First thing first, welcome to the Forum! It's a great place if you don't read too much of what I write

Now, onto the setups you got here! I'll skip over the fact you slapped efficiency overhaul on nearly every combat ship
where you could have just exported more child organs and raided innocent people's colonies for their fuel and supplies, just make the assumption that every setup I'd use would have it removed and replaced with something combat related. I'll add more ships to this post or in following replies when I got more time to write, but in the meanwhile:
OdisseyYou make my inner
AI waifu loving, Tri-Weeb Executive proud with both the choice of integrated hullmods and the 3x Sabot Pod+Hurricane MIRV setup, but I do have some nitpicks with other aspects of the build:
1)Investing that much Ordinance Points in PD on a high tech ship that can easily achieve 360 shields is a good way to make it less effective with virtually no advantages. I would just
replace all PD lasers with Mining Lasers and use the extra Ordinance Points gained from this action (which amounts to 24 Ordinance Points) to install the Shield Conversion: Front hullmod instead.
2) You've got two offensive fighter LPCs but no Expanded Deck crew (which is a good call, investing that much OP on a Capital ship with just two hangar bays is utter masochism), meaning they're going to run out of
Fighter Replacement Juice real quick and more or less have you waste 22 ordinance Points in drawn out battles. My suggestion would be to replace that Lux Heavy Fighter for the amazing Xyphos wing (which is basically never going to die, considering it's going to sit inside a massive 360° shield all the time) that's going to provide you with two free Ion Beams and a very good point defence ability against other fighters. I'd personally go
whole hog and install two Xyphos wings, but Longbow+Xyphos works fine aswell!
3) I've been thru quite the emotional Rollercoaster with the Autopulse Laser+Expanded Magazies combo and I've come to the following conclusion:
Using Autopulse Lasers on high tech ships equals to a virgin getting laid. It's admirable for the first 10 seconds and it may even look impressive to other
uninitiates like Pirates or Pathers, but it will
dry up and quikcly become disappointing when more
experienced companions like High tech Bounties, [Redacted] and, even worse, [Even More Redacted] want to play with you.
Now, it can work on a ship
with a lot of appendages like the
Weebagon Noobagon Paragon or the [Big redacted Chungus], but the Odissey only has two pointy bits to
strike the enemy with so we're going to have to resort to the one and only
Dual Plasma Cannon!
It's the chad's weapon of choice, it's got brutal sustained DPS that's going to support you like a devoted Luddite when it comes to burning AI waifus at the stake and will allow the ship to stay in the fight even after all of its missiles (especially the Sabots) run out.
4)Can you see that Blue Giant? Doesen't it
hurt your eyes? Don't you want to feel
grossy incandescent without becoming blind for the rest of your life?
I've got one thing for you,
Solar Shielding! A must have
on almost any combat ship since it now not only reduces damage taken by armor and hull by 20% against energy weapons, but
it now applies to shields too after the 0.95 update!
You can nonchalantly cut capacitors to make everything fit. You don't need that many and having as much flux dissipation as possible may just be even better for high tech tanking in 0.95 since the hard flux dissipation from Shield Modulation is 20% of your flux dissipation. I feel torn about Resistant Flux Conduits since I don't feel they're all that necessary here, but I guess it's going to help the AI vent faster and re-engage quicker.