Could you do a config that will make the ship fire all it's missles at the nearest viable target if only a certain % of the hull remain? Could be really useful to frigates that are dying but die without firing the missles. If they are gonna explode anyway it's better to shoot the missles even at a shield than not firing it at all.
I second the Blow Your Load protocol.
Hey folks, thanks for the suggestion, I like the idea.
However, I can see a couple issues where I am unsure as to how a satisfactory solution for this could look like.
a) My mod only interacts with auto-fire. I think AI-controlled ships will usually not put limited-ammo missiles on auto-fire, therefore this mode would probably not accomplish much on AI-ships.
b) What should that mode do, when the ship is at full hull? Should it just not fire (i.e. only fire when manually fired)? Should it use default auto-fire behavior (which would essentially just fire the missiles at will, anyways)?
c) Maybe this would work better as a mode suffix? Maybe alongside an "Opportunistic"/"ConserveAmmo" mode, that only fires when it thinks the shot will be effective (e.g. only at overloaded targets for finisher missiles etc.). Then you could e.g. put your flagships harpoons on "Opportunistic" with the "BombsAwayAtLowHull" suffix.
I think that if I were to dabble in ShipAI, there might be a possibility to make this work better for AI-controlled ships, but I still have to look into ShipAI Plugins and evaluate how doable that is.
Maybe, just maybe, there will be ship modes in an update at some point in the future^^
Update: I looked into ShipAI Plugins a little bit. I think that making a custom plugin that e.g. essentially just deselects all weapon groups and sets all weapon groups to autofire every frame would be doable. But I have to try it out and see if it works as intended, how much performance that would eat, whether it has any weird side effects, ...
If this works, that might open the door to more customization options.