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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a-RC10] Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.62  (Read 393349 times)


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.45
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2021, 11:55:18 AM »

Ship is so beautiful. tks for your great Work  ;D


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.46
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2021, 12:52:53 AM »

the ships look great, but I think you could remove the kitbash thrusters and make new original ones just for the mod.
Doom-Class Cruisers are my Bloodtype


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.46
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2021, 10:10:23 AM »

the ships look great, but I think you could remove the kitbash thrusters and make new original ones just for the mod.
Yeah, that's a good idea, probably gonna do that next update.
Thank you for your input!


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.46
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2021, 10:22:37 AM »

the ships look great, but I think you could remove the kitbash thrusters and make new original ones just for the mod.
Yeah, that's a good idea, probably gonna do that next update.
Thank you for your input!
Always happy to help!  :D
Doom-Class Cruisers are my Bloodtype


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.47
« Reply #34 on: October 28, 2021, 11:03:03 AM »

I've been using (and enjoying) this mod for a while now, and I figure with the recent update now's a good time as any for some feedback. I'm not usually one to call things too strong, but there are several outliers that really stick out to me:

First off, the weapon that inspired me to make this post, the brand new Type 63. Supposedly a budget version of the HVD, a much better comparison can be made to the heavy needler. It has the same efficiency, similar hit strength and mimicks the burst fire of the HN with its magazine. The main difference is the significant gain of 250 range and the loss of 70 sustained dps. So far it sounds like a great sidegrade to the needler, if their OP cost was the same. At 9 OP there's simply no good reason to not use this every time, in place of not just the HN but basically any other medium kinetic. The price/performance is just that good.

Next up we've got the Gepard CIWS. This is just an upgraded heavy machine gun, except now that its range is 600 you can slap it on any ship that is slightly faster than average and do incredibly efficient kinetic dps, instead of being limited to PD usage or on Safety Overrides fits. It's actually a better choice even on SO fits, despite the extra range. This isn't even factoring in the additional frag on-hit effect.

Continuing in the same family of guns we've got the Saturation Coil CIWS. Comparing this to the storm needler isn't exactly fair, since the SN itself is quite lackluster. So I dug into my modlist, to try and find something comparable. Despite my best effort I can confidently say this is the most efficent large kinetic "PD" (since you're usually mounting this with the intent to use it as a direct combat weapon) I've ever seen. On top of all this, it's also got a DPS advantage and EMP on hit.

Last on this list we have the Particle Caliver. Already incredibly efficient compared to its vanilla counterpart (at the cost of hit strength and range), that isn't even the main reason I've listed it. The issue is what isn't on the stat card, the fact that this causes EMP arcs and not just EMP on hit (this should really be listed, the particle scatterblaster lists it but in the description instead of at the bottom like the ion cannon). Not nearly as much as an ion cannon, but more than enough to fry small weapon mounts and small engines, which is what you're going to be shooting at with this weapon (after easily suppressing their shield).

Now for a few extra (non-balance) nitpicks:

The stab wing is missing a type.

The Cainhurst's built in weapons claim to be more efficient than the TPC (in the description), but aren't. Even assuming 0.91 values they still wouldn't be more flux efficient. They are also missing a sprite in the stat card.

Some ships have a strange non-rounded value for their shield efficiency. Namely the Cainhurst (0.93), the new battlecruiser (0.88) and several frigates. Is this intentional or an oversight?
« Last Edit: October 28, 2021, 12:22:48 PM by Mr_8000 »


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.47
« Reply #35 on: October 28, 2021, 05:11:41 PM »

I've been using (and enjoying) this mod for a while now, and I figure with the recent update now's a good time as any for some feedback. I'm not usually one to call things too strong, but there are several outliers that really stick out to me:

First off, the weapon that inspired me to make this post, the brand new Type 63. Supposedly a budget version of the HVD, a much better comparison can be made to the heavy needler. It has the same efficiency, similar hit strength and mimicks the burst fire of the HN with its magazine. The main difference is the significant gain of 250 range and the loss of 70 sustained dps. So far it sounds like a great sidegrade to the needler, if their OP cost was the same. At 9 OP there's simply no good reason to not use this every time, in place of not just the HN but basically any other medium kinetic. The price/performance is just that good.

Next up we've got the Gepard CIWS. This is just an upgraded heavy machine gun, except now that its range is 600 you can slap it on any ship that is slightly faster than average and do incredibly efficient kinetic dps, instead of being limited to PD usage or on Safety Overrides fits. It's actually a better choice even on SO fits, despite the extra range. This isn't even factoring in the additional frag on-hit effect.

Continuing in the same family of guns we've got the Saturation Coil CIWS. Comparing this to the storm needler isn't exactly fair, since the SN itself is quite lackluster. So I dug into my modlist, to try and find something comparable. Despite my best effort I can confidently say this is the most efficent large kinetic "PD" (since you're usually mounting this with the intent to use it as a direct combat weapon) I've ever seen. On top of all this, it's also got a DPS advantage and EMP on hit.

Last on this list we have the Particle Caliver. Already incredibly efficient compared to its vanilla counterpart (at the cost of hit strength and range), that isn't even the main reason I've listed it. The issue is what isn't on the stat card, the fact that this causes EMP arcs and not just EMP on hit (this should really be listed, the particle scatterblaster lists it but in the description instead of at the bottom like the ion cannon). Not nearly as much as an ion cannon, but more than enough to fry small weapon mounts and small engines, which is what you're going to be shooting at with this weapon (after easily suppressing their shield).

Now for a few extra (non-balance) nitpicks:

The stab wing is missing a type.

The Cainhurst's built in weapons claim to be more efficient than the TPC (in the description), but aren't. Even assuming 0.91 values they still wouldn't be more flux efficient. They are also missing a sprite in the stat card.

Some ships have a strange non-rounded value for their shield efficiency. Namely the Cainhurst (0.93), the new battlecruiser (0.88) and several frigates. Is this intentional or an oversight?
Thank you for your input!

The Type 63's fire rate with a full magazine has been halved, from 0.1 to 0.2 cooldown, with the same sustained fire rate. Each projectile now only deals 50 damage. Burst DPS is 250, sustained is 150.

Saturation Coil CIWS's damage against non-fighter targets reduced from 30 to 20.

Particle Caliver's on-hit EMP arc removed.

All wings have proper type.

Cainhurst's builtins having lower efficiency was a holdover from when they had higher damage per shot. Stats have been changed so that the claim of increased efficiency is now true.

The Cainhurst is supposed to have a .925 shield efficiency, but Starsector's engine refuses to show them properly, same with the battlecruiser and the frigates.

Hotfix live, hope it's better now.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2021, 05:45:00 PM by Unit9461 »


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.47
« Reply #36 on: October 28, 2021, 10:41:49 PM »

Thanks for taking my feedback into consideration. Though I do still have to inform you that whatever changes were made to the Reiterpallasch didn't make it into the hotfix (stats appear unchanged). You also didn't comment on the gepard (I'm assuming this means you thinks it's fine, but just checking in case you skimmed over it). I do apologize for the continued nitpicking.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2021, 03:23:26 PM by Mr_8000 »


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.47
« Reply #37 on: November 09, 2021, 02:15:48 AM »

I agree to the post of Mr_8000.
The Gepard CIWS is extreme powerful. I mounted it on some fast frigates with a medium slot and most enemies up to light destroyers don't have a chance. It feels a litte bit cheaty to use it :D


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.47
« Reply #38 on: November 11, 2021, 07:39:29 PM »

I agree to the post of Mr_8000.
The Gepard CIWS is extreme powerful. I mounted it on some fast frigates with a medium slot and most enemies up to light destroyers don't have a chance. It feels a litte bit cheaty to use it :D
Thanks for taking my feedback into consideration. Though I do still have to inform you that whatever changes were made to the Reiterpallasch didn't make it into the hotfix (stats appear unchanged). You also didn't comment on the gepard (I'm assuming this means you thinks it's fine, but just checking in case you skimmed over it). I do apologize for the continued nitpicking.
I see, I'll probably decrease the RoF by 20% by the next update.


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.48
« Reply #39 on: December 05, 2021, 12:32:31 PM »

I'm using the Atlas Mk.IIb and I realised the bottom 2 medium mounts are angled differently, the right one can aim higher than the left, is this a mistake or intended pirate certified OCD engineering moment? also there art seems to have 2 small mounts at the front of the thing, but there are no usable mounts.


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.48
« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2021, 12:33:31 PM »

I'm using the Atlas Mk.IIb and I realised the bottom 2 medium mounts are angled differently, the right one can aim higher than the left, is this a mistake or intended pirate certified OCD engineering moment? also there art seems to have 2 small mounts at the front of the thing, but there are no usable mounts.
I see, I'll make sure to fix it next update


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.48
« Reply #41 on: December 16, 2021, 06:26:15 AM »

I just want to say that while I agree with the earlier comments, I really enjoy the addition of the things in this mod. Likewise your balancing afterwards is well appreciated!


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.49
« Reply #42 on: December 21, 2021, 06:56:08 AM »

Love the Mod, newest Update makes my game crash though with a "Fatal: Ship hull spec [expsp_salient_redcomet] not found! error


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.49
« Reply #43 on: December 21, 2021, 01:47:50 PM »

Love the Mod, newest Update makes my game crash though with a "Fatal: Ship hull spec [expsp_salient_redcomet] not found! error

Same problem.


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Re: Machina Void Shipyards v. 0.49
« Reply #44 on: December 21, 2021, 02:41:38 PM »

Love the Mod, newest Update makes my game crash though with a "Fatal: Ship hull spec [expsp_salient_redcomet] not found! error

Same problem.
Love the Mod, newest Update makes my game crash though with a "Fatal: Ship hull spec [expsp_salient_redcomet] not found! error
Odd, does this occur on game load, or when loading a save?
If it does so when loading saves, then I'll have to mark the update as save breaking.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2021, 02:46:17 PM by Unit9461 »
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