- After looking at the .factions file for them, there might be a bug/issue. Hull frequency is supposed to have an integer for each but the SD have ' .6 ', which is less than 1. I'm not sure that the game can even use a decimal in that field. You might experiment by changing it to a ' 1 '.
Lion's Guard, Mercenaries, and Scavengers will fly with them sometimes. Maybe recover one from a battle.
Hull frequency can work with non-integer values. After all, the Hegemony's XIV_bp tagged ships use a decimal number for Hull Frequency (0.25, specifically), and those turn up fine. The Pirate's Falcon(P) hull frequency is set to 0.5 due to its strength.
Sentinels are intended to be fairly rare, IIRC only the Persean League, the Sindrian Diktat, and rarely Scavengers use them (and the Diktat uses them at a reduced frequency, outside of the Lion's Guard). It's quite possibly I made them
too rare though, so I'll ask around how people feel about the ship's spawn rates.
Okay, I just wanted to know, are the Cazin and Cazin (P) better at different roles or anything? Because the more PD focused guns on the Cazin (P) make them seem better as full interceptors than fighters.
Their weapon loadouts make them functionally quite different, yes. Cazins are functionally Broadsword Lite: they perform the same function (tankiness, shield pressure, flare distractions) more cheaply, just not quite as well. Cazin (P) is better against light fighters and missiles due to range and sustained firepower... at first.