Which of those *** options did you imagine when you first saw the skill? I didn't picture them.
I saw the skill, thought that the DP limit might be restrictive, but went for it anyway just to try it out. (not like i was locked into it permanently after all)
My intention with getting the skill, was to go for one or two of the larger ships (To note: i've not at all gone for frigate/ecm spam in my playthrough)
(Overall my personal preference in (endgame) fleet setup that i've developed, is one or two capitals, backed up by mostly cruisers and only going into destroyer/frigate for "super ships" (hyperion) or ships that can otherwise pull their weight when facing off against larger vessels.)When i got the skill my fleet had, 2-3 cruisers iirc, and as i got it in a mid-threat [REDACTED] system, I managed to grab a Brilliant basically right after getting the skill, it proved a nice high-aggression addition to my fleet, as my fleet grew and i started facing larger threats it started to be almost more trouble than it was worth, constantly taking heavy damage and being disabled once or twice.
(likely down to the loadout i picked) so i kept it as a reserve ship that i deployed less often, and kept my eyes open for a radiant when i could get one. A while later i finally got a radiant, and it proved really powerful (to no real surprise).
But still, i'm not saying the skill is "worth it" in its current state, at least compared to the alternate option.
In a vacuum it's a
good skill, likely rating rather high on the (per skill point) power level it can bring to your fleet as it lets you get the obscenely powerful Radiant, or a swarm of "free" officers.
But when considered versus the alternate choice it's
only an alright skill, and only maybe better than the alternative in the very specific case where you go for frigate spam, to boost the number of officers in your fleet and gain an ECM boost over the enemy.