This sounds amazing. I would have downloaded it earlier but someone said "Null pointer" in a message and I ran out my door screaming in an imagined language and had to be tranquilized with a dart gun by animal control.
I'm good now I will try this out. Can only be a good thing, aside from truly, primal, and horrific mental trauma.
Onomatophobia aside I'm excited!
Hahaha xD
To be fair, that issue was in a pre-release version. But let me know if you find any additional nullptr exceptions in the release

Opportunist says it's mainly for limited ammo missiles. How well does it work with ammo weapons like Ion Pulser/Autopulse or burst beams like Phase/Tachyon Lances? How does it work on beams with High Scatter Amplifier?
Hmm, I'm not sure if you'd like the results very much. Opportunist is pretty conservative when choosing whether to fire or not (it only fires if the target is within 75% of the max weapon range, moving relatively slowly compared to the projectile speed/tracking (always true for beams) and has high flux when the weapon deals HE damage). So I think, personally, I would just stick to default mode for these weapons. Especially for high scatter amplifier.
For Ion Pulser/Autopulse, you could consider slapping the ConserveAmmo-Suffix onto default mode. That way, it would fire the first 10% of it's ammo relatively liberally and the remaining 90% only if it thinks its chances of hitting are pretty good.
Hello! This is a great mod, registered just for this post.
I really like it, and I have several suggestions.
Note: ForceAi is enabled, last mod version
Thanks for the feedback, this is exactly the kind of feedback I need to improve the mod =)
1. It seems like Opportunist doesn't work - for test I used onslaught, with ARP rockets (HE), Hephaestus (HE) and Autocannon IX (K). Both set to opportunist, and forced autofire, no suffixes - both never shoot. Double checked that enemy (Onslaught) is in range and autofire is on. It is theoretically a great feature, and I would like to see it in action!
1. Hmm, that's weird. The HE weapons should fire once the enemy flux gets high-ish and the enemy is within 75% of the weapon range. I'll try to test your setup and see if I can find the issue!
Also, I think I'll update the tooltip for opportunist, as it probably doesn't explain in enough detail what the mode does.
2. I think it could be great if we had separate logic for anti-shield and anti-armor. As opportunist doesn't do anything for energy (at least it seems so for me), I think it is twice as great. My paragon uses long-range blasters at front, and two tachs at sides. Both are flux-hungry, so I prefer one used at a time. For shields - blaster (hard flux). For armor - tach (soft flux). So I believe that direct setting when a weapon group shoots shield/armor is great.
2. Yeah, that probably is a good idea^^ I actually started working on antiShield/avoidShield modes a while back, but didn't get them to work well (I think I messed up the geometric calculations on shield angles/turn rates etc. somehow). But I didn't put too much effort into trying to get them to work, so I can definitely have another look!
3. Venting when flux is low is good as well, IMHO, so I would be happy to see ship mode like "vent when >15% flux". This way, no flux is accumulated but also not too long downtime for reapers to kill you.
3. In the current dev version (unreleased), I actually did split the venting mode into two separate modes (currently, Vent (Flux > 75%) and VentAggressive (Flux > 50%), where the first mode only vents if it thinks it's safe-ish for the ship to vent, whereas the second one doesn't care much about the ships safety, similar to the current Vent-mode and in addition prevents the AI from backing off while venting). I could definitely see changing VentAggressive (Flux > 50%) to VentAggressive (Flux > 20%) though^^
4. Force Autofire should probably be joined with other modes, or set as a separate mode which could work with conjunction with others. Maybe same with Vent when flux>x%.
4. Yeah, also a good point. I should probably simply make it so that ship modes aren't mutually exclusive and you can enable as many as you want (with the exception of default). That would require reworking the whole logic how ship AIs work and how to select them (currently I simply use the same logic that I used for weapon modes/suffixes), but should be doable.
And what is mining fire mode? It would be great if it would explain it in the readme. And all non-obvious fire modes, such as Opportunist, might use a more detailed explanation.
Mining mode is a bit of a joke/easter egg. It shoots asteroids exclusively

It does appear in the
fire modes section of the readme, but I just realized that I didn't add a tooltip for it. Will do!
Lastly - thank you for your mod! It is great, and its even better to see that a version I downloaded like 2 weeks ago is totally obsolete already 
Glad you like it and thanks for the feedback/suggestions!