I think the above formula probably doesn't really do what you want for the omegas? As stated it gives 2 enemies from 200-399 DP battle size, which IIRC is every battle size except the max of 400 (don't have the game open in front of me). So its really just an extra enemy surprise for players that exactly max the battle size, and no change for anyone else.
The equation simplifies to 1 + BattleSize/200, rounded down...
Hm... Wait let me calculate some more examples to test this!
Dorito Gank Squad formula: Number of Crumpled Bags=1+{[(Battle Size/2)/120]*1.2}
200 Battle Size (minimum vanilla setting)
1+{[(200/2)/120]*1.2}=2 which translates into
2 Doritos with no buffs300 Battle Size (stock vanilla value)
1+{[(300/2)/120]*1.2}[/b]=2.5 which translates into
2 Doritos with +25% extra flux capacity and 25% extra flux dissipation each (since the 0.5 translates into a total of +50% base flux stats, evenly distributed)
400 Battle Size (maximum vanilla value)
1+{[(400/2)/120]*1.2}[/b]=3 which translates into
3 Doritos with no buffs700 Battle Size (obtainable through settings file editing)
1+{[(700/2)/120]*1.2}[/b]=4.5 which translates into
4 Doritos with +12,5% extra flux capacity and 12,5% extra flux dissipation each (since the 0.5 translates into a total of +50% base flux stats, evenly distributed)
1000 Battle Size (obtainable through settings file editing)
1+{[(1000/2)/120]*1.2}[/b]=6 which translates into
6 Doritos with no buffsNow you're making me wonder if I wrote the OP wrong or something
I'll add this to the OP as an addendum!
Add a new fighter wing “punisher “ that spawns from debris when player has battle size over 300. (Each per spawn per 100 size should be a good place)
Punisher will be like hyperion of the fighter that post significant ability for its size. To prevent loot bloat, simply make all weapons built in.
No, no, there is no need for new ships. Just have a Luddic Path Holy Armada solely made up of Officered Colossus MK.IIs with the Ill-Advised Modifications removed and Integrated Hardened subsystems and Expanded Missile Racks
I would't. Let people suffer at the hands of their own hubris for breaking game balance and going over 240DP.
It would also serve as future insight for players that want more loot the second time (Ludd's angry broccoli could have a higher chance to drop [Spoilers] the more buffed it is)
I'm curious about how these two fights need scaling the least given they're among the only fights that don't scale at all in the game.
That just sounds like an invitation to get a lot of confused player posting false bug reports because the game has an unmentioned mechanic based on a setting in the game's options that no other fights have. And how would that serve as "insight" when it's a mechanic that the game never explains? Insight to go online and see what the game isn't telling you? I don't think Ludd's Disappointment drops any spoiler weapons by default anyway, the only reward for fighting it is the chance to recover the ship itself. As disappointing a reward as it is.
They don't need scaling because they can just be scaled to a midgame (Ludd's Disappointment)/endgame (dorito gank squad) fleet with the default DP settings the vanilla game allows for. Now if I were to go into Settings.json and change things until I could deploy thirty Paragons at once, sure, that'd be cheating, but I don't see how staying within the game's rules could be considered an exploit.
You could simply add a single phrase in
highlighted text on either pre-battle description, I hope you'll forgive how straightforward and uninspired the following text is but it should get the message across nonetheless:
Dorito Fight when your battle size setting is over 400Spoiler
[...] As you approach the megastructure, multiple sections break off and rapily approach your fleet. It seems the Hypershunt Tap does not underestimate your fleet and is taking additional measures to not have its forces overwhelmed
Angry Broccoli Fight when your battle size setting is over 400Spoiler
[...]as the unidentified phase vessel approaches your fleet, multiple motes are detected near Alpha Site and join the entourage of the mysterious entity.
Moving on, yes I know Ludd's Disappointment does not drop anything but the chance to get a nerfed version of it for yourself, but the formula buffing it would give you an increased chance of getting any of its weapons in the after-battle in a salvage screen or something, that gets higher the more buffed the Broccoli is.
Currently, I rank
Ludd's Disappointment below a single Remnant Ordo (with just one radiant) in difficulty. The Dorito Gank Squad sits between one and two Ordos. This formula would at least make it scale a tad better but let's be honest, there's people that beat the Broccoli with a single Harbinger and the Doritos with the Broccoli.
I would't. Let people suffer at the hands of their own hubris for breaking game balance and going over 240DP.
I'm getting WH40K suspicions from this
Blood For The Blood God! More Khorne For The KhorneFlakes!
My suspicions were confirmed, the only circumstance in which you hear the word "hubris" after all.
In all due honesty all kinds of bullshittery could be pulled with these guys, after all making them infinite would be a good way to get endgame meme fleets just for the lols.
Once they become a part of the story that goes away but meanwhile its just good fun with the magical looking shooties.
I have a better idea, you have to recite the myth of Ludd's life and death, and every time you make a mistake another dorito bag spawns, all while fighting them.
I'll keep that into consideration, thanks