Options are good, and having option to make shieldless build is great, but current Shield shunt seems to work entirely backwards. As someone already pointed out: "You are spending OP to make your ship worse". Even ships with terrible shields like Conquest better of spending those OP on anything else and still have shield to catch some occasional torpedo or scary HE weapon shot.
Let's compare it with Resistant Flux Conduits. They both provide 50% EMP resistance, Conduits cost 5 OP more on capital but provide you with 25% flux vent bonus (which now even more important, because we no longer have additional 25% from skills) and leave your shield enabled. Again, I don't think 5 additional OP worth it even for Conquest, even if you need EMP resistance you better off just squeeze this 5 OP from somewhere and get yourself Conduits.
I see 2 ways how Shield shunt can be improved:
First one is by giving it additional bonuses, like increased armor, maybe some flux buffs or very limited armor regen. Which is sound like pretty herd to balance thing.
Second one is reverting hullmod cost into giving OP instead. And plain additional OP is way more flexible than any bonuses, because you can spend them on whatever this exact ship needs. It's even sounds more logical, because I imagine by disabling shield you're also removing all the equipment need for it to function, freeing up space and system energy or whatever for additional modifications.
Or a hybrid of both can be used, by giving out additional OP and a bit of bonuses on top. Shield is still too good to ships with decent flux stats and shield efficiency to give up for a bit of additional OP.
Anyway, does anyone have any success with this hullmod?