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Author Topic: Automated Ships skill sucks  (Read 17771 times)


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Re: Automated Ships skill sucks
« Reply #45 on: April 23, 2021, 05:09:48 PM »

Going to add my 2 cents.

Finally got around to doing a hypershunt battle, and to start i deployed myself in the Spoiler flagship, a paragon and an alpha core radiant.
The paragon got blown up and had to be replaced with some other stuff, but the alpha radiant survived the entire battle (even with it having 3 D-mods going into the battle).
I think the fact that the radiant has basically the best overall stats for a capital, along with a skimmer to give it very respectable mobility makes the skill something very much worth thinking about.

So yes, I think the overall power level/DP cost of a radiant makes getting one a very attractive proposition, but i'd say the alternate skill is still more powerful for what it adds to your fleet.


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Re: Automated Ships skill sucks
« Reply #46 on: April 23, 2021, 06:27:53 PM »

Seems like some people wanna play up how good this is to justify them doing it.

It's 1 ship or for abusing Frigate mechanics to leader spam. It's those locked lame playstyles. Are those even playstyles, I mean it's cheesing for 1 OP ship or mechanics abusing which will likely get nerfed. Also Crew training will for sure get nerfed so Automated ships get nothing from it.

Which of those *** options did you imagine when you first saw the skill? I didn't picture them.


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Re: Automated Ships skill sucks
« Reply #47 on: April 23, 2021, 06:58:36 PM »

Which of those *** options did you imagine when you first saw the skill? I didn't picture them.

I saw the skill, thought that the DP limit might be restrictive, but went for it anyway just to try it out. (not like i was locked into it permanently after all)
My intention with getting the skill, was to go for one or two of the larger ships (To note: i've not at all gone for frigate/ecm spam in my playthrough)
(Overall my personal preference in (endgame) fleet setup that i've developed, is one or two capitals, backed up by mostly cruisers and only going into destroyer/frigate for "super ships" (hyperion) or ships that can otherwise pull their weight when facing off against larger vessels.)

When i got the skill my fleet had, 2-3 cruisers iirc, and as i got it in a mid-threat [REDACTED] system, I managed to grab a Brilliant basically right after getting the skill, it proved a nice high-aggression addition to my fleet, as my fleet grew and i started facing larger threats it started to be almost more trouble than it was worth, constantly taking heavy damage and being disabled once or twice. (likely down to the loadout i picked) so i kept it as a reserve ship that i deployed less often, and kept my eyes open for a radiant when i could get one. A while later i finally got a radiant, and it proved really powerful (to no real surprise).

But still, i'm not saying the skill is "worth it" in its current state, at least compared to the alternate option.

In a vacuum it's a good skill, likely rating rather high on the (per skill point) power level it can bring to your fleet as it lets you get the obscenely powerful Radiant, or a swarm of "free" officers.
But when considered versus the alternate choice it's only an alright skill, and only maybe better than the alternative in the very specific case where you go for frigate spam, to boost the number of officers in your fleet and gain an ECM boost over the enemy.


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Re: Automated Ships skill sucks
« Reply #48 on: April 23, 2021, 07:23:21 PM »

Which of those *** options did you imagine when you first saw the skill? I didn't picture them.
Radiant, because it was an overpowered SNK boss ship while the smaller ships were on par with best-in-class human ships (aside from more PPT) during the earlier 0.9.x releases.  When Radiant's stats were left unchanged this release, the choice was a no-brainer if I took Automated Ships.

Ordos last release was all about Radiant.  If there were no Radiants, Ordos was rolled over.  Two full Ordos fleets without a Radiant was weaker than one that had Radiants in it.


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Re: Automated Ships skill sucks
« Reply #49 on: April 23, 2021, 11:13:44 PM »

I have tried both spec mods and auto ships. The former was alright, but story points were still required, so I still used them on ships I was certain I wouldn't lose. The latter, with a Radiant, felt like it just lowered the game difficulty down two levels. Only ordos with Radiants pose significant challenge now. Everything else I might as well just autopilot and wait until I won.


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Re: Automated Ships skill sucks
« Reply #50 on: April 24, 2021, 03:55:39 AM »

is the ziggurat automated ship or cant it be used by player?
what do I need to defeat the ship?
I was 1x on the alpha site but, my fleet was lol like shade,enforcer and some frigates

now I have 2 champions,eagle,aurora and 1,3mio credits for more


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Re: Automated Ships skill sucks
« Reply #51 on: April 24, 2021, 04:37:52 AM »

Ziggurat takes crew, and you can pilot it.  Your version does not have purple motes that do nastier things than what blue motes can do.

I had radiant, some cruisers, and other smaller ships.  Lost four or five ships (all recovered, and waited almost a year for Field Repairs to make them pristine again.)


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Re: Automated Ships skill sucks
« Reply #52 on: April 24, 2021, 11:52:22 AM »

I think 40%CR above is usable,and you can choose some skills to increase your total CR.

Besides, there is no need for that high CR.With a Radiant in your fleet,there is nearly no battle can last that long to eat up all your peak time in Radiant.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2021, 11:55:58 AM by Forever_Riter »


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Re: Automated Ships skill sucks
« Reply #53 on: April 24, 2021, 04:33:52 PM »

Besides, there is no need for that high CR.With a Radiant in your fleet,there is nearly no battle can last that long to eat up all your peak time in Radiant.
Yes, for chain battling or even a single encounter that lasts more than one round.  Currently, Efficiency Overhaul is a tax if I want my Radiant out of the yellow as quickly as possible after one fight.

Also, when I got Radiant fairly early, it was not enough to win 300k+ fights by itself.  Sure, it did lots of damage, but without adequate support from my weak ships at the time, it could get swarmed and killed.
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