Not dead. Just nothing new to report. Holding off on doing stuff with this until the next major Starsector patch, unless something truly game breaking crops up.
The XIV Fighters in general have a sort of theme: In addition to a basic upgrade package common to all XIV Fighters (Up-armoring, Flux- Core improvements at some expense of speed and mobility), their weapon packages are usually upgraded in some fashion. The Khopesh receives ECCM, the Broadsword receives Swarmer missiles, the Gladius upgrades their LMGs to DLMGs, and the Thunder's Ion cannons get upgraded to standards. I think it's mentioned in the codex file. Naturally, the XIV fighters are also more OP intensive than their standard counterparts depending on the effectiveness of the upgrade, especially for stuff like the Broadsword & Thunder, so it's not a free lunch.
I'm pretty sure LG is not supposed to have that though. I'll have to double check that. Then again, this may be moot soon. The whole LG fighter line may be getting the axe, based on my understanding of the upcoming new Sindrian Diktat; apparently the revamp has their fleet doctrinally using no fighter support whatsoever... (Based upon the "Uniquifying The Factions II blogpost)
(Relatedly, the Sentinel would be removed from Diktat fleets if the new concept goes live, and would probably become PL exclusive.)
I had originally planned on an update to this mod that included new fighters, weapons, and possibly even a carrier or two. Unfortunately, the spriting process went poorly, and I got burnt out on both modding & the game as an unanticipated side effect, for a time anyways.
Long story short, my total inability to sprite is the main inhibitor of me implementing new content for this mod (and my Weapons Pack mod for that matter, stuck in limbo for the same reason). At minimum, I'd have to partner with a spriter to co-create the mod who's capable of making small vanilla-like weapons and fighter craft, or enslave one pay for the service. Neither seems likely in the short term, so the prospect of new content any time soon is low, but rest assured I will still continue to make compatibility and balance updates past 0.95.