Might take me a while though, as I currently lack the time & motivation to spend a lot of time on this mod. I'm sure I'll feel more motivated again in the future, e.g. when the new update drops and I start playing again xD
Fully understandable ^^
On another note:AvoidShields+ isn't working as I had hoped, and AvoidShields is not quite radical enough.
I want to fire a quick pulse EMP weapon when the enemy:
- Is in range.
- Has lowered shields.
Whether the ship has high or low flux is not relevant as the enemy won't have time to raise shields to react to the shot.
The term "sniping" comes to mind here.
With Avoid shields and/or Opportunist, I can get the beams to fire at ships that have high flux, are overloaded, or are venting.
- Raised shields soak the EMP - not all EMP weapons have potent shield arcing properties.
- Overloaded ships usually get destroyed before coming back online; disabling their weapons has little meaning.
- Venting ships are decent targets for my use case.
I tried setting AvoidShields+ with and without Opportunist; no luck, force AI false/true does not seem to help.
The beam will then only fire when the enemy ship
can't raise shields, but at that point it's HE time and the EMP isn't as valuable.
Specific weapon setup is 2x Stitch Beamlance from Scalartech Solutions, and there are no other weapons in the group.
The two slots are close together; both weapons have been well in range during testing.
The weapon is Energy/EMP, beam, pulsed, with 4 charges (reloading).
It has no charge up worth mentioning.
Picture: Weapon Group 3 was not firing so I paused the game to check ammo; it's full. Enemy ship has had lowered shields for several seconds, and the weapon has not/isn't firing.
If I set to normal AvoidShields the weapon still would not fire.
I do not, generally, use "R" targeting it was done here to enable the hud for the image.Update:I think the issue is that the AI isn't acknowledging that the weapon could fire before the shields are raised.
The reason I think this is because the readme clearly states that the AvoidShields tag will consider whether shields could be raised in time, and at that time the firing threshold is lowered by 25%.
This impliesthat if the shields could
not be raised in time, they are considered to be off.
# Shield thresholds: When not flanking shields and shields are on, the shield factor is simply
# equal to (1 - fluxLevel) of the target. When flanking shields, shield factor == 0.
# When shields are off but the enemy ship could raise them in time, the shield factor is equal to (1 - fluxLevel)*0.75
# When omni-shields are off, it's considered as half-flanking (subject to change)
# For frontal shields, unfold time and projectile travel time are considered to determine flanking
# For modes that want to hit shields, reducing the threshold makes them more likely to fire
# For modes that want to avoid shields, the opposite is true
Picture 2: Demonstration that I could unpause the game and fire the weapon; scoring a clean hit. The pulse faded in fractions of a second; before shields could start to absorb any of the damage done.