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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation  (Read 346133 times)


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Re: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation
« Reply #330 on: November 14, 2024, 12:39:58 PM »

Been enjoying this mod a lot, like the ships added by it.

My favorite is the Nadir, by far. Love science ships. My only question is why is it not named the Perigee  ;D

The Cumulus is an adorable little peanut of a science ship.

The Tungustan is also a really interesting ship, it's incredible at busting shields then it's useless against armour, which is unfortunate when you are mostly fighting the Heggies. It can solo executors no problems though. Surprisingly fun to pilot because of its feast-or-famine nature. I understand that it's probably not possible, but if the AI could actually pilot it properly (stick to a target, stay far away) it would be a true menace, especially combined with the artillery cruisers from ship/weapons pack. Also it looks like a giant onion, which is a plus in my book.

Aghast is a really adorable and dorky lil ship, I wish I had an excuse to use it more. It's made of paper though and I don't face phase fleets that often  :'(

Chrysaor is a super useful point defense ship that has significantly better endurance than the Omen with all the zappy goodness. A must-have in my fleets. It also looks adorable.

Have I mentioned I like the Nadir?

Anyways thanks for this lovely ship pack!


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Re: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation
« Reply #331 on: November 14, 2024, 03:55:24 PM »

Been enjoying this mod a lot, like the ships added by it.

My favorite is the Nadir, by far. Love science ships. My only question is why is it not named the Perigee  ;D

The Cumulus is an adorable little peanut of a science ship.

The Tungustan is also a really interesting ship, it's incredible at busting shields then it's useless against armour, which is unfortunate when you are mostly fighting the Heggies. It can solo executors no problems though. Surprisingly fun to pilot because of its feast-or-famine nature. I understand that it's probably not possible, but if the AI could actually pilot it properly (stick to a target, stay far away) it would be a true menace, especially combined with the artillery cruisers from ship/weapons pack. Also it looks like a giant onion, which is a plus in my book.

Aghast is a really adorable and dorky lil ship, I wish I had an excuse to use it more. It's made of paper though and I don't face phase fleets that often  :'(

Chrysaor is a super useful point defense ship that has significantly better endurance than the Omen with all the zappy goodness. A must-have in my fleets. It also looks adorable.

Have I mentioned I like the Nadir?

Anyways thanks for this lovely ship pack!

Thanks for the compliments.

Tungustan might be a bit better in AI hands next update as it has had some of its weapon tags changed which might improve its targetting.

banano of doom

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Re: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation
« Reply #332 on: November 14, 2024, 06:51:48 PM »

Tungustan might be a bit better in AI hands next update as it has had some of its weapon tags changed which might improve its targetting.
you could probably alleviate it a bit by adding everyframe script that would just force it to keep the same active target, if not piloted by player
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Re: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation
« Reply #333 on: November 18, 2024, 11:31:46 AM »

This ship pack is one of the better i must say. I love the vanilla friendly ships. I do not use the Terringzean, but it is a very cool, imposing ship for lowtech fleets. Thank you


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Re: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation
« Reply #334 on: November 18, 2024, 05:47:32 PM »

you could probably alleviate it a bit by adding everyframe script that would just force it to keep the same active target, if not piloted by player

Maybe something to think about but forcing it to keep same target could have its own issues.

This ship pack is one of the better i must say. I love the vanilla friendly ships. I do not use the Terringzean, but it is a very cool, imposing ship for lowtech fleets. Thank you

Thank you. And yeah even if you don't use it personally it's a big brick of a battleship to face in a fight.


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Re: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation
« Reply #335 on: December 14, 2024, 09:03:12 PM »

Honest Feedback here, I think you should srlsy nerf the "Starliner MK II" pirate cruiser, this thing is straight up overpowered by the numbers.

Its a cruiser with a large weapon slot, 2 mediums, at least 4 lights that can fire frontally + 2 torp racks + 1 Fighter bay.
While having ok Hull, armor and flux, but not so great speed but 140 ordnance points

And you get all of that for 10 deployment points??  :o

Try running this with Mark IX Large and 2 Heavy Maulers + 4 Railguns + Xyphos Support Fighter + 2 Atropos Torp Racks and ignore all other weapon slots (this gets even better with modded weapons but vanilla works too).

You end up with way to much firepower for a 10 deployment ship, this thing beats 28+ ships in the simulator AI controlled all day.

If I bring 20 of these ships i basically have 20 sunders in terms of firepower but I also have 20 wings on top of that!!
I dont think there is a single fleet in this game that could beat 20 of these boys.

This things is super overpowered  ;D

There is no reason for a cruiser to have 10 deployment points imo,
This thing should be 15-18 at least, most light cruisers have 14+ and this is technically even a heavy cruiser or a light cruiser with a wing.



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Re: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation
« Reply #336 on: December 15, 2024, 09:23:19 AM »

Honest Feedback here, I think you should srlsy nerf the "Starliner MK II" pirate cruiser, this thing is straight up overpowered by the numbers.

Its a cruiser with a large weapon slot, 2 mediums, at least 4 lights that can fire frontally + 2 torp racks + 1 Fighter bay.
While having ok Hull, armor and flux, but not so great speed but 140 ordnance points

And you get all of that for 10 deployment points??  :o

Try running this with Mark IX Large and 2 Heavy Maulers + 4 Railguns + Xyphos Support Fighter + 2 Atropos Torp Racks and ignore all other weapon slots (this gets even better with modded weapons but vanilla works too).

You end up with way to much firepower for a 10 deployment ship, this thing beats 28+ ships in the simulator AI controlled all day.

If I bring 20 of these ships i basically have 20 sunders in terms of firepower but I also have 20 wings on top of that!!
I dont think there is a single fleet in this game that could beat 20 of these boys.

This things is super overpowered  ;D

There is no reason for a cruiser to have 10 deployment points imo,
This thing should be 15-18 at least, most light cruisers have 14+ and this is technically even a heavy cruiser or a light cruiser with a wing.

Here's my honest reply (and I'm also going to try not to rise to the cheeky tone of your message). I don't know how you tested this because I quickly tested your build in SIM against a 20DP Eagle (so not 28+ like you claim) and an 11DP Sunder with autopulse (against the Sunder I gave it ITU to boost the Starliners range) to see how OP the Starliner MK2 is and both ships wiped the floor with it (Sunder took a little longer but still won with no hull damage).

So I don't think I'll be changing it, sorry. At most I might put it at 11 or 12 DP. Also, imo, saying you can have 20 of one ship is not a good hypothetical. Pretty much every armed ship becomes super strong when massed with the same build. 20 Buffalo Mk2s (at 4DP a piece!!!!) can beat the Ziggurat, does that make the Buffalo Mk2 a good ship?

« Last Edit: December 17, 2024, 02:53:43 PM by BigBeans »


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Re: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation
« Reply #337 on: December 21, 2024, 04:48:24 PM »

Sorry if I sounded cheeky, i just wanted to point out that there is not a single ship I know of that has 140 OP and a wing for 10 DP either in the base game or in any mod.
In the base game 140 OP starts at 20 DP with the apogee and such, even if you lets say dont count the wing, so lets say 140 OP -12 to 15 (roughly longbow middle ground), you end up with 125-128 which would be Falcon power level (14 DP).

If that is cool with you I have no problem with that, just an observation  :)
The ship is definitely not OP when autofitted since the AI tries to fill a slots which is terrible  ;)
All these small machine guns oof.


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Re: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation
« Reply #338 on: December 22, 2024, 06:51:11 AM »

I also thought the Starliner Mk II was way overtuned when it came to raw stats, but for whatever reason, the ship just doesn't perform. I always try to use it in modded runs and just end up kicking it out for ships that are more specialized.

Part of the issue is officer coverage, and part of the issue is locating the right weapons for 10 of them. It is never a real threat in pirate fleets.

Personally, I'm not sure it needs a change. The Gabbro from PRV has similar stats and is a similar letdown in performance. There are way more imba ships out there.


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Re: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation
« Reply #339 on: December 22, 2024, 07:02:21 PM »

Hello, I'm currently still playing version 0.96, is there still a way for me to get the latest version of the mod for 0.96 or do I just need to change the version number to use the current latest version?

From the translation program Deepl


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Re: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation
« Reply #340 on: December 23, 2024, 03:29:05 PM »

Sorry if I sounded cheeky, i just wanted to point out that there is not a single ship I know of that has 140 OP and a wing for 10 DP either in the base game or in any mod.
In the base game 140 OP starts at 20 DP with the apogee and such, even if you lets say dont count the wing, so lets say 140 OP -12 to 15 (roughly longbow middle ground), you end up with 125-128 which would be Falcon power level (14 DP).

If that is cool with you I have no problem with that, just an observation  :)
The ship is definitely not OP when autofitted since the AI tries to fill a slots which is terrible  ;)
All these small machine guns oof.

No need to apologise, just when I initially read it I thought it came off a bit cheeky but tbh it's fine dw.

I also thought the Starliner Mk II was way overtuned when it came to raw stats, but for whatever reason, the ship just doesn't perform. I always try to use it in modded runs and just end up kicking it out for ships that are more specialized.

Part of the issue is officer coverage, and part of the issue is locating the right weapons for 10 of them. It is never a real threat in pirate fleets.

Personally, I'm not sure it needs a change. The Gabbro from PRV has similar stats and is a similar letdown in performance. There are way more imba ships out there.

As I posted, testing the ship gets trashed vs anything that's a proper warship. I get what is being meant though, if you look at pure paper stats it seems imbalanced but actually in combat I find they're not so great. Still, I upped it to 12DP just in case.

Hello, I'm currently still playing version 0.96, is there still a way for me to get the latest version of the mod for 0.96 or do I just need to change the version number to use the current latest version?

From the translation program Deepl

You can try that but I doubt it'll work. All the latest versions are built on 0.97+


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Re: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation
« Reply #341 on: December 25, 2024, 03:19:23 AM »

Hello, thanks for your reply, I was looking ahead and found that the last mod version that supported version 0.96 was BSC but the link is dead, am I still able to get this version? I really like your mod since 0.95a, it gives me an irreplaceable support for my personal favorite challenge to play “Fleet-wide non-military ships [must contain civilian hulls or be labeled civilian]”.

From the translation program Deepl


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Re: [0.97a] BigBeans Ship Compilation
« Reply #342 on: January 19, 2025, 09:45:18 PM »

just a quick note that this mod stays in my games because:

Chrysaor, Destroyer sized EMP emitter.

...of course I wants me one of those...if i can find it., can you imagine a fast cruiser with a cruiser-sized emp system...why yes, precious, I could wants it...
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