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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] AdvancedGunneryControl 1.18.0 - Updated for 0.97a  (Read 241481 times)


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #60 on: May 30, 2021, 11:50:02 AM »

Opportunist says it's mainly for limited ammo missiles. How well does it work with ammo weapons like Ion Pulser/Autopulse or burst beams like Phase/Tachyon Lances? How does it work on beams with High Scatter Amplifier?


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #61 on: May 30, 2021, 12:51:14 PM »

Hello! This is a great mod, registered just for this post.
I really like it, and I have several suggestions.

Note: ForceAi is enabled, last mod version

1. It seems like Opportunist doesn't work - for test I used onslaught, with ARP rockets (HE), Hephaestus (HE) and Autocannon IX (K). Both set to opportunist, and forced autofire, no suffixes - both never shoot. Double checked that enemy (Onslaught) is in range and autofire is on. It is theoretically a great feature, and I would like to see it in action!
2. I think it could be great if we had separate logic for anti-shield and anti-armor. As opportunist doesn't do anything for energy (at least it seems so for me), I think it is twice as great. My paragon uses long-range blasters at front, and two tachs at sides. Both are flux-hungry, so I prefer one used at a time. For shields - blaster (hard flux). For armor - tach (soft flux). So I believe that direct setting when a weapon group shoots shield/armor is great.
3. Venting when flux is low is good as well, IMHO, so I would be happy to see ship mode like "vent when >15% flux". This way, no flux is accumulated but also not too long downtime for reapers to kill you.
4. Force Autofire should probably be joined with other modes, or set as a separate mode which could work with conjunction with others. Maybe same with Vent when flux>x%.

And what is mining fire mode? It would be great if it would explain it in the readme. And all non-obvious fire modes, such as Opportunist, might use a more detailed explanation.

Lastly - thank you for your mod! It is great, and its even better to see that a version I downloaded like 2 weeks ago is totally obsolete already 8)


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #62 on: May 31, 2021, 12:03:29 AM »

This sounds amazing. I would have downloaded it earlier but someone said "Null pointer" in a message and I ran out my door screaming in an imagined language and had to be tranquilized with a dart gun by animal control. 

I'm good now I will try this out. Can only be a good thing, aside from truly, primal, and horrific mental trauma.

Onomatophobia aside I'm excited!

Hahaha xD

To be fair, that issue was in a pre-release version. But let me know if you find any additional nullptr exceptions in the release :P

Opportunist says it's mainly for limited ammo missiles. How well does it work with ammo weapons like Ion Pulser/Autopulse or burst beams like Phase/Tachyon Lances? How does it work on beams with High Scatter Amplifier?

Hmm, I'm not sure if you'd like the results very much. Opportunist is pretty conservative when choosing whether to fire or not (it only fires if the target is within 75% of the max weapon range, moving relatively slowly compared to the projectile speed/tracking (always true for beams) and has high flux when the weapon deals HE damage). So I think, personally, I would just stick to default mode for these weapons. Especially for high scatter amplifier.

For Ion Pulser/Autopulse, you could consider slapping the ConserveAmmo-Suffix onto default mode. That way, it would fire the first 10% of it's ammo relatively liberally and the remaining 90% only if it thinks its chances of hitting are pretty good.

Hello! This is a great mod, registered just for this post.
I really like it, and I have several suggestions.

Note: ForceAi is enabled, last mod version

Thanks for the feedback, this is exactly the kind of feedback I need to improve the mod =)

1. It seems like Opportunist doesn't work - for test I used onslaught, with ARP rockets (HE), Hephaestus (HE) and Autocannon IX (K). Both set to opportunist, and forced autofire, no suffixes - both never shoot. Double checked that enemy (Onslaught) is in range and autofire is on. It is theoretically a great feature, and I would like to see it in action!

1. Hmm, that's weird. The HE weapons should fire once the enemy flux gets high-ish and the enemy is within 75% of the weapon range. I'll try to test your setup and see if I can find the issue!
Also, I think I'll update the tooltip for opportunist, as it probably doesn't explain in enough detail what the mode does.

2. I think it could be great if we had separate logic for anti-shield and anti-armor. As opportunist doesn't do anything for energy (at least it seems so for me), I think it is twice as great. My paragon uses long-range blasters at front, and two tachs at sides. Both are flux-hungry, so I prefer one used at a time. For shields - blaster (hard flux). For armor - tach (soft flux). So I believe that direct setting when a weapon group shoots shield/armor is great.

2. Yeah, that probably is a good idea^^ I actually started working on antiShield/avoidShield modes a while back, but didn't get them to work well (I think I messed up the geometric calculations on shield angles/turn rates etc. somehow). But I didn't put too much effort into trying to get them to work, so I can definitely have another look!

3. Venting when flux is low is good as well, IMHO, so I would be happy to see ship mode like "vent when >15% flux". This way, no flux is accumulated but also not too long downtime for reapers to kill you.

3. In the current dev version (unreleased), I actually did split the venting mode into two separate modes (currently, Vent (Flux > 75%) and VentAggressive (Flux > 50%), where the first mode only vents if it thinks it's safe-ish for the ship to vent, whereas the second one doesn't care much about the ships safety, similar to the current Vent-mode and in addition prevents the AI from backing off while venting). I could definitely see changing VentAggressive (Flux > 50%) to VentAggressive (Flux > 20%) though^^

4. Force Autofire should probably be joined with other modes, or set as a separate mode which could work with conjunction with others. Maybe same with Vent when flux>x%.
4. Yeah, also a good point. I should probably simply make it so that ship modes aren't mutually exclusive and you can enable as many as you want (with the exception of default). That would require reworking the whole logic how ship AIs work and how to select them (currently I simply use the same logic that I used for weapon modes/suffixes), but should be doable.

And what is mining fire mode? It would be great if it would explain it in the readme. And all non-obvious fire modes, such as Opportunist, might use a more detailed explanation.
Mining mode is a bit of a joke/easter egg. It shoots asteroids exclusively :P It does appear in the fire modes section of the readme, but I just realized that I didn't add a tooltip for it. Will do!

Lastly - thank you for your mod! It is great, and its even better to see that a version I downloaded like 2 weeks ago is totally obsolete already 8)

Glad you like it and thanks for the feedback/suggestions!


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #63 on: May 31, 2021, 12:45:42 AM »

I think there is a large potential in this mod, and I haven't seen anything like it before so I'll stick around to help you to the extent of my abilities  :D

I again emphasize that both kinetic and HE weapons didn't fire, so that probably a bug.

I actually started working on antiShield/avoidShield
Neat! I'm pretty sure best strategy is to make a proof of concept. Suggestion: mode which fires only before/after 85% flux on enemy. It is not ideal, not even true for shield/no shield separation as Mora or Onslaught which can literally chill with shields off in middle of field, but it is a testable feature, and I'm sure fellas from community will gladly help you with that.

I actually did split the venting mode into two separate modes
Cool! If you have access to weapon flux stats and shields, you may be able to create better logic for venting. As of now, I see ships sometimes vent on first shot of 2500+ range weapons, which is cool. I dont know if it is vanilla or mod, but something I definitely didnt see before. And it makes a kinda big deal in combat, giving my 2 siege paragons a headstart and sometimes even kills a frigate free-of-charge. So, potentially very cool stuff.

Also, check your Discord)


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #64 on: June 04, 2021, 01:17:02 AM »

Interesting, how to set ship to force flux? Stupid ship dies when its have alot of flux, when he refuses to flush when he can't escape. I found how with numpad change firemodes, but can't find at all how to open GUI. I press J but it only shows weapon groups with green text.

EDIT: I figured out how to open it, I miss what hitkey need to be pressed on campaign map, not in combat.

EDIT2: menu for some reason doesn't save ship modes, I configure PD groups as PD, and select vent flux after 75% then save and open menu again, ship mode switches to default, weapon groups remain as I selected as PD. I use 0.10.0 version from GitHub. I backed to 0.93 version, its remembers mode in GUI.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2021, 01:34:24 AM by BreenBB »


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #65 on: June 04, 2021, 01:40:20 AM »

Tried that mode in simulation, ship didn't flushed when he was surrounded and got over 50 flux, strange. Its was just stand eating all damage by enabling-disabling shield as by vanilla behavior. Also I tested more, its seems like ships completely ignore ship models in combat, when I selected disable shield after flux > 50% its doesn't drop shield.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2021, 02:08:52 AM by BreenBB »


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #66 on: June 04, 2021, 04:58:29 AM »

Tried that mode in simulation, ship didn't flushed when he was surrounded and got over 50 flux, strange. Its was just stand eating all damage by enabling-disabling shield as by vanilla behavior. Also I tested more, its seems like ships completely ignore ship models in combat, when I selected disable shield after flux > 50% its doesn't drop shield.


First of all, thanks for the feedback!
Just to make sure: You were using an AI-controlled ship to test the ship AI modes, right? (As the name suggests, ship AI modes don't work for the player-controlled ship. They technically do work when you set the ship to autopilot, but you will have to manually load the new ship AI by pressing the "J"-Key, as I don't want the mod to have to check every frame if the player-controlled ship somehow got an AI.).

Interesting, how to set ship to force flux? Stupid ship dies when its have alot of flux, when he refuses to flush when he can't escape. I found how with numpad change firemodes, but can't find at all how to open GUI. I press J but it only shows weapon groups with green text.

EDIT: I figured out how to open it, I miss what hitkey need to be pressed on campaign map, not in combat.

EDIT2: menu for some reason doesn't save ship modes, I configure PD groups as PD, and select vent flux after 75% then save and open menu again, ship mode switches to default, weapon groups remain as I selected as PD. I use 0.10.0 version from GitHub. I backed to 0.93 version, its remembers mode in GUI.

Hmm, I was actually encountering issues with this during testing, but I was pretty sure that I fixed them before putting out the pre-release. I'll have another look and make sure everything works as intended!


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #67 on: June 06, 2021, 05:20:16 AM »

Interesting, how progress of fixing that problem?


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #68 on: June 07, 2021, 10:34:01 AM »

Interesting, how progress of fixing that problem?

Unfortunately, I've been kind of busy the last few days and didn't have much time.
Also, I was unable to reproduce the issues you described with the most recent in-dev build (currently unreleased). So either I coincidentally fixed the issues or they only appear under certain circumstances. Could you describe to me in detail how to reproduce these issues? Thanks!


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #69 on: June 07, 2021, 10:58:53 AM »

There does not seem to be a way to set gunnery AI on ships with modules (such as the Gown from Scalartech), are there any plans to address this?


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #70 on: June 07, 2021, 11:10:58 AM »

Well, there not much too add, I simply tried to set ship mode in campaign and noticed that bug what it doesn't save ship modes, in 093 version it saves these models but they seems not working in combat.


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #71 on: June 09, 2021, 09:28:04 AM »

Well, there not much too add, I simply tried to set ship mode in campaign and noticed that bug what it doesn't save ship modes, in 093 version it saves these models but they seems not working in combat.

I just created a new pre-release, version 0.10.1. I hope it will fix the first issue (ship AI modes not being stored properly) for you. As that bug didn't occur for me, I'm unable to say if it actually will. Though some of the code for persistent mode storage was a bit messy and I refactored it a bit.

Has anyone else tried 0.10.x? If so, have you encountered these issues too?

Regarding the second issue (ship AI modes not working properly): I couldn't find any reason as to why that might happen. I asked this before, but since you didn't answer: You are saying that ship AI modes aren't working for AI-CONTROLLED ships, right? Because, for obvious reasons, ship AI modes won't work for the player controlled ship (as the player ship doesn't use a ship AI).

I now did like 3 hours of testing (specifically setting ship AI modes, double checking that they stay set and then testing that ships actually obey them in real and simulated combat) and never encountered the issues you described, so I hope it works now.

There does not seem to be a way to set gunnery AI on ships with modules (such as the Gown from Scalartech), are there any plans to address this?

Hmm, I never played with Scalartech before, so I wasn't even aware this was a thing xD
Sounds like a good idea =)  I assume you mean weapon modules such as on orbital stations, right? Though I'll have to look into how exactly that ship works before saying if it's possible. If the weapon modules use an autofire AI plugin, it should be possible to work with it. I'll get back to you once I figured out more.

Opportunist says it's mainly for limited ammo missiles. How well does it work with ammo weapons like Ion Pulser/Autopulse or burst beams like Phase/Tachyon Lances? How does it work on beams with High Scatter Amplifier?

The new pre-release includes target/avoid shield modes and a reworked Opportunist mode, so that should give you better options. Though I still don't think I'd recommend opportunist for beam weapons^^


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #72 on: June 10, 2021, 05:54:16 AM »

keep seeing AI firing reaper towards fighters no matter what fire mode is....

But is a great mod nonetheless

Can PD mode use custom AI as well? So devastator can shoot both missile and fighters


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #73 on: June 10, 2021, 09:32:55 AM »

I tested a bit, seems like now modes are working.

Also about firemodes, I think is good idea is enable autofire for missiles, I suppose force autofire option affects all weapons, this will be useful for mods like HullMod Specialization and other missile weapons which NPC's rarely use.


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Re: [0.95a] AdvancedGunneryControl 0.9.3
« Reply #74 on: June 13, 2021, 12:25:48 AM »

keep seeing AI firing reaper towards fighters no matter what fire mode is....

Hmm, that doesn't sound right...
Did you turn on force-autofire? If so, Opportunist mode is probably what you want for reapers, as most other modes don't really care about conserving ammo. IgnoreFighters mode shouldn't fire them at fighters, but will probably still waste most of the shots against frigates that can easily dodge them etc.^^

If you don't turn on force-autofire, the base ship AI usually decides to control reapers manually. But even the base ship AI shouldn't really fire them at fighters, I think...
Can you give me some more details about the exact mode(s) you tried? This sounds like something that shouldn't happen. I assume the weapon group with the reapers didn't contain any other types of weapons?

But is a great mod nonetheless

Can PD mode use custom AI as well? So devastator can shoot both missile and fighters

Thanks =)
Weird, devastator cannons should work with PD-mode and should still prioritize fighters over missiles but also target missiles. Making PD-mode be able to use custom AI would be easy enough, but I kind of didn't want this mod to turn non-PD weapons into PD-weapons. That being said, the devastator cannon has the PD tag and can target missiles, so it should work as is.

Can you let me know if this clarification already helps? If it doesn't, I'll have to test it again and see if there's maybe some bug that makes things not work as intended.

I tested a bit, seems like now modes are working.

Awesome =)

Also about firemodes, I think is good idea is enable autofire for missiles, I suppose force autofire option affects all weapons, this will be useful for mods like HullMod Specialization and other missile weapons which NPC's rarely use.
I'm not 100% sure I understand what you're trying to say, but yes, force autofire will also put all missile weapons on autofire. If you leave them on default mode, that means they will pretty much just fire them at any target. You can use Opportunist mode to make them fire WAY more conservatively. Or you can use target shields/avoid shields modes to at least prevent firing harpoons against 0% flux enemies etc.

If you mean that it would be nice to be able to only activate force-autofire for some weapon groups but not for others: I think that would be...difficult. That mode essentially sets all modes to autofire, selects an empty weapon group and prevents the AI from selecting a different weapon group. That logic wouldn't work if only some modes are on force-autofire.

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