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Author Topic: [0.95a] Ship loadout collection  (Read 33172 times)


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[0.95a] Ship loadout collection
« on: May 05, 2021, 01:51:52 AM »

I have asked a lot of questions in the unofficial Discord server lately, and they all resulted in some really nice ships builds for the current patch. I decided to share it here.

I am still nowhere near as experienced as the people from whom I got help, so all thanks goes to the helpful people in the Discord server and in the forums.

These loadouts could be considered late game builds, since they have built in hullmods and more rare weapons, and they definitely work in difficult fights.

Note: Solar Shielding gives both logistics and combat bonuses. The logistics bonus is best utilized if given to all ships in a fleet. However, it can easily be ommitted from all of these loadouts, and put into capacitors/vents, or into another hullmod, e.g. Efficiency Overhaul.


Plasma Cannon version

Autopulse Laser version










Version 1:

Version 2:





Logistics ships


If I discuss and test any more builds, I will expand/modify this post.

While these loadouts were all discussed and tested, any constructive criticism would still be appreciated.

EDIT: Lots of great feedback already, I am modifying the builds in this post as we make them better. Keep them coming, thank you!

« Last Edit: May 06, 2021, 12:16:32 AM by Adex »


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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2021, 03:23:37 AM »

Too many vents, too little shield reinforcement on the fury. Too much PD for a ship that has 360 shield with shield conversion mod.

That is 19 OP for PD you have there. Solar shielding would prob flat out be better than that hardened shields at those levels and it would definitely be better than PD that doesn't do anything.

Especially with how conservative the AI has become at firing missiles especially against that monster of a shield coupled with that speed.


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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2021, 03:36:25 AM »

For the Fury, I struggle to make it work relative to the Medusa. It definitely has its advantages, i.e. 360 shields, more flux capacity, etc. But the Medusa has the 2 small universals which allows you to mount some small ballistics for anti-shield. The Medusa also has two medium energy slots which allow you to mount 2 [REDACTED] hybrid weapons, whereas the Fury only allows 1. So the Fury gets a medium missile and a medium synergy to the Medusa's 2nd medium energy and 2 small universals. Seems like the Medusa is still better offensively. Am I missing something?


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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2021, 03:51:43 AM »

Too many vents, too little shield reinforcement on the fury. Too much PD for a ship that has 360 shield with shield conversion mod.

That is 19 OP for PD you have there. Solar shielding would prob flat out be better than that hardened shields at those levels and it would definitely be better than PD that doesn't do anything.

Especially with how conservative the AI has become at firing missiles especially against that monster of a shield coupled with that speed.

Noted. How about this? I'll update it in my original post.



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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2021, 03:57:03 AM »

any good loadout for Enforcer?

I have something like:
max vents
2 hvd,1 flak
4 anni
heavy armor
aux thrusters
expanded missile racks

also not sure with centurion(do not use in actual fleet)


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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2021, 04:52:45 AM »

First thing first, welcome to the Forum! It's a great place if you don't read too much of what I write ;)

Now, onto the setups you got here! I'll skip over the fact you slapped efficiency overhaul on nearly every combat ship where you could have just exported more child organs and raided innocent people's colonies for their fuel and supplies, just make the assumption that every setup I'd use would have it removed and replaced with something combat related. I'll add more ships to this post or in following replies when I got more time to write, but in the meanwhile:

You make my inner AI waifu loving, Tri-Weeb Executive proud with both the choice of integrated hullmods and the 3x Sabot Pod+Hurricane MIRV setup, but I do have some nitpicks with other aspects of the build:

1)Investing that much Ordinance Points in PD on a high tech ship that can easily achieve 360 shields is a good way to make it less effective with virtually no advantages. I would just replace all PD lasers with Mining Lasers and use the extra Ordinance Points gained from this action (which amounts to 24 Ordinance Points) to install the Shield Conversion: Front hullmod instead.

2) You've got two offensive fighter LPCs but no Expanded Deck crew (which is a good call, investing that much OP on a Capital ship with just two hangar bays is utter masochism), meaning they're going to run out of Fighter Replacement Juice real quick and more or less have you waste 22 ordinance Points in drawn out battles. My suggestion would be to replace that Lux Heavy Fighter for the amazing Xyphos wing (which is basically never going to die, considering it's going to sit inside a massive 360° shield all the time) that's going to provide you with two free Ion Beams and a very good point defence ability against other fighters. I'd personally go whole hog and install two Xyphos wings, but Longbow+Xyphos works fine aswell!

3) I've been thru quite the emotional Rollercoaster with the Autopulse Laser+Expanded Magazies combo and I've come to the following conclusion:

Using Autopulse Lasers on high tech ships equals to a virgin getting laid. It's admirable for the first 10 seconds and it may even look impressive to other uninitiates like Pirates or Pathers, but it will dry up and quikcly become disappointing when more experienced companions like High tech Bounties, [Redacted] and, even worse, [Even More Redacted] want to play with you.

Now, it can work on a ship with a lot of appendages like the Weebagon Noobagon Paragon or the [Big redacted Chungus], but the Odissey only has two pointy bits to strike the enemy with so we're going to have to resort to the one and only
TwoTimeBackToBackChampionStandingAtSixFootEightThirtysevenInchVerticalLeapRippedFromHeadToTippyToeDual Plasma Cannon!
It's the chad's weapon of choice, it's got brutal sustained DPS that's going to support you like a devoted Luddite when it comes to burning AI waifus at the stake and will allow the ship to stay in the fight even after all of its missiles (especially the Sabots) run out.

4)Can you see that Blue Giant? Doesen't it hurt your eyes? Don't you want to feel grossy incandescent without becoming blind for the rest of your life?

I've got one thing for you, Solar Shielding! A must have on almost any combat ship since it now not only reduces damage taken by armor and hull by 20% against energy weapons, but it now applies to shields too after the 0.95 update!

You can nonchalantly cut capacitors to make everything fit. You don't need that many and having as much flux dissipation as possible may just be even better for high tech tanking in 0.95 since the hard flux dissipation from Shield Modulation is 20% of your flux dissipation. I feel torn about Resistant Flux Conduits since I don't feel they're all that necessary here, but I guess it's going to help the AI vent faster and re-engage quicker.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 05:03:52 AM by Arcagnello »
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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2021, 05:20:02 AM »

Thank you so much for the feedback! I considered and tried briefly what you mentioned, and it seems to work really well.

Is this what you were thinking of? If yes, I will add it to my original post.


« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 05:34:21 AM by Adex »


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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2021, 05:49:54 AM »

Next up in nitpicking: Apogee :)
It's one of my favorite ships despite it's main flaw (only 700 range on hard flux weapons paired + 60 base speed and no mobility system).

That means the late enemies can just casually walk away even when they get caught in a 2v1, Apogees suck at finishing by themselves.
Missiles could help on paper, but:
- salamander definitely won't get through PD, if it somehow does it won't get through 360 shields
- L is offset, cyclone reaper won't work
- L is offset, squall misses even big things a lot (kinetic wouldn't help with finishing anyway)
- AI sucks at using MIRVs, it's a waste of OP that'll be fired at 0 flux frigates
- locust is frag so redacted shields laugh it off, after that cruiser/capital armor laughs it off

After a ton of experimenting with 6 apogee+support fleets I've settled on this setup:

Ion beam on the right can usually fire at big targets the plasma cannon is pointing at. Once plasma drives flux up it starts arcing to weapons to reduce damage taken.
Main selling point is that sometimes it causes a flameout, giving Apogee a way to actually kill things even when fast support isn't around.
LR PD is pretty decent with the buff it got a while back, helps covering other ships that might need it more and adds minor pressure/threat.

Solar shielding is always good against the late threats.
Paired with high capacity Apogee can tank until help arrives, even against the nastier setups on the big ones.

Sidenote, even full beam Apogees are surprisingly good with the HIL, even late enemies drop shields without a good reason quite often.
Phase skimmer also disables them so big bads get ground down by 500 DPS HE at a decent pace.
Still very slow against hightech/redacted, and very babysitting-heavy.

Ofc you are better off just spamming Furies or Safety override fleets for AI, speed helps much more than whatever you could do with Apogees.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 05:53:04 AM by Draba »


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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2021, 06:52:11 AM »

*Apogee stuff*

Thanks a lot for the feedback. I combined your advice with what I already had, and came to this conclusion. Also, I like the idea of a support beam Apogee much better, so I went with HIL. Also, with the support role in mind, I left the missiles on for the role of harassing enemy PD.



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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2021, 07:35:51 AM »

Thank you so much for the feedback! I considered and tried briefly what you mentioned, and it seems to work really well.

Is this what you were thinking of? If yes, I will add it to my original post.



That is what I did 0.91 and the base of many successful variants. Now with s-mods and everything of course it will become even stronger.

Autopulse is great as all burst damage is the best you can get. That is what the entire game basically boils down to to a degree.

While you can make armor work, it isn't worth it now and wasn't worth it then. It simply strips too fast, does too little for something that is used up.

As a final note on PD. Sometimes you have to put PD in, not because you need the PD, but because you need the ship to hold its ground or to stop swiveling.

You can see it on e.g. the champion very well


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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2021, 07:42:43 AM »

I think you're putting far too many caps and vents on those logistics ships, when you could easily fit in a few more worthwhile hull-mods like Insulated Engine Assembly for lower sensor profile or Unstable Injectors so they can be a little faster on a bad retreat. High Resolution Sensors is also a fantastic pick for them! Overall, logistics ships really don't care about caps/vents, given not one could fight off even a measly Kite by itself.

Besides the logistics, I don't really have much to comment on bar that the built-in ITU on the Heron might be better replaced by a shield hullmod.


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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2021, 07:49:02 AM »

*Apogee stuff*

Thanks a lot for the feedback. I combined your advice with what I already had, and came to this conclusion. Also, I like the idea of a support beam Apogee much better, so I went with HIL. Also, with the support role in mind, I left the missiles on for the role of harassing enemy PD.


If you want to use it as support with HIL build in advanced optics instead of stabilized shields.
+200 range means they get in each other's way less, and also makes PD much better.

Since HIL doesn't use as much flux as plasma and you do not have the ion beam that much venting is almost always wasted, moving it to capacitors would tank it up quite a bit.

Overall if you want beam support for other ships a Champion is usually better.
Selling point of apogee is the very strong 360 shields and flux stats for a low OP cost.
Beams do not need use that much flux and if you are far away the worse shields are probably fine (also get 1250 vs 750 armor and 10K hull vs 9K).
In return you can focus 1L + 2M + 4S + a cyclone reaper forward, with high energy focus to boot. That beats 1L + 2S quite badly, even for 25 OP.
11 DP HEF Sunder also works well.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 07:59:48 AM by Draba »


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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2021, 08:15:43 AM »

Thank you so much for the feedback! I considered and tried briefly what you mentioned, and it seems to work really well.

Is this what you were thinking of? If yes, I will add it to my original post.



Yes that's the exact build I used in my first 0.95 campaign. I've had three of those by the end and I guess the optimal officer skills would be the following:

Reliability Engineering
Shield Modulation
Elite Missile Specialization
Gunnery Implants
Elite Energy Weapon Mastery
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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2021, 08:38:44 AM »

That was my Odyssey before i got some dorito's weapons.

Now i have 4 Minipulsers instead of 4 IR pulse lasors. No Breach missiles, but 2 Antimatter SRM Launchers.

Resistant flux conduits helps, because you need to vent faster.
Auxilary thrusters is essential mod as well as Helmsmanship skill. Try to spin around Onslaught or any other thing you wanna flank with it and without it.
The only questionable mod here is Unstable Injector. I like it, but it is possible to play without it, i guess.

Also: Sparks. Idk if i really need em, but they playing PD role and can finish frigates.

For skills i m using EWM and Systems Expertise. No wrapping around. System Expertise is really good. With Unstable Injector allows to engage and disengage fast. Also it is pretty good to ram frigates (especially small phase ships).

And the last thing i wanna mention: to bad, 0-flux bonus does not work when you vent now. When it was the case, survivability was way better.



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Re: [0.95a] Some decent ship loadouts
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2021, 08:44:41 AM »

Too much PD for a ship that has 360 shield with shield conversion mod.

About Medusa: I eventually dropped railguns from my loadout in favour of dual autocannons, simply because Medusa isn't going to be fighting at range anyway, and ended with seemingly pretty decent loadout. By that I mean it didn't die too much against Remnants. Though, of course, it could not compete with Fury.
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