Would it be possible to add commands to "force" venting flux at certain levels? IE force a "V" press then a "U" press to go back to auto after.
Also, would it be possible to add a command that automatically pressed U (auto mode) at the start of combat? I'd only use that one on the flagship I was piloting, but it would save a lot of button presses.
Other commands I can think of, but not sure if they are possible to achieve is "auto objectives" - IE a "capture" order would make a ship go and capture an objective like a com relay or something in combat. One step further would be "capture objective, then X", X being search and destroy after capturing, or X being defend that point after capturing.
I know the original had an "escort" command, but that was not something I used because it wasn't very specific, so would it possible to add a command like "Escort ship number X", IE if I had a capital ship in position 2 of my fleet, I could tell a DD "Escort ship number 2" and then that DD would automatically escort the 2nd ship of the fleet at the start of combat.