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Changelog: BSC
Added Bogle-class light gunship.
Added Mosstrooper, non-pirate Marauder version, can only be found as Derelict ship or as rare bp.
Preybird has been resprited.
Bitzer Drone has a new sprite.
Marauder has been resprited.
Shalloch has been resprited.
Terringzean has had dark edge shading removed. Much brighter now.
Brigantine has had some minorish sprite changes.
Minor Sprite changes to Carynx
Minorish Sprite changes to Cassina
Removed Sorn, may return in the future.
Removed Mercer, has been replaced by Bogle-class.
Removed Condor (LC), was boring and had a crap sprite. Might replace with a Unique LC carrier later.
Renamed Dunsky to Tungustan
Fixed mistake that stopped Dunsky (Tungustan) from actually spawning.
Bitzer Drone Hull 150>160
Terringzean speed increased from 18>20 and acceleration increased from 10>12 as it still seems too slow to effectively engage other capitals.
Covetor Hitpoints from 4800(!!!) to 2400. Dunno why it had Destroyer-tier Hitpoints.
Lockout nerfed, hull 5500>4800, armour 750>650, flux cap 4500>3400, flux diss 220>190, Top Speed 70>64, Front smalls changed to hardpoints.
Stoner nerfed to match it's makeshift look, hull 10000>9500, Armour 850>800, Max Flux 9500>9000, Flux diss 400>380, speed 32.
Mudskip MkIII nerfed a bit, added Ill-Advised (Whoops) and Comp Storage, reduced base peak cr to 140 and fleet points changed to 4.
Maraka Missile hardpoint fixed.
Annihilator MLRS now has the same fire rate as medium Annihilator.