. For reference with -11 stability my colonies would be capped to +6 at absolute best short of SP improvements/Alpha Cores, and that's an unacceptable loss of fleet size/strength. Not to mention actual income if -2 or -3 pirate activity shows up.

As for luddic path activity, that's enough of a problem as is. This suggested industry is just too much bad for too little good IMO.

Don't know how I feel about the 2 industry slots solution but current Commerce with the new domain item is absolutely broken.
So why nerf the industry, and not the item? Commerce as-is, +50% for an industry slot (up to +100% with Alpha Core/SP), seems fine to me.

The opportunity cost of Megaports should be some kind of upkeep. Right now you just upgrade to Megaports everywhere by default (even if base accessibility is high, it counters reductions from other sources) because there's no reason not to. It's like if every tiny country on Earth had airports the size of LAX.
You could have the accessibility bonus scale with your colony size, since smaller colonies can't fully utilize all of the available space and logistics that a megaport provides.


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Re: Make Commerce take two Industry Slots
« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2021, 11:52:49 AM »

Base commerce is fine but all upgrade make its way too good, so if you're going to nerf it nerf upgrades Dealmaker from +50% to +25% AI core form +25% income to -tariff on added market or some other fancy effect which not just +25% income, SP bonus can be left the same or also be fancy thing and not just more money


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Re: Make Commerce take two Industry Slots
« Reply #32 on: May 12, 2021, 12:08:39 PM »

You could make AI core and story point reduce the stability penalty instead of increase income as another way to provide a buff without increasing income.


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Re: Make Commerce take two Industry Slots
« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2021, 12:45:59 PM »

If the Dealmaker was nerfed, the Pather interest should be halved or removed too.

However, if the game did not drop any Dealmakers, paying historian gobs of story points to get those items (provided he offered them to you instead of yet more orbital fusion lamps) had better give something good instead of a lemon.

In my game, most of the items I found from salvage were Soil Nanites, Cyroarithmetic Engines, and Combat Drone Replicators.  In other words, mostly useless crap I did not care much about.
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