Roider Union 1.2.2
A highly polished faction mod that adds a small, Independent-like faction of united asteroid miners.
Every aspect of the faction (lore, visuals, gameplay) integrates perfectly into the vanilla setting.
All of the faction's ships are conversions of vanilla designs (including armored and weaponized civilian ships) which can be bought directly or converted for you by Roiders if certain conditions are met.
Visually, most are not simply recolors or kitbashes however and every ship sprite is high quality.
Ship gameplay-wise, they come with their own passive gameplay additions (fighter clamps, MIDAS armor, additional armor blocks). Most ships are well-armored (unlike pirate/ pather conversions) and simple to play (including for AI) and have basic ship systems (no crazy game-changing effects).
The mod also adds a few thematic weapons and fighters that synergize with Nexerelin's mining and fulfill some gameplay niches.
The current mod balance is good versus vanilla ships/weapons.
Campaign gameplay-wise, Roiders are multi-faceted and exist not only in two settled worlds but also in randomized, temporary bases in fringe systems while some rogue Roiders can also go pirate (though regular Roiders hate pirates). In Nexerelin they are fairly passive (not sector conquerors) but will ally to factions with whom they have common traits/enemies.
Even if you don't visit their worlds, you will often see small groups of them around thanks to their nomadic nature.
The player can attract Roiders by building Roider Dives at their colonies, which can upgrade to Roider union HQs to gain local access to conversion services.
Final words:
If you want to play a space miner, this vanilla-friendly faction is just about perfect.
If you don't want to play a space miner, this faction is still a great plus to any campaign as a non-intrusive variant to Independents with its own identity and gameplay additions.